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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1970
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani


THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN - The Reigns of James I and Charles I

Izdavač - Penguin Books, London

Godina - 1970

696 strana

18 cm

Edicija - Pelican Classics

Povez - Broširan

Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja

`Hume`s History of Great Britain, published in the middle of the eighteenth century, remained the standard work for well over a century. It is a master-piece, even if its author is now better known for A Treatise of Human Nature. Grounded on an almost sociological view of the `progress of society`, Hume`s is perhaps the most European of all the classic narrative histories of Britain. Moreover it embraces far more than the merely political, and it was Adam Smith who pointed out that Hume was the first historian to deduce political effects from commercial and industrial causes.

This volume, covering the years 1603-49, was the first to be written and was published as a self-contained entity. Hume`s own view was that it was `by far the best`, because the subject admitted of `greater nicety of reasoning and more acute distinctions`.`

Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku.

Dejvid Hjum Istorija Velike Britanije Vladavina Džejmsa Čarlsa

Knjiga je na engleskom jeziku

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Šaljem u inostranstvo, primam uplate preko servisao kao što su Pay Pal, RIA, Western Union (otvoren sam i za druge mogućnosti, javite se pre kupovine i dogovorićemo se).

Kao način slanja stavio sam samo Poštu i Postexpress jer sam s njima najviše sarađivao i vrlo sam zadovoljan, ali na Vaš zahtev mogu da šaljem i drugim službama.

Besplatna dostava na knjigama koje su obeležene tako se odnosi samo na slanje preporučenom tiskovinom.

Predmet: 79393773

THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN - The Reigns of James I and Charles I

Izdavač - Penguin Books, London

Godina - 1970

696 strana

18 cm

Edicija - Pelican Classics

Povez - Broširan

Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja

`Hume`s History of Great Britain, published in the middle of the eighteenth century, remained the standard work for well over a century. It is a master-piece, even if its author is now better known for A Treatise of Human Nature. Grounded on an almost sociological view of the `progress of society`, Hume`s is perhaps the most European of all the classic narrative histories of Britain. Moreover it embraces far more than the merely political, and it was Adam Smith who pointed out that Hume was the first historian to deduce political effects from commercial and industrial causes.

This volume, covering the years 1603-49, was the first to be written and was published as a self-contained entity. Hume`s own view was that it was `by far the best`, because the subject admitted of `greater nicety of reasoning and more acute distinctions`.`

Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku.

Dejvid Hjum Istorija Velike Britanije Vladavina Džejmsa Čarlsa

Knjiga je na engleskom jeziku

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