Cena: |
Želi ovaj predmet: | 1 |
Stanje: | Polovan bez oštećenja |
Garancija: | Ne |
Isporuka: | AKS BEX City Express Pošta DExpress Post Express Lično preuzimanje |
Plaćanje: | Tekući račun (pre slanja) PostNet (pre slanja) Ostalo (pre slanja) Lično |
Grad: |
Beograd-Stari grad, Beograd-Stari grad |
ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1968
Jezik: Srpski
Autor: Strani
Predgovor - Branimir Živojinović
Prevod i pogovor - Slobodan Glumac
Izdavač - Srpska književna zadruga, Beograd
Godina - 1968
XVI + 218 strana
21 cm
Edicija - SKZ - kolo 61 - knjiga 414
Povez - Tvrd
Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja
`Germany. A Winter`s Tale (German: Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen) is a satirical epic poem by the German writer Heinrich Heine (1797–1856), describing the thoughts of a journey from Paris to Hamburg the author made in winter 1843. The title refers to Shakespeare`s Winter`s Tale, similar to his poem Atta Troll: Ein Sommernachtstraum (`Atta Troll: A Midsummer Night`s Dream`), written 1841–46.
This poem was immediately censored in most of Germany, but ironically it became one of the reasons for Heine`s growing fame.`
Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku.
Heinrich Heine Deutschland Atta Troll