
Principles of Digital Design - Daniel D. Gajski

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Grad: Beograd-Savski venac,
Beograd-Savski venac

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1997
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Operativni sistemi
Autor: Strani

Naslov: Principles of Digital Design
Autor(i): Daniel D. Gajski
Izdavač: Pearson Education
Mesto: USA
Godina: 1997
Povez: tvrd
Strana: 447
Format: 205.74 x 236.22 x 25.4mm | oko 1000 g
Stanje knjige: odlično očuvano
Opis knjige:
Appropriate for introductory courses in digital design, computer design, computer design and computer architecture in computer engineering and computer science curricula.This text is designed to facilitate a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of design without requiring readers to memorize an excess of confusing technological details. It integrates fundamentals with state-of-the-art techniques in computer design to demonstrate the complete design process, from specification to manufacturing.

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Predmet: 46139809
Naslov: Principles of Digital Design
Autor(i): Daniel D. Gajski
Izdavač: Pearson Education
Mesto: USA
Godina: 1997
Povez: tvrd
Strana: 447
Format: 205.74 x 236.22 x 25.4mm | oko 1000 g
Stanje knjige: odlično očuvano
Opis knjige:
Appropriate for introductory courses in digital design, computer design, computer design and computer architecture in computer engineering and computer science curricula.This text is designed to facilitate a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of design without requiring readers to memorize an excess of confusing technological details. It integrates fundamentals with state-of-the-art techniques in computer design to demonstrate the complete design process, from specification to manufacturing.
46139809 Principles of Digital Design - Daniel D. Gajski

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