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Polovan ispravan(vidi slike)CASIO fx-85DE PLUS TWO WAY POWER .Stanje kao sa slika.Bez baterije.Sa neta:
Casio FX-85DE PLUS school calculator

Technical data
CAS calculator
Display type Monochrome dot matrix LCD
Display (digits) 15
Colour Black
Width 80 mm
Height 11.1 mm
T 162 mm
Power supply (LOV) solar-powered, battery-powered
Power supply Solar cell, LR44 button cell, included
Weight 95 g
Displays Natural V.P.A.M. LCD (dot-matrix), 31 x 96 dots, 10 + 2 digits

Highlights & details

252 functions
Solar powered with battery backup


Easy-to-use technical and scientific calculator with a large range of functions. The ‘natural display’ lets you enter and display fractions, square roots and other numeric expressions as they appear in your textbook.
Power supply via solar cell with backup battery.

New features
- Integer random numbers
- New entry options for fractions
- Prime factorisation
- Calculations with remainders

- Repeat function
- 24 bracket layers
- Variable memory (9)
- STO/RCL button

Scientific functions
- Trigonometric and inversely trigonometric functions
- Functions
- Hyperbolic and inversely hyperbolic functions
- Exponential function10x, ex
- Inverse function x-1
- Power and root functions x√, √, x2, xy
- Logarithm functions (log, ln)
- Combinatorics and permutation
- Random number generator
- Conversion of polar coordinates to rectangular
- coordinates and inversely
- Automatic fraction calculation (two modes)
- Conversion from sexagesimal to decimal and inversely
- Calculations in new degree, degree and radian measure
- Pi key, e key and % key
- SCI/FIX/ENG function

- List-based statistics
- Statistics with a variable
- Standard deviation
- Statistics with two variables (regression functions)
- Linear
- Exponential
- From exponential
- Logarithmic
- Power
- Inverse
- Square
- Natural input
- Fractions
- Roots
- Powers
- Brackets
- Amounts
- Logarithms

- Non-natural input (such as the MS models)
- Output in √ form
- Output in pi form
- Function table

Uplata pa slanje.Moguce slanje pouzecem clanovima bez negativnih ocena i minimum 30 pozitivnih po mojoj proceni.Ne saljem u inostranstvo.Moguce licno preuzimanje.Postarinu placa kupac. Ne odgovaram za zagubljenje i stetu nanetu u transportu.Trudim se da predmet sto bolje zapakujem.Zamolio bih kupce koji uplacuju na moj racun u banci da naznace ko je uplatio novac.Moguce placanje postnetom.Kontakt sa kupcima iskljucivo putem Limundo/Kupindo porukama.Pogledajte i moje ostale aukcije slucaju opravdane reklamacije vi placate postarinu.Ne prihvatam reklamacije tipa: ja se ne razumem u to ,rekli mi u servisu da moze i slicno.

Predmet: 47099229
Polovan ispravan(vidi slike)CASIO fx-85DE PLUS TWO WAY POWER .Stanje kao sa slika.Bez baterije.Sa neta:
Casio FX-85DE PLUS school calculator

Technical data
CAS calculator
Display type Monochrome dot matrix LCD
Display (digits) 15
Colour Black
Width 80 mm
Height 11.1 mm
T 162 mm
Power supply (LOV) solar-powered, battery-powered
Power supply Solar cell, LR44 button cell, included
Weight 95 g
Displays Natural V.P.A.M. LCD (dot-matrix), 31 x 96 dots, 10 + 2 digits

Highlights & details

252 functions
Solar powered with battery backup


Easy-to-use technical and scientific calculator with a large range of functions. The ‘natural display’ lets you enter and display fractions, square roots and other numeric expressions as they appear in your textbook.
Power supply via solar cell with backup battery.

New features
- Integer random numbers
- New entry options for fractions
- Prime factorisation
- Calculations with remainders

- Repeat function
- 24 bracket layers
- Variable memory (9)
- STO/RCL button

Scientific functions
- Trigonometric and inversely trigonometric functions
- Functions
- Hyperbolic and inversely hyperbolic functions
- Exponential function10x, ex
- Inverse function x-1
- Power and root functions x√, √, x2, xy
- Logarithm functions (log, ln)
- Combinatorics and permutation
- Random number generator
- Conversion of polar coordinates to rectangular
- coordinates and inversely
- Automatic fraction calculation (two modes)
- Conversion from sexagesimal to decimal and inversely
- Calculations in new degree, degree and radian measure
- Pi key, e key and % key
- SCI/FIX/ENG function

- List-based statistics
- Statistics with a variable
- Standard deviation
- Statistics with two variables (regression functions)
- Linear
- Exponential
- From exponential
- Logarithmic
- Power
- Inverse
- Square
- Natural input
- Fractions
- Roots
- Powers
- Brackets
- Amounts
- Logarithms

- Non-natural input (such as the MS models)
- Output in √ form
- Output in pi form
- Function table

LimundoGrad koristi kolačiće u statističke i marketinške svrhe. Nastavkom korišćenja sajta smatramo da ste pristali na upotrebu kolačića. Više informacija.