
Karl Jaspers: Politics and Metaphysics

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2002.
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Karl Jaspers: Politics and Metaphysics / Dr Chris Thornhill

London / Njujork 2002. Tvrd povez,engleski jezik, X + 272 strane.
Knjiga je, bukvalno, kao nova.

This book sets out a new reading of the much-neglected philosophy of Karl Jaspers. By questioning the common perception of Jaspers either as a proponent of irrationalist cultural philosophy or as an early, peripheral disciple of Martin Heidegger, it re-establishes him as a central figure in modern European philosophy.
Giving particular consideration to his position in epistemological, metaphysical and political debate, the author argues that Jaspers`s work deserves renewed consideration in a number of important discussions, particularly in hermeneutics, anthropological reflections on religion, the critique of idealism, and debates on the end of metaphysics.

1. Karl Jaspers`s Philosophy: The Basic Terms
2. Jaspers and Kant: The Ideas of Existence
3. Jaspers and Weber: Transcendent Responsibilities
4. Jaspers, Dilthey and Simmel: Experience and History
5. Jaspers and Heidegger: The Anthropologies of Existence
6. Theology or Anthropology? Jaspers, Religion and the Revealed Law
7. Republican Existence. Jaspers and Post-War Politics

Predmet: 74188893
Karl Jaspers: Politics and Metaphysics / Dr Chris Thornhill

London / Njujork 2002. Tvrd povez,engleski jezik, X + 272 strane.
Knjiga je, bukvalno, kao nova.

This book sets out a new reading of the much-neglected philosophy of Karl Jaspers. By questioning the common perception of Jaspers either as a proponent of irrationalist cultural philosophy or as an early, peripheral disciple of Martin Heidegger, it re-establishes him as a central figure in modern European philosophy.
Giving particular consideration to his position in epistemological, metaphysical and political debate, the author argues that Jaspers`s work deserves renewed consideration in a number of important discussions, particularly in hermeneutics, anthropological reflections on religion, the critique of idealism, and debates on the end of metaphysics.

1. Karl Jaspers`s Philosophy: The Basic Terms
2. Jaspers and Kant: The Ideas of Existence
3. Jaspers and Weber: Transcendent Responsibilities
4. Jaspers, Dilthey and Simmel: Experience and History
5. Jaspers and Heidegger: The Anthropologies of Existence
6. Theology or Anthropology? Jaspers, Religion and the Revealed Law
7. Republican Existence. Jaspers and Post-War Politics

74188893 Karl Jaspers: Politics and Metaphysics

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