
Da Vinci`s Demons - Kompletna druga sezona 3DVD

850 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

coask89 (1251)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 2717

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Žanr: Avantura
Format: DVD
Poreklo: Strani

Original, strano izdanje

Odlicno ocuvano

Kompletna druga sezona serije Da Vincijevi Demoni

Sadrzi bonus materijale

Audio : engleski

Titl : engleski


Da Vinci`s Demons is a historical fantasy drama series that presents a fictional account of Leonardo da Vinci`s early life.[1][2] The series was conceived by David S. Goyer and stars Tom Riley in the title role.[3] It was developed and produced in collaboration with BBC Worldwide and was shot in Wales.[4] The series has been distributed to over 120 countries.[5]

The show follows Leonardo as he is implicated in the political schemes of the Medici and Pazzi families and their contrasting relationships with the Catholic Church. These events occur alongside Leonardo`s quest to obtain the Book of Leaves as he finds himself entangled with a cult known as the Sons of Mithras.

The series premiered in the United States on Starz on 12 April 2013, and its second season premiered on 22 March 2014.[6] The series was renewed for a third season, which premiered on 24 October 2015.[7] On 23 July 2015, Starz announced that the third season would be the show`s last.[8] However, Goyer has left it open for a miniseries return.[9]

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
Predmet šaljem nakon uplate na moj tekući račun ili po dogovoru.
Lično preuzimanje je uvek moguce u Novom Sadu po dogovoru,ili na mojoj adresi .
Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

U periodu od 30.8 do 15 .9 sam na putovanju i necu biti u mogucnosti da saljem posiljke. Bicu dostupan za svaku vrstu komunikacije.

Predmet: 64812749
Original, strano izdanje

Odlicno ocuvano

Kompletna druga sezona serije Da Vincijevi Demoni

Sadrzi bonus materijale

Audio : engleski

Titl : engleski


Da Vinci`s Demons is a historical fantasy drama series that presents a fictional account of Leonardo da Vinci`s early life.[1][2] The series was conceived by David S. Goyer and stars Tom Riley in the title role.[3] It was developed and produced in collaboration with BBC Worldwide and was shot in Wales.[4] The series has been distributed to over 120 countries.[5]

The show follows Leonardo as he is implicated in the political schemes of the Medici and Pazzi families and their contrasting relationships with the Catholic Church. These events occur alongside Leonardo`s quest to obtain the Book of Leaves as he finds himself entangled with a cult known as the Sons of Mithras.

The series premiered in the United States on Starz on 12 April 2013, and its second season premiered on 22 March 2014.[6] The series was renewed for a third season, which premiered on 24 October 2015.[7] On 23 July 2015, Starz announced that the third season would be the show`s last.[8] However, Goyer has left it open for a miniseries return.[9]
64812749 Da Vinci`s Demons - Kompletna druga sezona 3DVD

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