
Behind the bedroom door book

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Behind the Bedroom Door

Možda to ne priznajemo, ali svi smo radoznali šta se dešava u spavaćim sobama drugih ljudi. Na kraju krajeva, živimo u svetu zasićenom seksom, zbog čega je teško da se ne zapitamo kako se merimo - i još teže da iskreno govorimo o našim intimnim iskustvima. U ovoj iskrenoj, dirljivoj kolekciji, dvadeset šest priznatih pisaca ide iza vrata spavaće sobe i otkriva neuredne, zapanjujuće, često urnebesne susrete koji čine istoriju jedne žene.

We may not admit it, but we’re all curious about what goes on in other people’s bedrooms. After all, we live in a world saturated with sex, which makes it tough not to wonder how we measure up—and even tougher to talk about our intimate experiences honestly. In this frank, poignant collection, twenty-six acclaimed writers go Behind the Bedroom Doorand lay bare the messy, mind-blowing, often hilarious encounters that make up a woman’s history.

By sharing their stories, authors like Susan Cheever, Hope Edelman, and Julie Powell bravely open a window on the passions, predilections and problems that we encounter between the sheets. In doing so, they reassure us that whatever we feel, whatever we do or don’t do in the bedroom, we’re not alone.

Telling the truth about sex—how we like it, how often we get it, how it affects us—isn’t easy. This eye-opening anthology tells the truth about women’s intimate lives, shattering some deeply entrenched myths about what goes on in the bedrooms of real women along the way: Susan Cheever upends conventional notions about women, sex, and sentiment in her essay “In Praise of One-Night Stands.”… Sex is the last thing on Lauren Slater’s mind when the bestselling author and psychologist reveals a few surprising truths, even joys, about her virtually sexless marriage in “Overcome.”… Julie Powell serves up a searing chronicle of an illicit affair in “Lost in Space”; and novelist Valerie Frankel takes a decidedly lighter view in “Ouch, You’re Lying on My Hair.”

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1. Post expressom - može i kao otkupni paket
2. Preporučena tiskovina - šaljem nakon uplate na račun
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Za kupovinu više predmeta moguće sniženje cena poštarine.

Predmet: 79790577
Behind the Bedroom Door

Možda to ne priznajemo, ali svi smo radoznali šta se dešava u spavaćim sobama drugih ljudi. Na kraju krajeva, živimo u svetu zasićenom seksom, zbog čega je teško da se ne zapitamo kako se merimo - i još teže da iskreno govorimo o našim intimnim iskustvima. U ovoj iskrenoj, dirljivoj kolekciji, dvadeset šest priznatih pisaca ide iza vrata spavaće sobe i otkriva neuredne, zapanjujuće, često urnebesne susrete koji čine istoriju jedne žene.

We may not admit it, but we’re all curious about what goes on in other people’s bedrooms. After all, we live in a world saturated with sex, which makes it tough not to wonder how we measure up—and even tougher to talk about our intimate experiences honestly. In this frank, poignant collection, twenty-six acclaimed writers go Behind the Bedroom Doorand lay bare the messy, mind-blowing, often hilarious encounters that make up a woman’s history.

By sharing their stories, authors like Susan Cheever, Hope Edelman, and Julie Powell bravely open a window on the passions, predilections and problems that we encounter between the sheets. In doing so, they reassure us that whatever we feel, whatever we do or don’t do in the bedroom, we’re not alone.

Telling the truth about sex—how we like it, how often we get it, how it affects us—isn’t easy. This eye-opening anthology tells the truth about women’s intimate lives, shattering some deeply entrenched myths about what goes on in the bedrooms of real women along the way: Susan Cheever upends conventional notions about women, sex, and sentiment in her essay “In Praise of One-Night Stands.”… Sex is the last thing on Lauren Slater’s mind when the bestselling author and psychologist reveals a few surprising truths, even joys, about her virtually sexless marriage in “Overcome.”… Julie Powell serves up a searing chronicle of an illicit affair in “Lost in Space”; and novelist Valerie Frankel takes a decidedly lighter view in “Ouch, You’re Lying on My Hair.”
79790577 Behind the bedroom door book

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