
Turska-Turkey 50 Kurus 1941, P4522, RRR

2.450 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 1
Stanje: Kolekcionarski primerak
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Leskovac,

IvanMiljko (593)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 2904

  Pošalji poruku

Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

Godina : 1941 - 1950.
Očuvanost: F
Originalnost: Original
Kulturno dobro: Predmet koji prodajem nije kulturno dobro ili ovlašćena institucija odbija pravo preče kupovine

Turska-Turkey 50 Kuruş
Stanje po vidjenju
Godina: 1941
Kataloski broj: World Paper Money P-133
Serija: 1937-2.Emisyon
Size: 125 x 55 mm
Printer: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. (England) - BWC

UK printed by Bradbury Wilkinson 50 Kurush (P133) and Thomas de la Rue side of the printed 100 lira for (P137) with City of Roubaix ship on April 6, 1941 is subject to supply the Greek port of Piraeus. However, the same day hit by German warplanes bombed the harbor and ammunition to sink the ship hit the field with Clan Fraser. On board is canceled both money money on placing on the market removed by the Greeks. 50 Kurushs in the market (P133) and 100 Pound of (P137), all visible traces caused by the sea water at all is removed. 50 Kurush (P133) instead of 50 Kurush (P134) is pressed. The same series of 50 pounds (P136) is a part of the printing press, which had been destroyed in the bombing of the United Kingdom, while a large part of the City of Newcastle ship was delivered in April 1941 Turkey. Cool is not given to other money market 50 lira in the market were kept in storage until 1955 verilemeyip. Since May 6, 1955 and 50 pound 50 Kurush has been disposed of Izmit Sümerbank Pulp Factory. The 100 pound fate is unclear.

For overseas buyers: Paypal payment or agreement. Sending is in a secure envelope with tracking number.

N O V C A N I C E - P A P I R N I - N O V A C

Kupujete novčanicu koju vidite. Dobijate novčanicu sa serijskim brojem koji je na slici. Jeste da je meni komplikovanije za postavljanje ali je VAMA sigurna kupovina i ono što vidite to i dobijate.
Opis pojmova na mojim aukcijama:

O - Ostecena ili pocepana ili nedostaju delovi. Na bilo koji drugi nacin ostecena a koji mozda nije vidljiv na prvi pogled. Lepljena
Sb - Interesantan serijski broj
Niz - Redno vezani brojevi (Broj za brojem)
Za/Re - Zamenska novcanica
v1/v2/v3..... - Varijante iste novcanice iz navedene serije (Serija: xxxx)
Podvarijante I varijante podvarijanti su navedene kao
KATALOSKI BROJ: World Paper Money Xxx.xx.x

K O V A N I C E - M E T A L N I - N O V A C - N O V C I C I

KyD - Prva godina kovanja

Stepen rariteta:
R - Redje
RR - Retko
RRR - Izuzetno retko
eR - Ekstremno retko

Novcanice saljem u inostranstvo, kovanice ne saljem

Zeleo bih da napomenem da robu iskljucivo saljem nakon uplate na racun koji ce stici

Moguce je placanje iz inostranstva putem sistema: Paypall kao i deviznog racuna

Licno preuzimanje moguce na teritoriji grada, organizovano ili licnim dolaskom na kucnu adresu.

Rado cu odgovoriti na svako Vase pitanje

Predmet: 62066673
Turska-Turkey 50 Kuruş
Stanje po vidjenju
Godina: 1941
Kataloski broj: World Paper Money P-133
Serija: 1937-2.Emisyon
Size: 125 x 55 mm
Printer: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. (England) - BWC

UK printed by Bradbury Wilkinson 50 Kurush (P133) and Thomas de la Rue side of the printed 100 lira for (P137) with City of Roubaix ship on April 6, 1941 is subject to supply the Greek port of Piraeus. However, the same day hit by German warplanes bombed the harbor and ammunition to sink the ship hit the field with Clan Fraser. On board is canceled both money money on placing on the market removed by the Greeks. 50 Kurushs in the market (P133) and 100 Pound of (P137), all visible traces caused by the sea water at all is removed. 50 Kurush (P133) instead of 50 Kurush (P134) is pressed. The same series of 50 pounds (P136) is a part of the printing press, which had been destroyed in the bombing of the United Kingdom, while a large part of the City of Newcastle ship was delivered in April 1941 Turkey. Cool is not given to other money market 50 lira in the market were kept in storage until 1955 verilemeyip. Since May 6, 1955 and 50 pound 50 Kurush has been disposed of Izmit Sümerbank Pulp Factory. The 100 pound fate is unclear.
62066673 Turska-Turkey 50 Kurus 1941, P4522, RRR

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