
William Tell and Other Stories - Reteling John Escott

250 din
Stanje: Nekorišćen
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Niš-Medijana,

Sule (2953)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 4200

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Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

William Tell and Other Stories
(Viljem Tel i druge priče)
`Oxford University Press` Oxford
Sa CD-om kompletnog teksta
skraćeno ilustrovano izdanje
Pogodno za decu i početnike
broširano izdanje, perfektno očuvana
na engleskom jeziku

The men and the woman in this book - William Tell, Tom Blood, Lord Bao, King Matthias, Johnny Appleseed, and Lady Godiva - are all real people from history. But every time someone tells an old story, they change things in it, to make them bigger, better, and more exciting. So what is true in this book and what is not? Read all six of the stories, and see what you think.

Svi predmeti:

- knjige šaljem kao tiskovinu nakon uplate

- poštarinu plaća kupac

- lično preuzimanje je na mojoj adresi

- kupcima sa negativnom ocenom šaljem isključivo nakon uplate

Predmet: 31948261
William Tell and Other Stories
(Viljem Tel i druge priče)
`Oxford University Press` Oxford
Sa CD-om kompletnog teksta
skraćeno ilustrovano izdanje
Pogodno za decu i početnike
broširano izdanje, perfektno očuvana
na engleskom jeziku

The men and the woman in this book - William Tell, Tom Blood, Lord Bao, King Matthias, Johnny Appleseed, and Lady Godiva - are all real people from history. But every time someone tells an old story, they change things in it, to make them bigger, better, and more exciting. So what is true in this book and what is not? Read all six of the stories, and see what you think.
31948261 William Tell and Other Stories - Reteling John Escott

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