
How I Met Your Mother - Kompletna Sezona 2

850 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 1
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

coask89 (1278)

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Pozitivne: 2790

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Format: DVD
Žanr: Komedija
Poreklo: Strani

Original, made in UK

Kompletna druga sezona kultne komedije Kako sam upoznao vasu majku, 22 epizode na 3 diska

Odlicno ocuvano

Audio : engleski

Titl : engleski (mozete preko plejera da ubacite titlove na srpskom sa interneta)

Kako sam upoznao vašu majku (engl. How I Met Your Mother) je američka humoristička televizijska serija TV mreže Si-Bi-Es. Pilot-epizoda serije emitovana je 19. septembra 2005. Tvorci serije su Krejg Tomas i Karter Bejs. Većinu epizoda režirala je Pamela Frajman, pet je režirao Rob Grinberg, dve Majkl Šej i jednu Nil Patrik Haris. U Srbiji se serija prikazivala 2010. na RTS 2 zaključno sa krajem treće sezone. Od 2010. se emituje na Foks lajfu.

Radnja sitkoma smeštena je u 2030. godinu i otac priča deci kako je upoznao njihovu majku, tako da se prava radnja odigrava u sadašnjosti. Ideju autora je bila: `Napišimo nešto o našim prijateljima iz mladosti i ludorijama koje smo pravili u Njujorku`[1]. Glavna muzička tema serije je preuzeta iz kompozicije Hey Beautiful (Hej, lepotice) grupe The Solids čiji su članovi tvorci ove serije.

Do 2011. emitovano je šest sezona serije sa ukupno 136 epizoda. Svaka epizoda traje oko 21 minut. Si-Bi-Es je najavio snimanje osme sezone[2], dok je sedma sezona počela sa emitovanjem 19. septembra 2011, sa dve epizode u premijeri. Završena je 14. maja 2012, takođe sa dve epizode. Osma sezona, najavljena još u martu 2011, očekuje se u septembru 2012.
Genre Sitcom
Romantic comedy
Created by Carter Bays
Craig Thomas
Neil Patrick Harris
Josh Radnor
Jason Segel
Cobie Smulders
Alyson Hannigan
Narrated by Bob Saget
Opening theme `Hey, Beautiful` by The Solids
Composer(s) John Swihart
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English

Ted and Robin are now a couple; meanwhile, a heartbroken Marshall tries to continue his life without Lily. After enduring numerous emotional breakdowns, Marshall`s friends step in, and Barney, using sly catchphrases and pick-up lines, tries to get Marshall back in the dating game. Marshall becomes Barney’s new ‘wingman’ as Ted is now in a relationship with Robin. Barney mentors Marshall in the art of flirting with women. Marshall fails at impressing women, but he finally obtains a barista’s number. Later, Lily, after finally realizing she is not meant to be an artist, returns to New York. They remain separated as Marshall begins to date another girl, described by the gang as having `crazy eyes`. The date with the girl does not end well and eventually leads to Lily and Marshall becoming reunited, and their engagement eventually resumes. When Robin refuses to go to the mall or explain why, Marshall suspects she is married, and Barney suspects she has performed in adult films. They bet on it, appointing Lily as `Slap Bet Commissioner.` Lily oversees the search for the truth, as they discover that Robin was a teenage pop star named `Robin Sparkles`, and Marshall eventually earns the right to slap Barney five times whenever he wishes. He uses one slap immediately and another later in the season. It is revealed that Barney has a gay African American half-brother named James (Wayne Brady) and, unaware that his mother lied to him, believes that Bob Barker is his father. As a result of this he takes a trip to California to be a contestant on The Price Is Right to meet his `father`. While on the show, Barney wins all the prizes and gives them to Lily and Marshall as a `happy early wedding` present.

In the season finale, Ted reveals to Barney that he and Robin have been broken up for some time due to their conflicting views on marriage and children. They did not tell anyone, in order to avoid taking attention away from Lily and Marshall`s wedding. The season ends with Barney`s excitement by the prospect of being an unfettered single man with Ted again. Barney`s final words are `this is going to be legen- wait for it...`.

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
Predmet šaljem nakon uplate na moj tekući račun ili po dogovoru.
Lično preuzimanje je uvek moguce u Novom Sadu po dogovoru,ili na mojoj adresi .
Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

U periodu od 30.8 do 15 .9 sam na putovanju i necu biti u mogucnosti da saljem posiljke. Bicu dostupan za svaku vrstu komunikacije.

Predmet: 57957787
Original, made in UK

Kompletna druga sezona kultne komedije Kako sam upoznao vasu majku, 22 epizode na 3 diska

Odlicno ocuvano

Audio : engleski

Titl : engleski (mozete preko plejera da ubacite titlove na srpskom sa interneta)

Kako sam upoznao vašu majku (engl. How I Met Your Mother) je američka humoristička televizijska serija TV mreže Si-Bi-Es. Pilot-epizoda serije emitovana je 19. septembra 2005. Tvorci serije su Krejg Tomas i Karter Bejs. Većinu epizoda režirala je Pamela Frajman, pet je režirao Rob Grinberg, dve Majkl Šej i jednu Nil Patrik Haris. U Srbiji se serija prikazivala 2010. na RTS 2 zaključno sa krajem treće sezone. Od 2010. se emituje na Foks lajfu.

Radnja sitkoma smeštena je u 2030. godinu i otac priča deci kako je upoznao njihovu majku, tako da se prava radnja odigrava u sadašnjosti. Ideju autora je bila: `Napišimo nešto o našim prijateljima iz mladosti i ludorijama koje smo pravili u Njujorku`[1]. Glavna muzička tema serije je preuzeta iz kompozicije Hey Beautiful (Hej, lepotice) grupe The Solids čiji su članovi tvorci ove serije.

Do 2011. emitovano je šest sezona serije sa ukupno 136 epizoda. Svaka epizoda traje oko 21 minut. Si-Bi-Es je najavio snimanje osme sezone[2], dok je sedma sezona počela sa emitovanjem 19. septembra 2011, sa dve epizode u premijeri. Završena je 14. maja 2012, takođe sa dve epizode. Osma sezona, najavljena još u martu 2011, očekuje se u septembru 2012.
Genre Sitcom
Romantic comedy
Created by Carter Bays
Craig Thomas
Neil Patrick Harris
Josh Radnor
Jason Segel
Cobie Smulders
Alyson Hannigan
Narrated by Bob Saget
Opening theme `Hey, Beautiful` by The Solids
Composer(s) John Swihart
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English

Ted and Robin are now a couple; meanwhile, a heartbroken Marshall tries to continue his life without Lily. After enduring numerous emotional breakdowns, Marshall`s friends step in, and Barney, using sly catchphrases and pick-up lines, tries to get Marshall back in the dating game. Marshall becomes Barney’s new ‘wingman’ as Ted is now in a relationship with Robin. Barney mentors Marshall in the art of flirting with women. Marshall fails at impressing women, but he finally obtains a barista’s number. Later, Lily, after finally realizing she is not meant to be an artist, returns to New York. They remain separated as Marshall begins to date another girl, described by the gang as having `crazy eyes`. The date with the girl does not end well and eventually leads to Lily and Marshall becoming reunited, and their engagement eventually resumes. When Robin refuses to go to the mall or explain why, Marshall suspects she is married, and Barney suspects she has performed in adult films. They bet on it, appointing Lily as `Slap Bet Commissioner.` Lily oversees the search for the truth, as they discover that Robin was a teenage pop star named `Robin Sparkles`, and Marshall eventually earns the right to slap Barney five times whenever he wishes. He uses one slap immediately and another later in the season. It is revealed that Barney has a gay African American half-brother named James (Wayne Brady) and, unaware that his mother lied to him, believes that Bob Barker is his father. As a result of this he takes a trip to California to be a contestant on The Price Is Right to meet his `father`. While on the show, Barney wins all the prizes and gives them to Lily and Marshall as a `happy early wedding` present.

In the season finale, Ted reveals to Barney that he and Robin have been broken up for some time due to their conflicting views on marriage and children. They did not tell anyone, in order to avoid taking attention away from Lily and Marshall`s wedding. The season ends with Barney`s excitement by the prospect of being an unfettered single man with Ted again. Barney`s final words are `this is going to be legen- wait for it...`.
57957787 How I Met Your Mother - Kompletna Sezona 2

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