Cena: |
Stanje: | Polovan bez oštećenja |
Garancija: | Ne |
Isporuka: | AKS Pošta CC paket (Pošta) Post Express Lično preuzimanje |
Plaćanje: | Tekući račun (pre slanja) Lično |
Grad: |
Šabac, Šabac |
ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1999
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Oftamologija
Autor: Strani
SV 18
60865) Osnovi Oftamologije na engleskom jeziku , Basic Ophthalmology , Cynthia A. Bradford , American Academy of Ophthalmology 1999 , for Medical Students and Primary Care Residents , Presenting the most important concepts of diagnosis and management in the field of eye care, this text complements the medical student curriculum. Each chapter includes learning objectives and sample clinical problems. A companion set of 78 colour slides is also available.
paperback , size 18 x 25 cm , English , 175 pages