
The Southern Gardener and Receipt Book

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Grad: Smederevska Palanka,
Smederevska Palanka

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1984.
Jezik: Engleski
Tip: Opšti kuvar (sva jela)
Autor: Strani

The Southern Gardener and Receipt Book
by P. Thornton

Antique American Cookbooks

Oxmoor House; First Edition edition (1984)
403 strane, tvrd povez, udžbenički format.

Odlično očuvana.

Predivan povez.

A facsimile reproduction of the original 1845 book of recipes, cures, potions, common remedies, tinctures, and other concoctions a household relied upon. Also discusses tending of the herb garden necessary for many of the potions. It`s pretty neat.

The sections and some of their contents:
- Introduction by Shirley Abbott. illustrated with numerous color and b&w period pictures. - 27 pp
- Preface - regarding seeds - 5 pp
- Directions for gardening (lots of specifics about vegetables and fruits - 103 pp
- Cookery Made Plain and Easy - 88 pp with recipes like: Indian Pudding, Oyster Pie, Sponge Cake, Persimmon Beer, Attar of Roses, etc.
- A Collection of Receipts for Domestic Purposes - 77 pp including receipts for: curing hams, making dipped candles, prevent moths, remove ink spots, wood polishing, making rice glue, etc.
- A Valuable Collection of Receipts for the Cure of Diseases of Man - 108 pp including: antidote for poison by arsenic, cure for cholera morbus, cure for the sting of a wasp or bee, cure for the itch, cure for the croup, etc.

Lično preuzimanje se odnosi na preuzimanje u Smederevskoj Palanci.

Kada je o prodaji knjiga reč, pod `organizovanim transportom` smatram preporučenu tiskovinu ili paket (kada su kompleti i teže knjige). To je najpovoljniji način slanja, knjiga ponekad stiže za dan, ali obično ne, poštar ne zove primaoca telefonom. (Prilikom kupovine se čekira `Pošta` ili `Organizovani transport`, koji u zavisnosti od toga kada je knjiga stavljena u prodaju ima i zastarele cene poštarine).

Post Express je dvostruko skuplji ali brže stiže.

Poštarina za CC paket putem Pošte je poskupela, platićete je po prijemu paketa.

Običnu tiskovinu ne šaljem jer nemam dokaz o slanju. Molim Vas da ako insistirate na običnoj tiskovini, knjige ne kupujete od mene.

Novi cenovnik Pošte za preporučenu tiskovinu - organizovani transport (cene su zaokružene):

- 100g-250g - 140 dinara
- 250g-500g - 170 dinara
- 500g-1kg - 180 dinara
- 1kg-2kg - 210 dinara

Ne postoji opcija slanja preporučene tiskovine teže od 2 kg, tako da se te pošiljke šalju kao paket.

Molim kupce iz inostranstva da me pre kupovine kontaktiraju porukom kako bismo se dogovorili oko uslova uplaćivanja i slanja. Ovo je veoma bitno, između ostalog, i zbog toga što su poštarine Pošte Srbije visoke i za zemlje u okruženju jer se pošiljke šalju isključivo avionom.

Besplatna poštarina se ne odnosi na slanje u inostranstvo.

Pogledajte i ponudu na:

Ukoliko i tamo nešto pronađete, platićete preko istog računa i uštedeti na poštarini.

Predmet: 53624633
The Southern Gardener and Receipt Book
by P. Thornton

Antique American Cookbooks

Oxmoor House; First Edition edition (1984)
403 strane, tvrd povez, udžbenički format.

Odlično očuvana.

Predivan povez.

A facsimile reproduction of the original 1845 book of recipes, cures, potions, common remedies, tinctures, and other concoctions a household relied upon. Also discusses tending of the herb garden necessary for many of the potions. It`s pretty neat.

The sections and some of their contents:
- Introduction by Shirley Abbott. illustrated with numerous color and b&w period pictures. - 27 pp
- Preface - regarding seeds - 5 pp
- Directions for gardening (lots of specifics about vegetables and fruits - 103 pp
- Cookery Made Plain and Easy - 88 pp with recipes like: Indian Pudding, Oyster Pie, Sponge Cake, Persimmon Beer, Attar of Roses, etc.
- A Collection of Receipts for Domestic Purposes - 77 pp including receipts for: curing hams, making dipped candles, prevent moths, remove ink spots, wood polishing, making rice glue, etc.
- A Valuable Collection of Receipts for the Cure of Diseases of Man - 108 pp including: antidote for poison by arsenic, cure for cholera morbus, cure for the sting of a wasp or bee, cure for the itch, cure for the croup, etc.
53624633 The Southern Gardener and Receipt Book

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