
Arnold J. Toynbee - A Study of History Vol. 6

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 0000
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju. Povez dobar, sadržaj čist i bez podvlačenja. Nedostaci: diskoloracija na koricama, kao na slici, signatura biblioteke na hrptu, pečati.

(d) Schism in the Soul (coat.) . .... I
y. The Sense of Unity ...... I
8. Archaism ..... 40
(a) Archaim in Institutions and Ideas .49
(jff) Archaim in Art . . 59
(y) Archaism in Language and Literature .62
(8) Archaim in Religion .83
(c) The Self-Defeat of Archaism. 94
9. Futurism `. . . . . . 97
(a) The Relation between Futurim and Archaim 97
(b) The Breach with the Present .... 101
The Breach in Manners ..... 101
The Breach in Institutions .... *07
The Breach in Secular Culture and in Religion .111
(y) The Self- Transcendence of Futurim. 118
10. Detachment . ., . . . . . 13a
xi. Transfiguration ...... 149
(a) Palingenesis ...... . 169
(а) The Relation between Disintegrating Civilizations and Individuals 175
The Creative Genius as a Saviour ..... 175
The Saviour with the Sword ..... 178
The Saviour with the `Time-Machine* .... ai3 The Philosopher masked by a King .... 343
The God Incarnate in a Man ..... 359
(b) The Interaction between Individuals in Disintegrating Civilizations 378
The Rhythm of Disintegration ..... 278
The Rhythm in Hellenic History ..... 287
The Rhythm in Sinic History ..... 291
The Rhythm in Sumeric History ..... 296
The Rhythm in the History of the Main Body of Orthodox Christendom . ... 298
The Rhythm in Hindu History ..... 300
The Rhythm in Syriac History ..... 301
The Rhythm in the History of the Far Eastern Civilization in Japan 303
The Rhythm in the History of the Main Body of the Far Eastern Civilization ....... 305
The Rhythm in Babylonic History ... . 308
The Rhythm in the History of Orthodox Christendom in Russia . 308
Vestiges in Minoan History ..... 312
Symptoms in Western History ..... 312
Table I: Universal States . 327
Table II: Philosophies ..... 318
Table III: Higher Religions
Table IV: Barbarian War-Bands . 330
V. CI (d)7 Annex: The Hellenic Conception of the ‘Cosmopolis’ . 332
9 (ft Annex: New Eras . 339
11 Annex I: Aristophanes` Fantasy of ‘Cloud cuckoo land . 346
Annex II: Saint Augustine`s Conception of the Relations
between the Mundane and the Supra-Mundane Commonwealth . . . 365
11 (o) AnnexI: The Hellenic Portrait of the Saviour with the Sword . 370
Annex II: Christus Patiens .... 376
The Problem .... 377
Correspondences between the Story of Jesus and the Stories of certain Hellenic Saviours with the `Time-Machine` .... 377
A Synopsis of Results .... 406
Table I: Concordance of the Literary Authorities 407
Table II: Analysis of Correspondences between the Gospels and the Stories of Pagan Heroes .... 409
Table III: Analysis of Correspondences between
the Stories of the Spartan Archaists and those of the Other Heroes 409
Table IV: Common Characters . . 410
Table V: Common Scenes . . .411
Table VI: Analysis of Visual Correspondences
between the Gospels and the Stories of Pagan Heroes . 412
Table VII: Common Properties 413
Table VIII: Common Words . . . 414
Table IX: Analysis of Verbal Correspondences
between the Gospels and the Stories of Pagan Heroes . . 417
Alternative Possible Explanations . .418
Dichtung und Wahrheit . 438
The Legend of Heraklta . 465
Table X: Concordance of Correspondences between the Legend of Heraklte and the Stories of Jesus and the Pagan Historical Heroes . . 476
The Ritual Murder of an Incarnate God . 476
(a) `The Ride of the Beardless One . 481
(ft ‘The Reign of the Mock King* . . 481
The Life and Death of Socrates . . 486
An Egyptian Bridge between Laconia and Galilee 496 A Verbal Means of Conveyance 500
A Visual Means of Conveyance . 508
The Economy of Truth . .534

A Study of History is a 12-volume universal history by the British historian Arnold J. Toynbee, published from 1934 to 1961. It received enormous popular attention but according to historian Richard J. Evans, `enjoyed only a brief vogue before disappearing into the obscurity in which it has languished.` Toynbee`s goal was to trace the development and decay of 19 or 21 world civilizations in the historical record, applying his model to each of these civilizations, detailing the stages through which they all pass: genesis, growth, time of troubles, universal state, and disintegration.

The 19 (or 21) major civilizations, as Toynbee sees them, are: Egyptian, Andean, Sumerian, Babylonic, Hittite, Minoan, Indic, Hindu, Syriac, Hellenic, Western, Orthodox Christian (having two branches: the main or Byzantine body and the Russian branch), Far Eastern (having two branches: the main or Chinese-Korean body and the Japanese branch), Islamic (having two branches which later merged: Arabic and Iranic), Mayan, Mexican and Yucatec. Moreover, there are three `abortive civilizations` (Abortive Far Western Christian, Abortive Far Eastern Christian, Abortive Scandinavian) and five `arrested civilizations` (Polynesian, Eskimo, Nomadic, Ottoman, Spartan), for a total of 27 or 29.

Publication of A Study of History
Vol I: Introduction: The Geneses of Civilizations, part one (Oxford University Press, 1934)
Vol II: The Geneses of Civilizations, part two (Oxford University Press, 1934)
Vol III: The Growths of Civilizations (Oxford University Press, 1934)
Vol IV: The Breakdowns of Civilizations (Oxford University Press, 1939)
Vol V: The Disintegrations of Civilizations, part one (Oxford University Press, 1939)
Vol VI: The Disintegrations of Civilizations, part two (Oxford University Press, 1939)
Vol VII: Universal States; Universal Churches (Oxford University Press, 1954) [as two volumes in paperback]
Vol VIII: Heroic Ages; Contacts between Civilizations in Space (Encounters between Contemporaries) (Oxford University Press, 1954)
Vol IX: Contacts between Civilizations in Time (Renaissances); Law and Freedom in History; The Prospects of the Western Civilization (Oxford University Press, 1954)
Vol X: The Inspirations of Historians; A Note on Chronology (Oxford University Press, 1954)
Vol XI: Historical Atlas and Gazetteer (Oxford University Press, 1959)
Vol XII: Reconsiderations (Oxford University Press, 1961)

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U dobrom stanju. Povez dobar, sadržaj čist i bez podvlačenja. Nedostaci: diskoloracija na koricama, kao na slici, signatura biblioteke na hrptu, pečati.

(d) Schism in the Soul (coat.) . .... I
y. The Sense of Unity ...... I
8. Archaism ..... 40
(a) Archaim in Institutions and Ideas .49
(jff) Archaim in Art . . 59
(y) Archaism in Language and Literature .62
(8) Archaim in Religion .83
(c) The Self-Defeat of Archaism. 94
9. Futurism `. . . . . . 97
(a) The Relation between Futurim and Archaim 97
(b) The Breach with the Present .... 101
The Breach in Manners ..... 101
The Breach in Institutions .... *07
The Breach in Secular Culture and in Religion .111
(y) The Self- Transcendence of Futurim. 118
10. Detachment . ., . . . . . 13a
xi. Transfiguration ...... 149
(a) Palingenesis ...... . 169
(а) The Relation between Disintegrating Civilizations and Individuals 175
The Creative Genius as a Saviour ..... 175
The Saviour with the Sword ..... 178
The Saviour with the `Time-Machine* .... ai3 The Philosopher masked by a King .... 343
The God Incarnate in a Man ..... 359
(b) The Interaction between Individuals in Disintegrating Civilizations 378
The Rhythm of Disintegration ..... 278
The Rhythm in Hellenic History ..... 287
The Rhythm in Sinic History ..... 291
The Rhythm in Sumeric History ..... 296
The Rhythm in the History of the Main Body of Orthodox Christendom . ... 298
The Rhythm in Hindu History ..... 300
The Rhythm in Syriac History ..... 301
The Rhythm in the History of the Far Eastern Civilization in Japan 303
The Rhythm in the History of the Main Body of the Far Eastern Civilization ....... 305
The Rhythm in Babylonic History ... . 308
The Rhythm in the History of Orthodox Christendom in Russia . 308
Vestiges in Minoan History ..... 312
Symptoms in Western History ..... 312
Table I: Universal States . 327
Table II: Philosophies ..... 318
Table III: Higher Religions
Table IV: Barbarian War-Bands . 330
V. CI (d)7 Annex: The Hellenic Conception of the ‘Cosmopolis’ . 332
9 (ft Annex: New Eras . 339
11 Annex I: Aristophanes` Fantasy of ‘Cloud cuckoo land . 346
Annex II: Saint Augustine`s Conception of the Relations
between the Mundane and the Supra-Mundane Commonwealth . . . 365
11 (o) AnnexI: The Hellenic Portrait of the Saviour with the Sword . 370
Annex II: Christus Patiens .... 376
The Problem .... 377
Correspondences between the Story of Jesus and the Stories of certain Hellenic Saviours with the `Time-Machine` .... 377
A Synopsis of Results .... 406
Table I: Concordance of the Literary Authorities 407
Table II: Analysis of Correspondences between the Gospels and the Stories of Pagan Heroes .... 409
Table III: Analysis of Correspondences between
the Stories of the Spartan Archaists and those of the Other Heroes 409
Table IV: Common Characters . . 410
Table V: Common Scenes . . .411
Table VI: Analysis of Visual Correspondences
between the Gospels and the Stories of Pagan Heroes . 412
Table VII: Common Properties 413
Table VIII: Common Words . . . 414
Table IX: Analysis of Verbal Correspondences
between the Gospels and the Stories of Pagan Heroes . . 417
Alternative Possible Explanations . .418
Dichtung und Wahrheit . 438
The Legend of Heraklta . 465
Table X: Concordance of Correspondences between the Legend of Heraklte and the Stories of Jesus and the Pagan Historical Heroes . . 476
The Ritual Murder of an Incarnate God . 476
(a) `The Ride of the Beardless One . 481
(ft ‘The Reign of the Mock King* . . 481
The Life and Death of Socrates . . 486
An Egyptian Bridge between Laconia and Galilee 496 A Verbal Means of Conveyance 500
A Visual Means of Conveyance . 508
The Economy of Truth . .534

A Study of History is a 12-volume universal history by the British historian Arnold J. Toynbee, published from 1934 to 1961. It received enormous popular attention but according to historian Richard J. Evans, `enjoyed only a brief vogue before disappearing into the obscurity in which it has languished.` Toynbee`s goal was to trace the development and decay of 19 or 21 world civilizations in the historical record, applying his model to each of these civilizations, detailing the stages through which they all pass: genesis, growth, time of troubles, universal state, and disintegration.

The 19 (or 21) major civilizations, as Toynbee sees them, are: Egyptian, Andean, Sumerian, Babylonic, Hittite, Minoan, Indic, Hindu, Syriac, Hellenic, Western, Orthodox Christian (having two branches: the main or Byzantine body and the Russian branch), Far Eastern (having two branches: the main or Chinese-Korean body and the Japanese branch), Islamic (having two branches which later merged: Arabic and Iranic), Mayan, Mexican and Yucatec. Moreover, there are three `abortive civilizations` (Abortive Far Western Christian, Abortive Far Eastern Christian, Abortive Scandinavian) and five `arrested civilizations` (Polynesian, Eskimo, Nomadic, Ottoman, Spartan), for a total of 27 or 29.

Publication of A Study of History
Vol I: Introduction: The Geneses of Civilizations, part one (Oxford University Press, 1934)
Vol II: The Geneses of Civilizations, part two (Oxford University Press, 1934)
Vol III: The Growths of Civilizations (Oxford University Press, 1934)
Vol IV: The Breakdowns of Civilizations (Oxford University Press, 1939)
Vol V: The Disintegrations of Civilizations, part one (Oxford University Press, 1939)
Vol VI: The Disintegrations of Civilizations, part two (Oxford University Press, 1939)
Vol VII: Universal States; Universal Churches (Oxford University Press, 1954) [as two volumes in paperback]
Vol VIII: Heroic Ages; Contacts between Civilizations in Space (Encounters between Contemporaries) (Oxford University Press, 1954)
Vol IX: Contacts between Civilizations in Time (Renaissances); Law and Freedom in History; The Prospects of the Western Civilization (Oxford University Press, 1954)
Vol X: The Inspirations of Historians; A Note on Chronology (Oxford University Press, 1954)
Vol XI: Historical Atlas and Gazetteer (Oxford University Press, 1959)
Vol XII: Reconsiderations (Oxford University Press, 1961)
75787737 Arnold J. Toynbee - A Study of History Vol. 6

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