
The Immigrant Left in the United States

999 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
CC paket (Pošta)
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
PostNet (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Rakovica,

gutinjo61 (5809)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 15068

  Pošalji poruku

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Kupindo zaštita

ISBN: 0-7914-2884-2
Jezik: Engleski
Godina izdanja: Nema
Autor: Strani

Edited by Paul Buhle and Dan Georgakas

This book investigates the role immigrant radicals have played in U.S. society from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. A valuable contribution to the history of the American Left, it makes use of a wealth of material from immigrants whose everyday speech and intellectual discourse were not in the English language.
The social-history scholarship that informs the essays is innovative in method and purpose. Articles on Mexican-American, German, Jewish, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Italian, Ukrainian, Greek, Arab, and Haitian immigrants supply missing conceptual links between the immigration experience, the neighborhood and the workplace, and political, labor, and cultural institutions. Taken together, they offer a model study in transnational history, one of the most important new fields of historical inquiry. Included are essays by Douglas Monroy, Stan Nadel, Michael Topp, Mary E. Cygan, Maria Woroby, Michael W. Suleiman, Robert G. Lee, Carole Charles, Van Gosse, and the editors.

Broširan povez, 349 strana, nepodvlačena, nema posvetu, težina 500 grama.

1.Lično preuzimanje je moguće za Beograd, kod Beograđanke (pored fontane), od ponedeljka do petka u 16h., i na Miljakovcu II, vreme po dogovoru.
2.Slanje pouzećem (Postekspresom) samo posle uplate na račun za iznos predmeta, poštarinu plaćate kuriru.
3.Komunikacija Kupindo porukama.
4.Kupac plaća poštarinu (tiskovinu).
5.Cene preporučene tiskovine (knjige i časopisi), najpovoljniji način slanja, knjiga stiže na kućnu adresu za 1-3 dana.Poštar ne kontaktira primaoca telefonom:
- od 51 do 100gr. - 172 din.
- 101 - 250gr. - 190 din.
- 251 - 500gr. - 212 din.
- 501 - 1000gr. - 225 din.
- 1001 - 2000gr. - 264 din.
Preko 2kg. samo kao paket.
6.Za iznos preko 5.000 din. besplatna poštarina (u Srbiji, ne važi za Postekspres).
7.Račun je kod banke Inteza.
8.Ne šaljem van Srbije.
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Predmet: 75710521
Edited by Paul Buhle and Dan Georgakas

This book investigates the role immigrant radicals have played in U.S. society from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. A valuable contribution to the history of the American Left, it makes use of a wealth of material from immigrants whose everyday speech and intellectual discourse were not in the English language.
The social-history scholarship that informs the essays is innovative in method and purpose. Articles on Mexican-American, German, Jewish, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Italian, Ukrainian, Greek, Arab, and Haitian immigrants supply missing conceptual links between the immigration experience, the neighborhood and the workplace, and political, labor, and cultural institutions. Taken together, they offer a model study in transnational history, one of the most important new fields of historical inquiry. Included are essays by Douglas Monroy, Stan Nadel, Michael Topp, Mary E. Cygan, Maria Woroby, Michael W. Suleiman, Robert G. Lee, Carole Charles, Van Gosse, and the editors.

Broširan povez, 349 strana, nepodvlačena, nema posvetu, težina 500 grama.
75710521 The Immigrant Left in the United States

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