
MARC CHANGALL Sidney Alexander

1.599 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Smederevska Palanka,
Smederevska Palanka

mvojnovic (986)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 3158

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: .
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Biografija Marka Čangala

solidno očuvana, tvrd povez, omot, 526 strana


Sidney Alexander’s Marc Chagall is a compelling portrait of one of the most important artists of the twentieth century. From his birth in the Russian Pale of Settlement to his move to Paris, then the artistic capital of the world, to his exile in America and his return to France, Alexander tells an engaging tale of Chagall’s rise in the world of fine arts, his relationship with his wife and muse Bella, his spirituality, personality and his many friends and acquaintances. All of this is based on the author’s personal interviews with the major figures in Chagall’s life and bears the marks of careful scholarship.

What one does not get in this work is an appreciation of Chagall as an artist. The book seems written for those who already know the major schools of the twentieth century: Cubism, Surrealism, Dadaism, etc. as well as Chagall’s unique place within them. The artistic neophyte may be somewhat perplexed by learning so many details of Chagall’s life without a single detailed examination of one of his paintings.

As an example, Chagall’s unique perspective on religion, so congenial to twenty first century sensibilities, is well documented. A peculiar mix of the joy of creation reminiscent of the Baal Shem Tov or St. Francis of Assisi with a realistic understanding of the full depth of humankind’s potential for evil as symbolized by the crucifixion of Chagall’s very Jewish Jesus of Nazareth marked his spirituality. Combining Jewish and Christian iconography, Chagall was at home designing stain glass windows for cathedrals or creating paintings for editions of the Hebrew Scriptures.

That there was once a time when this universal religion of love was palatable to prominent Israelis and members of the Catholic hierarchy makes one long for the more peaceful relations between religions Chagall both added to and benefitted from. But this is merely one aspect of Chagall’s oeuvre.

In short, if you are a devotee of Chagall’s art and would like to know more about his person, this work is an excellent guide. If you need assistance in understanding Chagall the artist you might need to choose another source.

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Predmet: 80402457
Biografija Marka Čangala

solidno očuvana, tvrd povez, omot, 526 strana


Sidney Alexander’s Marc Chagall is a compelling portrait of one of the most important artists of the twentieth century. From his birth in the Russian Pale of Settlement to his move to Paris, then the artistic capital of the world, to his exile in America and his return to France, Alexander tells an engaging tale of Chagall’s rise in the world of fine arts, his relationship with his wife and muse Bella, his spirituality, personality and his many friends and acquaintances. All of this is based on the author’s personal interviews with the major figures in Chagall’s life and bears the marks of careful scholarship.

What one does not get in this work is an appreciation of Chagall as an artist. The book seems written for those who already know the major schools of the twentieth century: Cubism, Surrealism, Dadaism, etc. as well as Chagall’s unique place within them. The artistic neophyte may be somewhat perplexed by learning so many details of Chagall’s life without a single detailed examination of one of his paintings.

As an example, Chagall’s unique perspective on religion, so congenial to twenty first century sensibilities, is well documented. A peculiar mix of the joy of creation reminiscent of the Baal Shem Tov or St. Francis of Assisi with a realistic understanding of the full depth of humankind’s potential for evil as symbolized by the crucifixion of Chagall’s very Jewish Jesus of Nazareth marked his spirituality. Combining Jewish and Christian iconography, Chagall was at home designing stain glass windows for cathedrals or creating paintings for editions of the Hebrew Scriptures.

That there was once a time when this universal religion of love was palatable to prominent Israelis and members of the Catholic hierarchy makes one long for the more peaceful relations between religions Chagall both added to and benefitted from. But this is merely one aspect of Chagall’s oeuvre.

In short, if you are a devotee of Chagall’s art and would like to know more about his person, this work is an excellent guide. If you need assistance in understanding Chagall the artist you might need to choose another source.
80402457 MARC CHANGALL Sidney Alexander

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