Cena: |
Stanje: | Polovan bez oštećenja |
Garancija: | Ne |
Isporuka: | Pošta CC paket (Pošta) DExpress Post Express Lično preuzimanje |
Plaćanje: | Tekući račun (pre slanja) PostNet (pre slanja) Ostalo (pre slanja) Lično |
Grad: |
Beograd-Batajnica, Beograd-Zemun |
ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2005
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Autor: Leon Uris
Izdavač: Avon Books, New York 2005.
Mek povez, 472 stranice, 18x11cm
Tekst na engleskom jeziku
Dobro očuvano
- `In the years following America`s terrible Civil War, the fate of the U.S. Marine Corps rests in the capable hands of Zachary O`Hara. A first-generation Irish-American and son of a legendary war hero, O`Hara is the one man who can prevent the dissolution of his father`s beloved `Wart-Hogs,` thereby ensuring his own future as a valuable member of this proud and vital branch of his nation`s armed forces. But a dark secret weighs heavily on this tormented, dedicated warrior. ...`