
Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body`s Most Underrated Org

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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Zvezdara,

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Oblast: Ostalo
ISBN: 1922247960
Godina izdanja: 2015
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Giulia Enders - Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body`s Most Under-Rated Organ
Scribe 2015
262 str.
meki povez
stanje: dobro

Jill Enders (Illustrator), David Shaw (Translator)

Our gut is almost as important to us as our brain and yet we know very little about how it works. Gut: The Inside Story is an entertaining, informative tour of the digestive system from the moment we raise a tasty morsel to our lips until the moment our body surrenders the remnants to the toilet bowl. No topic is too lowly for the author`s wonder and admiration, from the careful choreography of breaking wind to the precise internal communication required for a cleansing vomit. Along the way, the author provides practical advice such as the best ways to sit on the toilet to have a comfortable bowel movement, how clean your kitchen should be for optimum gut health, and how different laxatives work. She tells stories of gut bacteria that can lead to obesity, autoimmune diseases, or even suicide, and she discusses the benefits of dietary supplements such as probiotics. This book is a fascinating primer for anyone interested in how our ideas about the gut are changing in the light of cutting-edge scientific research. In the words of the author, `We live in an era in which we are just beginning to understand just how complex the connections are between us, our food, our pets and the microscopic world in, on, and around us. We are gradually decoding processes that we used to believe were part of our inescapable destiny.`

With quirky charm, rising science star Giulia Enders explains the gut`s magic, answering questions like: Why does acid reflux happen? What`s really up with gluten and lactose intolerance? How does the gut affect obesity and mood? Enders`s beguiling manifesto will make you finally listen to those butterflies in your stomach: they`re trying to tell you something important.

The key to living a happier, healthier life is inside us. Our gut is almost as important to us as our brain or our heart, yet we know very little about how it works. In Gut, Giulia Enders shows that rather than the utilitarian and - let`s be honest - somewhat embarrassing body part we imagine it to be, it is one of the most complex, important, and even miraculous parts of our anatomy. And scientists are only just discovering quite how much it has to offer; new research shows that gut bacteria can play a role in everything from obesity and allergies to Alzheimer`s.

1. Gut Feeling
How Does Pooping Work? And Why That`s an Important Question
The Gateway to the Gut
The Structure of the Gut
What We Really Eat
Allergies and Intolerances
A Few Facts About Feces
2. The Nervous System Of The Gut
How Our Organs Transport Food
The Brain and the Gut
3. The World Of Microbes
I Am an Ecosystem
The Immune System and Our Bacteria
The Development of the Gut Flora
The Adult Gut Population
The Role of the Gut Flora
The Bad Guys
Harmful Bacteria and Parasites
Of Cleanliness and Good Bacteria

Nonfiction, 1922247960, Probava

Za kupovinu više knjiga i/ili cd-a u ukupnoj vrednosti većoj od 4000 din. poštarina je besplatna.
Plaćanje pouzećem i postnetom za sada nisu opcija.
Lično preuzimanje je isključivo na Konjarniku uz prethodni dogovor.
Hvala na razumevanju.

Predmet: 79069821
Giulia Enders - Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body`s Most Under-Rated Organ
Scribe 2015
262 str.
meki povez
stanje: dobro

Jill Enders (Illustrator), David Shaw (Translator)

Our gut is almost as important to us as our brain and yet we know very little about how it works. Gut: The Inside Story is an entertaining, informative tour of the digestive system from the moment we raise a tasty morsel to our lips until the moment our body surrenders the remnants to the toilet bowl. No topic is too lowly for the author`s wonder and admiration, from the careful choreography of breaking wind to the precise internal communication required for a cleansing vomit. Along the way, the author provides practical advice such as the best ways to sit on the toilet to have a comfortable bowel movement, how clean your kitchen should be for optimum gut health, and how different laxatives work. She tells stories of gut bacteria that can lead to obesity, autoimmune diseases, or even suicide, and she discusses the benefits of dietary supplements such as probiotics. This book is a fascinating primer for anyone interested in how our ideas about the gut are changing in the light of cutting-edge scientific research. In the words of the author, `We live in an era in which we are just beginning to understand just how complex the connections are between us, our food, our pets and the microscopic world in, on, and around us. We are gradually decoding processes that we used to believe were part of our inescapable destiny.`

With quirky charm, rising science star Giulia Enders explains the gut`s magic, answering questions like: Why does acid reflux happen? What`s really up with gluten and lactose intolerance? How does the gut affect obesity and mood? Enders`s beguiling manifesto will make you finally listen to those butterflies in your stomach: they`re trying to tell you something important.

The key to living a happier, healthier life is inside us. Our gut is almost as important to us as our brain or our heart, yet we know very little about how it works. In Gut, Giulia Enders shows that rather than the utilitarian and - let`s be honest - somewhat embarrassing body part we imagine it to be, it is one of the most complex, important, and even miraculous parts of our anatomy. And scientists are only just discovering quite how much it has to offer; new research shows that gut bacteria can play a role in everything from obesity and allergies to Alzheimer`s.

1. Gut Feeling
How Does Pooping Work? And Why That`s an Important Question
The Gateway to the Gut
The Structure of the Gut
What We Really Eat
Allergies and Intolerances
A Few Facts About Feces
2. The Nervous System Of The Gut
How Our Organs Transport Food
The Brain and the Gut
3. The World Of Microbes
I Am an Ecosystem
The Immune System and Our Bacteria
The Development of the Gut Flora
The Adult Gut Population
The Role of the Gut Flora
The Bad Guys
Harmful Bacteria and Parasites
Of Cleanliness and Good Bacteria

Nonfiction, 1922247960, Probava
79069821 Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body`s Most Underrated Org

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