
Dumping Billy - Olivia Goldsmith

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2004.
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Dumping Billy - Olivia Goldsmith
Tvrd povez 323 str.
Knjiga je potpisana.
A New York Times Bestselling Author
It`s not just that Brooklyn bar owner Billy Nolan is wickedly handsome; it`s also that any woman he dates and dumps immediately marries the next person she meets. Kate Jameson, who fled Brooklyn for Manhattan, is immune to his charms. Then her best friend`s engagement is broken, and Kate hatches a plan to have Billy date and dump her to reunite the pair. But Kate hasn`t counted on how Billy feels about the scheme - or how she begins to feel about Billy.

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Predmet: 52561005
Dumping Billy - Olivia Goldsmith
Tvrd povez 323 str.
Knjiga je potpisana.
A New York Times Bestselling Author
It`s not just that Brooklyn bar owner Billy Nolan is wickedly handsome; it`s also that any woman he dates and dumps immediately marries the next person she meets. Kate Jameson, who fled Brooklyn for Manhattan, is immune to his charms. Then her best friend`s engagement is broken, and Kate hatches a plan to have Billy date and dump her to reunite the pair. But Kate hasn`t counted on how Billy feels about the scheme - or how she begins to feel about Billy.
52561005 Dumping Billy - Olivia Goldsmith

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