
The rough guide to The Da Vinci Code

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510 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Niš-Medijana,

VladimirKrstic (349)

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 0000
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Odlično očuvano.

Dan Brown’s thriller The Da Vinci Code has created an extraordinary Christian controversy, with its sub-plots of the sacred feminine in religion, the bloodline of Christ, the legend of the Holy Grail, and the role of sects like Opus Dei within the church. This updated second edition explores and explains the context of the novel, from how the early Christian Church "edited" The Bible to the true history of the holy grail and to what art historians make of Leonardo Da Vinci"s symbolism in the Last Supper and other works. There is a brand-new chapter on the making of the eagerly anticipated Da Vinci Code movie, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard. The guide includes information on all the Da Vinci Code sites in Paris, Rome, Jerusalem, New York, London and Edinburgh. There are reviews of Da Vinci Code sources and a glossary of everything from the Templars to the Fibonaccci Sequence. Whatever you think of Dan Brown’s novel, this Rough Guide has the key to help you understand the world it inhabits.

Troškove slanja snosi kupac. Dodatan popust na kupovinu više oglasa. Ne šaljem van Srbije.Kupovinom više predmeta štedite na proviziji.Naknadne reklamacije ne uvazavam.Ako imate pitanja u vezi sa predmetom pitajte pre kupovine.Lično preuzimanje je moguce u Nisu,po dogovoru naravno. Ako me kupac u roku od dva dana ne obavesti o drugom imenu ili adresi za slanje,kupljeni predmet šaljem na ime i adresu dobijene od Kupinda. Saljem preporucenom tiskovinom.

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od 501 g do 1.000 g 180 din
od 1.001 g do 2.000 g 211 din

Predmet: 75236341
Odlično očuvano.

Dan Brown’s thriller The Da Vinci Code has created an extraordinary Christian controversy, with its sub-plots of the sacred feminine in religion, the bloodline of Christ, the legend of the Holy Grail, and the role of sects like Opus Dei within the church. This updated second edition explores and explains the context of the novel, from how the early Christian Church "edited" The Bible to the true history of the holy grail and to what art historians make of Leonardo Da Vinci"s symbolism in the Last Supper and other works. There is a brand-new chapter on the making of the eagerly anticipated Da Vinci Code movie, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard. The guide includes information on all the Da Vinci Code sites in Paris, Rome, Jerusalem, New York, London and Edinburgh. There are reviews of Da Vinci Code sources and a glossary of everything from the Templars to the Fibonaccci Sequence. Whatever you think of Dan Brown’s novel, this Rough Guide has the key to help you understand the world it inhabits.
75236341 The rough guide to The Da Vinci Code

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