
Cixin Liu`s (CISIN LIJU) graphic novel 1-3

5.999 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 4
Stanje: Nekorišćen
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Beograd,
Beograd-Novi Beograd

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Junak / Edicija: Ostalo
Izdavač: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: Ostalo
Komplet: Da
Album: Da
Jezik: Engleski

3 stripa rađena po pričama Cisin Lijua, vodećeg kineskog pisca naučne fantastike, dobitnika nagrade Hugo, čija su dela trenutno hit u čitavom svetu (laguna objavila par). Svaki album je posebna priča, a najinteresantniji je onaj u kome je glavni junak beograđanin a radnja se dešava za vreme bombardovanja Beograda.

Cixin Liu`s
1. The Butterfly
84 pages
Bombs fall through the night sky and the city of Belgrade burns. Its citizens huddle in basements, terrified for their lives.

In the heart of the city, two men keep watch from a rooftop. But they are not afraid. For they have a plan.

Scientist Aleksandar has developed a program that can trigger major atmospheric change across the world - and he needs his friend Reznik`s help to run it. If they can find the right point, Aleksandar believes they might trigger a change powerful enough to disrupt the destruction of his country.

Like the fluttering of a butterfly`s wings can create hurricanes at thousands of miles` distance, Aleksandar`s actions will have far-reaching repercussions. But will they be enough?

2. For the Benefit of Mankind
130 pages
Earth. Our home. The sole planet within our solar system capable of sustaining human life. A truly unique ecosystem. Unique, that is, but for the three other identical Earths, each housing their own human race. For years we have thrived on the world our creators made for us, the superior species of our ecosystem. But no longer.

For the Elder Brothers - humans like us, only more advanced - have announced their plans to colonise our Earth. They will permit us to remain, as their pets, on a landmass tucked away at the bottom of the planet, with a subsidy to live upon which is based on the assets of our Earth`s poorest citizen.

If we are to survive, there must be a dramatic redistribution of wealth. Anyone who does not accept will be `processed`.

3. The Devourer
112 pages
Members of the Earth Protection Force circle the planet`s atmosphere, neutralising threats before they come close enough to cause harm. Most days the threats come in the form of asteroids or meteorites, inanimate bodies set on a trajectory thousands of years ago - but not today.

Instead, a great crystal sent by a faraway alien intelligence has been intercepted. It carries a simple message: The Devourer approaches. The Devourer consumes planets, gorging itself on their inhabitants and plundering the land, only stopping once nothing living remains.

Soon, the first Devourer ship enters the solar system and Earth`s fate is sealed.

Sealed, that is, unless humanity can fight - and win...

Potrebno je da knjigu zvanično naručite na sajtu, kliknite na KUPI ODMAH i odaberite željene opcije. Posle toga ćete automatski dobiti poruku sa svim podacima za uplatu ili lično preuzimanje.

Knjige starije od 50 godina, kao i knjige objavljene ove godine ne šaljem u inostranstvo zbog komplikovane carinske procedure.

Predmet: 72965021
3 stripa rađena po pričama Cisin Lijua, vodećeg kineskog pisca naučne fantastike, dobitnika nagrade Hugo, čija su dela trenutno hit u čitavom svetu (laguna objavila par). Svaki album je posebna priča, a najinteresantniji je onaj u kome je glavni junak beograđanin a radnja se dešava za vreme bombardovanja Beograda.

Cixin Liu`s
1. The Butterfly
84 pages
Bombs fall through the night sky and the city of Belgrade burns. Its citizens huddle in basements, terrified for their lives.

In the heart of the city, two men keep watch from a rooftop. But they are not afraid. For they have a plan.

Scientist Aleksandar has developed a program that can trigger major atmospheric change across the world - and he needs his friend Reznik`s help to run it. If they can find the right point, Aleksandar believes they might trigger a change powerful enough to disrupt the destruction of his country.

Like the fluttering of a butterfly`s wings can create hurricanes at thousands of miles` distance, Aleksandar`s actions will have far-reaching repercussions. But will they be enough?

2. For the Benefit of Mankind
130 pages
Earth. Our home. The sole planet within our solar system capable of sustaining human life. A truly unique ecosystem. Unique, that is, but for the three other identical Earths, each housing their own human race. For years we have thrived on the world our creators made for us, the superior species of our ecosystem. But no longer.

For the Elder Brothers - humans like us, only more advanced - have announced their plans to colonise our Earth. They will permit us to remain, as their pets, on a landmass tucked away at the bottom of the planet, with a subsidy to live upon which is based on the assets of our Earth`s poorest citizen.

If we are to survive, there must be a dramatic redistribution of wealth. Anyone who does not accept will be `processed`.

3. The Devourer
112 pages
Members of the Earth Protection Force circle the planet`s atmosphere, neutralising threats before they come close enough to cause harm. Most days the threats come in the form of asteroids or meteorites, inanimate bodies set on a trajectory thousands of years ago - but not today.

Instead, a great crystal sent by a faraway alien intelligence has been intercepted. It carries a simple message: The Devourer approaches. The Devourer consumes planets, gorging itself on their inhabitants and plundering the land, only stopping once nothing living remains.

Soon, the first Devourer ship enters the solar system and Earth`s fate is sealed.

Sealed, that is, unless humanity can fight - and win...
72965021 Cixin Liu`s (CISIN LIJU) graphic novel 1-3

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