Cena: |
Stanje: | Polovan bez oštećenja |
Garancija: | Ne |
Isporuka: | Pošta CC paket (Pošta) Post Express |
Plaćanje: | Tekući račun (pre slanja) |
Grad: |
Novi Sad, Novi Sad |
ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1985
Autor: Domaći
Jezik: Srpski
U dobrom stanju. Nekoliko uspravnih crta olovkom na marginama.
Hardcover, Verso, 1985, 315 pages
Paolo Sprlano
Stalin and the European Communists
In 1938, the ruler of the Soviet Union presided over a weakened and threatened international communist movement: defeat in Spain was imminent, fascism was triumphant in Central and Mediterranean Europe. The politics of the Popular Front were still in command, but within three years the parties that looked to Moscow for guidance were to be subjected to sudden and destructive shifts of policy. With the Nazi-Soviet pact, anti-fascism was barred from the repertoire of Communist propaganda. When France was invaded in 1940, the French CP was obliged to denounce the invaders without explicitly attacking Nazi Germany.
In hishistory of the manipulation of the European Communist parties by Stalin, Paolo Spriano draws on hitherto unavailable material to provide a sober yet devastating account of such twists and turns. He describes the tension between the officially-imposed changes of line and the often healthy instincts of the Communist rank-and-file to unite with rival parties in the struggle to defeat Hitler. Spriano charts the birth of the Cominform, the uses to which Stalin put his immense post-war prestige, and the expulsion of Tito`s Yugoslavia from the movement. The effects of Stalin’s policies on postwar France and Italy are also assessed.
Stalin and the European Communists is certain to further enhance the growing reputation of Italy`s foremost labour historian in the English-speaking world.
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