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Grad: Čukarica,

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- ima 100 jedinstvenih pozitivnih ocena od kupaca,
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Pozitivne: 10158

  Pošalji poruku

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Kupindo zaštita

Godina izdanja: 2008
ISBN: 978-86-7712-240-0
Autor: Domaći
Jezik: Engleski

Momo Kapor: THE MAGIC OF BELGRADE - ILUSTRATED BY THE AUTHOR, mek povez sa klapnom, 435strana, ilustrovano, izdavač: Knjiga komerc - Beograd
For over fifty years, Belgrade has provided a constant source of inspiration for the writer and painter Momo Kapor. In hisstories, essays and sketches, as well as in the highly refined strokes of his pen, he has been trying to discover wht it is that actually constitutesthe magic of Belgrade.
;This book consists of stories and fragments, of anecdotes and of strange biographies of the inhabitants of this city which have beene selected from a few of the forty-plus books produced by this author of bestsellers translated into numerous languages.

Molim za kontakt preko kupindo poruka!
Lično preuzimanje se vrši na okretnici autobusa 52 na Ceraku kod Vidikovačke pijace!
Slanje knjiga kao: Preporučena tiskovina, Post-expresom, Običnom tiskovinom, BEX-om, AKS-om
Tekuci racun je u Banci - Poštanskoj štedionici
Šaljem u inostranstvo - plaćanje preko WESTERN UNIONA!!

Predmet: 54334695
Momo Kapor: THE MAGIC OF BELGRADE - ILUSTRATED BY THE AUTHOR, mek povez sa klapnom, 435strana, ilustrovano, izdavač: Knjiga komerc - Beograd
For over fifty years, Belgrade has provided a constant source of inspiration for the writer and painter Momo Kapor. In hisstories, essays and sketches, as well as in the highly refined strokes of his pen, he has been trying to discover wht it is that actually constitutesthe magic of Belgrade.
;This book consists of stories and fragments, of anecdotes and of strange biographies of the inhabitants of this city which have beene selected from a few of the forty-plus books produced by this author of bestsellers translated into numerous languages.
54334695 Momo Kapor: THE MAGIC OF BELGRADE

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