
Georges Bataille - Visions of Excess

3.890 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 3
Stanje: Polovan sa vidljivim znacima korišćenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Post Express
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Voždovac,

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: -
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

- Trag hemiske na korici (na slici)
- neki naslovi sadrzaja obelezni hemiskom (slika)
- na predstrani postoje beleske, obicnom i hemiskom
- donji desni deo malo zakrivljen (slika)

Sve u svemu, ok je ocuvana, sadrzaj cist.

Since the publication of Visions of Excess in 1985, there has been an explosion of interest in the work of Georges Bataille. The French surrealist continues to be important for his groundbreaking focus on the visceral, the erotic, and the relation of society to the primeval. This collection of prewar writings remains the volume in which Batailles`s positions are most clearly, forcefully, and obsessively put forward. This book challenges the notion of a `closed economy` predicated on utility, production, and rational consumption, and develops an alternative theory that takes into account the human tendency to lose, destroy, and waste. This collection is indispensible for an understanding of the future as well as the past of current critical theory.Georges Bataille (1897-1962), a librarian by profession, was founder of the French review Critique. He is the author of several books, including Story of the Eye, The Accused Share, Erotism, and The Absence of Myth.

Selected Writings 1927-1939

Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, pišite.

Slanje posle uplate na tekući račun.

Izbegavam da saljem kao preporucenu tiskovinu - (1) zato sto knjiga mora sa se umota u papir (i da se pohaba), ne moze u karton i (2) moze da putuje dugo.

CC posiljka - cena 200 din ali postar ne donosi kuci nego se mora u postu. CC koji se donosi na adresu je - 340 din a Postexpress je 350. Kada kupite samo mi napisite koje slanje vam odgovara.

Živim na Trošarini (Voždovac); ako bi vam odgovaralo lično preuzimanje, najbolje da svratite u moj kraj.

Predmet: 78528885
- Trag hemiske na korici (na slici)
- neki naslovi sadrzaja obelezni hemiskom (slika)
- na predstrani postoje beleske, obicnom i hemiskom
- donji desni deo malo zakrivljen (slika)

Sve u svemu, ok je ocuvana, sadrzaj cist.

Since the publication of Visions of Excess in 1985, there has been an explosion of interest in the work of Georges Bataille. The French surrealist continues to be important for his groundbreaking focus on the visceral, the erotic, and the relation of society to the primeval. This collection of prewar writings remains the volume in which Batailles`s positions are most clearly, forcefully, and obsessively put forward. This book challenges the notion of a `closed economy` predicated on utility, production, and rational consumption, and develops an alternative theory that takes into account the human tendency to lose, destroy, and waste. This collection is indispensible for an understanding of the future as well as the past of current critical theory.Georges Bataille (1897-1962), a librarian by profession, was founder of the French review Critique. He is the author of several books, including Story of the Eye, The Accused Share, Erotism, and The Absence of Myth.

Selected Writings 1927-1939
78528885 Georges Bataille - Visions of Excess

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