
Diplomat Among Warriors - Robert Murphy

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1961
Jezik: Srpski
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju. Zaštitni omot iskrzan, potpis na predlistu.

Diplomat Among Warriors: The Unique World of a Foreign Service Expert

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Doubleday & Company, Inc.; First Edition (1964)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 576 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1121616186
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1121616189
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.88 pounds

A brief private conversation with President Roosevelt in 1940, just after the fall of France, transformed Robert Murphy from a conventional diplomat into a secret agent—the President’s personal representative and General Eisenhower s political adviser in the no-man’s-land of French North Africa.

His first assignment was to thread his way through the nightmare tangle of Vichy French, neutral French, and free French, lining up support for the Allied invasion of Africa. The cooperation he improvised between diplomats and warriors was to become a basic policy of the State Department as the commitments of the United States proliferated all over the world.

Murphy reported directly to Roosevelt and carried out his orders outside the chain of command, sometimes by-passing his superiors in the Department of State. As a result of this unorthodox procedure many significant events of die war went unrecorded. In Diplomat Among Wahiuoiis Robert Murphy tells the inside story of his first special assignment and of subsequent missions for Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower, filling in the gaps that still remain in the official records of the United States government.

Murphy coordinated American diplomacy with Allied military operations during the invasion of Italy and the conquest and occupation of Germany. He was the first postwar Ambassador to Japan and helped negotiate the Korean armistice agreement. Later, serving on the American delegation to the United Nations, he was involved in the Suez Crisis and the landings of the U.S. Marines in Lebanon in 1958.

Serving quietly and competently as a high-level international troubleshooter, Robert Murphy achieved an impressive reputation as a man who could get things done in the face of bewildering adversity. His book is an objective, first-hand account of history in the making.
Robert Murphy was bom in Milwaukee in 1894. He entered the civil service in 1915 as a clerk in the Post Office Department and transferred to the State Department when the United States entered World War I. He had pursued a conventional diplomatic career for twenty-three years, serving in Switzerland, Germany, and France, when President Roosevelt summoned him to the White House in 1940. Since Mr. Murphy’s retirement in 1959 he and his wife have lived in Washington, D.C.

`The 42 years between 1917 and 1959 saw more, and greater, changes in American foreign relations than all the 140 previous years put together. Those 42 years comprise the career of professional diplomat Robert Murphy, and thus his autobiography is more than a personal memoir; it is, in fact, a vivid history of our Foreign Service from an understaffed and inefficient bureau to `the finest diplomatic instrument in the world.` But there is also much more of value in this book than that, because Murphy`s career, at least from 1940 onward, was anything but typical.` -- Kirkus Reviews

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Predmet: 77189477
U dobrom stanju. Zaštitni omot iskrzan, potpis na predlistu.

Diplomat Among Warriors: The Unique World of a Foreign Service Expert

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Doubleday & Company, Inc.; First Edition (1964)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 576 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1121616186
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1121616189
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.88 pounds

A brief private conversation with President Roosevelt in 1940, just after the fall of France, transformed Robert Murphy from a conventional diplomat into a secret agent—the President’s personal representative and General Eisenhower s political adviser in the no-man’s-land of French North Africa.

His first assignment was to thread his way through the nightmare tangle of Vichy French, neutral French, and free French, lining up support for the Allied invasion of Africa. The cooperation he improvised between diplomats and warriors was to become a basic policy of the State Department as the commitments of the United States proliferated all over the world.

Murphy reported directly to Roosevelt and carried out his orders outside the chain of command, sometimes by-passing his superiors in the Department of State. As a result of this unorthodox procedure many significant events of die war went unrecorded. In Diplomat Among Wahiuoiis Robert Murphy tells the inside story of his first special assignment and of subsequent missions for Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower, filling in the gaps that still remain in the official records of the United States government.

Murphy coordinated American diplomacy with Allied military operations during the invasion of Italy and the conquest and occupation of Germany. He was the first postwar Ambassador to Japan and helped negotiate the Korean armistice agreement. Later, serving on the American delegation to the United Nations, he was involved in the Suez Crisis and the landings of the U.S. Marines in Lebanon in 1958.

Serving quietly and competently as a high-level international troubleshooter, Robert Murphy achieved an impressive reputation as a man who could get things done in the face of bewildering adversity. His book is an objective, first-hand account of history in the making.
Robert Murphy was bom in Milwaukee in 1894. He entered the civil service in 1915 as a clerk in the Post Office Department and transferred to the State Department when the United States entered World War I. He had pursued a conventional diplomatic career for twenty-three years, serving in Switzerland, Germany, and France, when President Roosevelt summoned him to the White House in 1940. Since Mr. Murphy’s retirement in 1959 he and his wife have lived in Washington, D.C.

`The 42 years between 1917 and 1959 saw more, and greater, changes in American foreign relations than all the 140 previous years put together. Those 42 years comprise the career of professional diplomat Robert Murphy, and thus his autobiography is more than a personal memoir; it is, in fact, a vivid history of our Foreign Service from an understaffed and inefficient bureau to `the finest diplomatic instrument in the world.` But there is also much more of value in this book than that, because Murphy`s career, at least from 1940 onward, was anything but typical.` -- Kirkus Reviews
77189477 Diplomat Among Warriors - Robert Murphy

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