
James`s Desserts - Chef`s favourites

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Grad: Beograd-Dobanovci,

dejanstanx (4629)

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Kupindo zaštita

ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2013
Tip: Dezerti
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

160 STR

The book features classic desserts including tarte tatin and pavlova, comfort food such as sticky toffee pudding and chocolate chip cookies and old favourites including spicy plum crumble and lemon meringue pie, as well as many new ideas destined to become classics in their own right. An illustrated basics chapter explains different techniques and the book is illustrated throughout with mouth-watering photographs. James`s Desserts is the ultimate book that will provide a sweet treat for every occasion.


MARTOVSKA AKCIJA na sve knjige popust 20 %. Ako vas neka knjiiga zanima a da nema aktiviran popust molim vas da mi javite da aktiviram popust od 20 %, jer ako kupite po punoj ceni onda popust ne važi.

Za stripove je popust 10 %, isto važi ako nije aktviran, javite da aktiviram popust.

Lično preuzimanje je od srede do petka u 17h u Delta Citiju na Novom Beogradu
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Predmet: 64019449
160 STR

The book features classic desserts including tarte tatin and pavlova, comfort food such as sticky toffee pudding and chocolate chip cookies and old favourites including spicy plum crumble and lemon meringue pie, as well as many new ideas destined to become classics in their own right. An illustrated basics chapter explains different techniques and the book is illustrated throughout with mouth-watering photographs. James`s Desserts is the ultimate book that will provide a sweet treat for every occasion.

64019449 James`s Desserts - Chef`s favourites

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