
Isaac Bashevis Singer - The Slave

500 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 1
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Zvezdara,

ljilja_bgd (1182)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 6110

  Pošalji poruku

Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

ISBN: 0140037926 
Godina izdanja: 1979
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Isaac Bashevis Singer - The Slave
Penguin, 1979
235 str.
meki povez
stanje: dobro

Four years after the Chmielnicki massacres of the seventeenth century, Jacob, a slave and cowherd in a Polish village high in the mountains, falls in love with Wanda, his master`s daughter. Even after he is ransomed, he finds he can`t live without her, and the two escape together to a distant Jewish community. Racked by his consciousness of sin in taking a Gentile wife and by the difficulties of concealing her identity, Jacob nonetheless stands firm as the violence of the era threatens to destroy the ill-fated couple.

Fiction, Classics

Za kupovinu više knjiga i/ili cd-a u ukupnoj vrednosti većoj od 4000 din. poštarina je besplatna.
Plaćanje pouzećem i postnetom za sada nisu opcija.
Lično preuzimanje je isključivo na Konjarniku uz prethodni dogovor.
Hvala na razumevanju.

Predmet: 53659389
Isaac Bashevis Singer - The Slave
Penguin, 1979
235 str.
meki povez
stanje: dobro

Four years after the Chmielnicki massacres of the seventeenth century, Jacob, a slave and cowherd in a Polish village high in the mountains, falls in love with Wanda, his master`s daughter. Even after he is ransomed, he finds he can`t live without her, and the two escape together to a distant Jewish community. Racked by his consciousness of sin in taking a Gentile wife and by the difficulties of concealing her identity, Jacob nonetheless stands firm as the violence of the era threatens to destroy the ill-fated couple.

Fiction, Classics
53659389 Isaac Bashevis Singer - The Slave

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