
Homo Sovieticus - Alexander Zinoviev

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1986
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Paladin (1 Jan. 1986)
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0586085327
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0586085325

Exploring the nature of a new people created by Soviet communal society, this novel centers on a group of Soviet emigres living in a boarding house in Germany, each seeking to establish a niche in the West

Like his creator, the narrator of this unclassifiable workhe himself constructs the lumbering term `novel-denunciation-report-tyrade`is a `Soviet emigre in the West` living in a pension in West Berlin with others of his ilk bearing such tags as the Cynic, the Joker, the Whiner, the Dissident. The slight fictive elements are not significant here; what matters is that an incisive intelligence delivers a blistering denunciation of the Soviet system. Dripping venom, the narrator ranges in systematic fashion through the actions of the communist regime from 1917 to the present, excoriating Soviet history. Seen through the cold eye of the observer, the System is dup-licitous, corrupt, inefficient and boring, when it is not simply maddening. This furious, outraged, highly theatrical monologue documenting the emergence of the New Man, Homo sovieticus, will seem a definitive portrait to those familiar with the ways of the Kremlin.
Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Library Journal

In his new book Zinoviev ( The Yawning Heights , The Radiant Future ) persists in offering us a `novel` that consists of mini-essays and contrived dialogues between interchangeable characters with names like `Dissident` and `Enthusiast.` Working within the milieu of an effete emigre community in Germany, he portrays Soviet and Western man as taxonomically distinguishable types and posits the former`s inevitable domination of the latter. Zinoviev offers a wry analysis of his Russian `types,` but his format is rankly self-indulgent and blank in the areasplot, character, stylethat make fiction worth reading. At its best Homo Sovieticus is pop sociology; at its worst it is rambling, xenophobic, sexist, and misinformed. Rob Schmieder, Boston .,
Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.

How can the Soviet Union subjugate the West? Easy. Step up production of tedious dissidents and send them to colonize the capitalist powers. And how is the West to defend itself? Put a mammoth sale at giveaway prices in the path of the Russian tanks. These are the suggestions of Alexander Zinoviev in this brilliant novelistic collage, midway between philosophical treatise and departmental report, on the emergence of a new and higher species of humanity. Homo Sovieticus -homosos for short -is distinguished by resourcefulness, flexibility and a readiness `to shift his moral position to suit his circumstances`. The type isn`t exclusive to the Soviet Union, however, and Zinoviev`s satire is equally directed at the complacent hypocrisy and ignorance of the West on Soviet matters. `A sardonic meditation on the USSR`s attitude to its emigres, and the West`s attitudes to its immigrcV Anthony Burgess the observer `The style is easy, unbuttoned, comically exaggerative` SUNDAY TIMES This sinister spoof... should be read by all politicians` DAILY TELEGRAPH Also by Alexander Zinoviev in Paladin The Reality of Communism

Aleksandar Zinovjev


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Predmet: 75394517
U dobrom stanju

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Paladin (1 Jan. 1986)
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0586085327
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0586085325

Exploring the nature of a new people created by Soviet communal society, this novel centers on a group of Soviet emigres living in a boarding house in Germany, each seeking to establish a niche in the West

Like his creator, the narrator of this unclassifiable workhe himself constructs the lumbering term `novel-denunciation-report-tyrade`is a `Soviet emigre in the West` living in a pension in West Berlin with others of his ilk bearing such tags as the Cynic, the Joker, the Whiner, the Dissident. The slight fictive elements are not significant here; what matters is that an incisive intelligence delivers a blistering denunciation of the Soviet system. Dripping venom, the narrator ranges in systematic fashion through the actions of the communist regime from 1917 to the present, excoriating Soviet history. Seen through the cold eye of the observer, the System is dup-licitous, corrupt, inefficient and boring, when it is not simply maddening. This furious, outraged, highly theatrical monologue documenting the emergence of the New Man, Homo sovieticus, will seem a definitive portrait to those familiar with the ways of the Kremlin.
Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Library Journal

In his new book Zinoviev ( The Yawning Heights , The Radiant Future ) persists in offering us a `novel` that consists of mini-essays and contrived dialogues between interchangeable characters with names like `Dissident` and `Enthusiast.` Working within the milieu of an effete emigre community in Germany, he portrays Soviet and Western man as taxonomically distinguishable types and posits the former`s inevitable domination of the latter. Zinoviev offers a wry analysis of his Russian `types,` but his format is rankly self-indulgent and blank in the areasplot, character, stylethat make fiction worth reading. At its best Homo Sovieticus is pop sociology; at its worst it is rambling, xenophobic, sexist, and misinformed. Rob Schmieder, Boston .,
Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.

How can the Soviet Union subjugate the West? Easy. Step up production of tedious dissidents and send them to colonize the capitalist powers. And how is the West to defend itself? Put a mammoth sale at giveaway prices in the path of the Russian tanks. These are the suggestions of Alexander Zinoviev in this brilliant novelistic collage, midway between philosophical treatise and departmental report, on the emergence of a new and higher species of humanity. Homo Sovieticus -homosos for short -is distinguished by resourcefulness, flexibility and a readiness `to shift his moral position to suit his circumstances`. The type isn`t exclusive to the Soviet Union, however, and Zinoviev`s satire is equally directed at the complacent hypocrisy and ignorance of the West on Soviet matters. `A sardonic meditation on the USSR`s attitude to its emigres, and the West`s attitudes to its immigrcV Anthony Burgess the observer `The style is easy, unbuttoned, comically exaggerative` SUNDAY TIMES This sinister spoof... should be read by all politicians` DAILY TELEGRAPH Also by Alexander Zinoviev in Paladin The Reality of Communism

Aleksandar Zinovjev
75394517 Homo Sovieticus - Alexander Zinoviev

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