
♦ Automatski step up / down konvertor 0.5-30V 30W AT30

700 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 10
Stanje: Nekorišćen
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Lično
Grad: Beograd-Sremčica,

kraguljac (2882)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 6407

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Proizvedeno u : Aziji

Automatski buck boost konvertor, dosta jaci od onih sa kolom XL6009.
Odlican za varijante gde treba odrzavati fiksni izlazni napon bez obzira da li je napon na ulazu visi ili nizi od zadatog.

Ulaz: 4-30V
Izlaz: 0.5-30V
Max. izlazna struja: 3-4A
Izlazna snaga: 30W , sa dodatim ventilatorom 60W
Efikasnost: Boost, 88%-91%; Buck,87%-90%.
Radna frekvenca: 180KHz
Dimenzije: 48*23*21mm

1. it cao buck and boost.
no matter how large is the input voltage, the output voltage can be fixed on 12V.
when input voltage is 12V, the output voltage can be bucked to 5V, or boosted to 24V.
2. it is more efficient, more power than the XL6009-type module.
3. the ultra-low output voltage ripple
the output voltage ripple is only 20 mV when the input voltage is 12V, current is 3A, especially for the audio / power amplifier board, analog circuit power supply!
4. with a mobile phone charger or battery-powered, you can achieve 0.5 to 30 volts adjustable DC power supply, very convenient!


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Predmet: 43642077
Automatski buck boost konvertor, dosta jaci od onih sa kolom XL6009.
Odlican za varijante gde treba odrzavati fiksni izlazni napon bez obzira da li je napon na ulazu visi ili nizi od zadatog.

Ulaz: 4-30V
Izlaz: 0.5-30V
Max. izlazna struja: 3-4A
Izlazna snaga: 30W , sa dodatim ventilatorom 60W
Efikasnost: Boost, 88%-91%; Buck,87%-90%.
Radna frekvenca: 180KHz
Dimenzije: 48*23*21mm

1. it cao buck and boost.
no matter how large is the input voltage, the output voltage can be fixed on 12V.
when input voltage is 12V, the output voltage can be bucked to 5V, or boosted to 24V.
2. it is more efficient, more power than the XL6009-type module.
3. the ultra-low output voltage ripple
the output voltage ripple is only 20 mV when the input voltage is 12V, current is 3A, especially for the audio / power amplifier board, analog circuit power supply!
4. with a mobile phone charger or battery-powered, you can achieve 0.5 to 30 volts adjustable DC power supply, very convenient!
43642077 ♦ Automatski step up / down konvertor 0.5-30V 30W AT30

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