
Threshold: A Novel of Deep time- Caitlin R. Kiernan

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Grad: Novi Beograd,
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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Threshold: A Novel of Deep time - Caitlin R. Kiernan

Chance Matthews has suffered enough tragedies. The latest?her grandfather`s death?has left her shaken, convinced that she will always be alone. What she needs now is time?time to recover, time to determine what her future will be.
What she doesn`t need is a strange girl with alabaster skin who knows things about Chance she can`t possibly know.

This girl speaks of being charged by an angel to battle monsters and claims she cannot do it alone. She says she needs Chance`s help.

Chance doesn`t believe in angels. Or monsters. But among the artifacts left by her geologist grandparents, there lies a fossil of a creature that couldn`t possibly have ever existed. But it did.

And still does


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Predmet: 66782613
Threshold: A Novel of Deep time - Caitlin R. Kiernan

Chance Matthews has suffered enough tragedies. The latest?her grandfather`s death?has left her shaken, convinced that she will always be alone. What she needs now is time?time to recover, time to determine what her future will be.
What she doesn`t need is a strange girl with alabaster skin who knows things about Chance she can`t possibly know.

This girl speaks of being charged by an angel to battle monsters and claims she cannot do it alone. She says she needs Chance`s help.

Chance doesn`t believe in angels. Or monsters. But among the artifacts left by her geologist grandparents, there lies a fossil of a creature that couldn`t possibly have ever existed. But it did.

And still does

66782613 Threshold: A Novel of Deep time- Caitlin R. Kiernan

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