
Samuel Pepys - The Shorter Pepys

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1985
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Nedostatak: Mrlja na prednjoj korici, kao na slici. Knjižni blok vrlo dobar.

Publisher Bell & Hyman, London; 1985
Green Cloth Hardback With Gilt Title, 1096 pp
Illustrated with many B&W illustrations
Size 235 x 160 mm

Samuel Pepys’s diary is the best first-hand account we have of London life in the 1660s, and its publication has made Pepys one of the best-known figures of English history.

From major events of the period such as the Fire of London, the Plague and the Dutch War, through to colourful details of private and domestic life, the young Pepys treats us to his vivid observations and comments on every aspect of the world of Restoration London he knew so well.

This abridgement of the definitive edition, selected and edited by Robert Latham, contains about one-third of the original diary. It is presented as an unbroken and highly readable narrative, retaining the full character of the complete diary, both in its overall content and in the wealth of captivating detail that gives Pepys’s style its unmistakable identity.

The Shorter Pepys shares the same exemplary editorial standards as those set by the acclaimed eleven-volume Latham and Matthews edition of the complete diary. The text is supported by an introduction, a chronology, glossary and index, and by illustrations of the most important people and places mentioned in the diary, as well as maps, plans and family trees.

This abridgement gives the reader an opportunity within a single volume to discover and enjoy Pepys in all his fascinating variety.

The Shorter Pepys by Robert Latham
Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) served as King`s Secretary to the Admiralty from 1684 to 1688 under both King Charles II and King James II as well as being a Member of Parliament but is best known for his fabulous diaries which offer a record of life in seventeenth century London featuring detailed first-hand accounts of London`s Great Plague (1665-1666) and Great Fire (1666). This abridgement of the definitive edition contains about one third of the original diary & offers an unbroken and highly readable narrative retaining the full character of the complex diary, both in overall content & in the wealth of captivating detail that gives Pepys` style its unmistakable identity.

The text is supported by an introduction, chronology, glossary, index, maps & plans & by illustrations of the most important people & places mentioned in the diary.


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Predmet: 72708113
Nedostatak: Mrlja na prednjoj korici, kao na slici. Knjižni blok vrlo dobar.

Publisher Bell & Hyman, London; 1985
Green Cloth Hardback With Gilt Title, 1096 pp
Illustrated with many B&W illustrations
Size 235 x 160 mm

Samuel Pepys’s diary is the best first-hand account we have of London life in the 1660s, and its publication has made Pepys one of the best-known figures of English history.

From major events of the period such as the Fire of London, the Plague and the Dutch War, through to colourful details of private and domestic life, the young Pepys treats us to his vivid observations and comments on every aspect of the world of Restoration London he knew so well.

This abridgement of the definitive edition, selected and edited by Robert Latham, contains about one-third of the original diary. It is presented as an unbroken and highly readable narrative, retaining the full character of the complete diary, both in its overall content and in the wealth of captivating detail that gives Pepys’s style its unmistakable identity.

The Shorter Pepys shares the same exemplary editorial standards as those set by the acclaimed eleven-volume Latham and Matthews edition of the complete diary. The text is supported by an introduction, a chronology, glossary and index, and by illustrations of the most important people and places mentioned in the diary, as well as maps, plans and family trees.

This abridgement gives the reader an opportunity within a single volume to discover and enjoy Pepys in all his fascinating variety.

The Shorter Pepys by Robert Latham
Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) served as King`s Secretary to the Admiralty from 1684 to 1688 under both King Charles II and King James II as well as being a Member of Parliament but is best known for his fabulous diaries which offer a record of life in seventeenth century London featuring detailed first-hand accounts of London`s Great Plague (1665-1666) and Great Fire (1666). This abridgement of the definitive edition contains about one third of the original diary & offers an unbroken and highly readable narrative retaining the full character of the complex diary, both in overall content & in the wealth of captivating detail that gives Pepys` style its unmistakable identity.

The text is supported by an introduction, chronology, glossary, index, maps & plans & by illustrations of the most important people & places mentioned in the diary.
72708113 Samuel Pepys - The Shorter Pepys

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