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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1974
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

A new edition, edited with an introduction and glossary by Peter Alexander.

Publisher: Collins, London and Glasgow.
Publication date: 1974
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: xxxii, 1376 pages
Dimension: 21 cm.

The reputation of this one-volume Shakespeare edited by Professor Peter Alexander, has increased steadily since publication. The reason for this is twofold; the quality is exceptionally high, while the price is remarkably low.
The text is internationally accepted as consistently sound, reliable and authoritative.
The additional material includes an introduction by Professor Alexander summarizing the findings of research on Shakespeare`s life and development as a dramatist; the Preliminary Matter to the First Folio, a contemporary document about Shakespeare and the publication of his plays, of unique value and fascination; an Appendix on some of the problems encountered by Shakespeare`s first printers, with a special transcript of the only extant manuscript accepted as being in his handwriting; a Glossary containing nearly 2,500 entries.
The type is clear and large enough to read without strain and the lines are numbered for easy reference and link with standard concordances.
The same text is also available in Collins Classics in four volumes, with introductions to each play and group introductions to the Comedies, Histories, Tragedies and Poems, and other useful supplements.

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KC (N)

Na odmoru sam od 1. do 13. septembra, tako da lično preuzimanje i slanje knjiga može od 14. septembra

Predmet: 78294269
A new edition, edited with an introduction and glossary by Peter Alexander.

Publisher: Collins, London and Glasgow.
Publication date: 1974
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: xxxii, 1376 pages
Dimension: 21 cm.

The reputation of this one-volume Shakespeare edited by Professor Peter Alexander, has increased steadily since publication. The reason for this is twofold; the quality is exceptionally high, while the price is remarkably low.
The text is internationally accepted as consistently sound, reliable and authoritative.
The additional material includes an introduction by Professor Alexander summarizing the findings of research on Shakespeare`s life and development as a dramatist; the Preliminary Matter to the First Folio, a contemporary document about Shakespeare and the publication of his plays, of unique value and fascination; an Appendix on some of the problems encountered by Shakespeare`s first printers, with a special transcript of the only extant manuscript accepted as being in his handwriting; a Glossary containing nearly 2,500 entries.
The type is clear and large enough to read without strain and the lines are numbered for easy reference and link with standard concordances.
The same text is also available in Collins Classics in four volumes, with introductions to each play and group introductions to the Comedies, Histories, Tragedies and Poems, and other useful supplements.

Šekspir, sabrana dela

KC (N)

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