
Creative Capitalism: A Conversation with Bill Gates, Wa

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ISBN: 141659941X
Godina izdanja: 2008
Oblast: Ekonomija
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Michael Kinsley - Creative Capitalism: A Conversation with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Other Economic Leaders
Simon & Schuster, 2008
318 str.
tvrdi povez
stanje: vrlo dobro

Bill Gates is more than the world`s most successful capitalist; he`s also the world`s biggest philanthropist.

Gates has approached philanthropy the same way he revolutionized computer software: with a fierce ambition to change the rules of the game. That`s why at the 2008 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Gates advocated a creative capitalism in which big corporations, the distinguishing feature of the modern global economy, integrate doing good into their way of doing business.

This controversial new idea is discussed and debated by the more than forty contributors to this book, among them three Nobel laureates and two former U.S. cabinet secretaries. Edited by author and columnist Michael Kinsley, Creative Capitalism started as a first-of-its-kind online conversation that brought together some of the world`s best minds to engage Gates`s challenge. From Warren Buffett, who seconds Gates`s analysis, to Lawrence Summers, who worries about the consequences of multiple corporate objectives, the essays cover a broad spectrum of opinion. Judge Richard Posner dismisses Gates`s proposal as trumped-up charity that will sap the strengths of the profit-maximizing corporation, while journalist Martin Wolf maintains that the maximization of profit is far from universally accepted, and rightly so. Chicago Nobel laureate Gary Becker wonders whether altruistic companies can survive in a competitive economy, while Columbia Nobel laureate Edmund Phelps argues that a little altruism might be the right prescription for a variety of market imperfections.

Creative Capitalism is not just a book for philanthropists. It`s a book that challenges the conventional wisdom about our economic system, a road map for the new global economy that is emerging as capitalism adapts itself once again to a changing world.

Table Of Contents:
Introduction / Michael Kinsley
A new approach to capitalism / Bill Gates
Creative capitalism : the cheat sheet / Michael Kinsley
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett discuss `creative capitalism`
Creative capitalism : a starting critique / Michael Kinsley
The case for creative capitalism / Ed Glaeser
But wait! Can`t the poor decide for themselves? / Gregory Clark
Let old-fashioned capitalism help the poor / William Easterly
How capitalism can really get creative / Steven Landsburg
Let`s move beyond Milton Friedman`s icy purity / Michael Glaeser
Why creative capitalism would make things worse / Richard Posner
Can corporations that do good really compete? / Gary Becker
A reply to Richard Posner : reform comes from the bottom up / Ed Glaeser
A reply to Ed Glaeser : what kind of firm are we talking about? / Richard Posner
Is creative capitalism illegal? / John Quiggin
Can a corporation do good without fear of Carl Icahn? / Ronald J. Gilson and Michael Kinsley
Ten points about profit / Martin Wolf
Can you be creative and still be capitalist? / Matthew Bishop
Why creative capitalism gets in the way of democracy / Robert Reich
No, creative capitalism will only make capitalism stronger / Paul Ormerod
Old-fashioned capitalism is moral enough / William Easterly
To Gates`s critics : you`re making perfect the enemy of the good / Elizabeth Stuart
The problem with Gates : do as I say, not as I did / Clive Crook
The problem with Friedman : a lack of imagination / Brad DeLong
A quick reply to Brad DeLong : where`s the harm? / Clive Crook
To capitalism`s defenders : don`t be so defensive / Matthew Bishop
A response to Elizabeth Stuart : if not profits, what? / William Easterly
Why not experiment? / Paul Ormerod
Capitalism works because it`s self-correcting / William Easterly
Pure versus creative capitalism : a false choice / Ed Glaeser
What are we talking about? / Steven Landsburg
In defense of a good reputation / Michael Kremer
What are we talking about? Part two / Steven Landsburg
Creative capitalism has its first tool / Loretta Michaels
Why isn`t regular capitalism good enough? / Steven Landsburg
You can make profits and save the poor / Michael Kremer
Creative capitalism is not philanthropy / Thierry Lefebvre
Just do the right kind of lobbying / John Williamson
My version of the right kind / Nancy Birdsall
Just tax the rich / John Roemer
A capitalist knows who to call / Abhijit Banerjee
Does foreign aid create weak states? / Michael Kremer
Yes, but weak states can be coaxed creatively / Eric Werker
How the aid industry got creative / Nancy Birdsall
Even government can be creative / Michael Kremer
Don`t change capitalism, expand it / Kyle Chauvin
The lesson of history / Gregory Clark
Gates : the right place at the right time / Nancy Koehn
What makes capitalism work? / Jagdish Bhagwati
You want creative capitalism? Try this / Lawrence Summers
A reply to Summers : yes, it`s a fair warning / Vernon Smith
Maximizing whose profit? / Justin Fox
A brief detour on efficient markets / Michael Kinsley and Lawrence Summers
What makes creative capitalism hard? / Esther Duflo
Does being recognized as a good citizen make a difference? / Tim Hartford
Foundations could use the kick of creative capitalism / Alexander Friedman
A reply to Alexander Friedman : there`s no such thing as a free lunch / Steven Landsburg
Prove that it works, and it will catch on / Clive Crook
Gates Foundation to the rescue! / Tracy Williams, Michael Deich, and Josh Daniel
A reply to the Foundation : you`re out of touch / Gregory Clark
Another reply to the Foundation : what are you saying? / Steven Landsburg
Let us explain ourselves / Tracy Williams, Michael Deich, and Josh Daniel
The Sears solution / David Vogel
Reply to DavidVogel : the demand for virtue is rising / Conor Clarke
A reply to Conor Clarke : let`s not be too cynical / David Vogel
The real blind spots of today`s capitalists / Matt Miller
The bad side effects of forcing good behavior / Edmund S. Phelps
Altruists are like sadomasochists / Richard Posner
What Gates really means / Martin Wolf
What would Adam Smith do? / Clive Crook
Putting creativity back into creative capitalism / John Quiggin
Appendix: The social responsibility of business / Milton Friedman
What`s so bad about poverty? / Richard Posner
Companies as citizens / Michael Kinsley
Good company / Clive Crook

Nonfiction, 141659941X

Za kupovinu više knjiga i/ili cd-a u ukupnoj vrednosti većoj od 4000 din. poštarina je besplatna.
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Lično preuzimanje je isključivo na Konjarniku uz prethodni dogovor.
Hvala na razumevanju.

Predmet: 79806901
Michael Kinsley - Creative Capitalism: A Conversation with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Other Economic Leaders
Simon & Schuster, 2008
318 str.
tvrdi povez
stanje: vrlo dobro

Bill Gates is more than the world`s most successful capitalist; he`s also the world`s biggest philanthropist.

Gates has approached philanthropy the same way he revolutionized computer software: with a fierce ambition to change the rules of the game. That`s why at the 2008 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Gates advocated a creative capitalism in which big corporations, the distinguishing feature of the modern global economy, integrate doing good into their way of doing business.

This controversial new idea is discussed and debated by the more than forty contributors to this book, among them three Nobel laureates and two former U.S. cabinet secretaries. Edited by author and columnist Michael Kinsley, Creative Capitalism started as a first-of-its-kind online conversation that brought together some of the world`s best minds to engage Gates`s challenge. From Warren Buffett, who seconds Gates`s analysis, to Lawrence Summers, who worries about the consequences of multiple corporate objectives, the essays cover a broad spectrum of opinion. Judge Richard Posner dismisses Gates`s proposal as trumped-up charity that will sap the strengths of the profit-maximizing corporation, while journalist Martin Wolf maintains that the maximization of profit is far from universally accepted, and rightly so. Chicago Nobel laureate Gary Becker wonders whether altruistic companies can survive in a competitive economy, while Columbia Nobel laureate Edmund Phelps argues that a little altruism might be the right prescription for a variety of market imperfections.

Creative Capitalism is not just a book for philanthropists. It`s a book that challenges the conventional wisdom about our economic system, a road map for the new global economy that is emerging as capitalism adapts itself once again to a changing world.

Table Of Contents:
Introduction / Michael Kinsley
A new approach to capitalism / Bill Gates
Creative capitalism : the cheat sheet / Michael Kinsley
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett discuss `creative capitalism`
Creative capitalism : a starting critique / Michael Kinsley
The case for creative capitalism / Ed Glaeser
But wait! Can`t the poor decide for themselves? / Gregory Clark
Let old-fashioned capitalism help the poor / William Easterly
How capitalism can really get creative / Steven Landsburg
Let`s move beyond Milton Friedman`s icy purity / Michael Glaeser
Why creative capitalism would make things worse / Richard Posner
Can corporations that do good really compete? / Gary Becker
A reply to Richard Posner : reform comes from the bottom up / Ed Glaeser
A reply to Ed Glaeser : what kind of firm are we talking about? / Richard Posner
Is creative capitalism illegal? / John Quiggin
Can a corporation do good without fear of Carl Icahn? / Ronald J. Gilson and Michael Kinsley
Ten points about profit / Martin Wolf
Can you be creative and still be capitalist? / Matthew Bishop
Why creative capitalism gets in the way of democracy / Robert Reich
No, creative capitalism will only make capitalism stronger / Paul Ormerod
Old-fashioned capitalism is moral enough / William Easterly
To Gates`s critics : you`re making perfect the enemy of the good / Elizabeth Stuart
The problem with Gates : do as I say, not as I did / Clive Crook
The problem with Friedman : a lack of imagination / Brad DeLong
A quick reply to Brad DeLong : where`s the harm? / Clive Crook
To capitalism`s defenders : don`t be so defensive / Matthew Bishop
A response to Elizabeth Stuart : if not profits, what? / William Easterly
Why not experiment? / Paul Ormerod
Capitalism works because it`s self-correcting / William Easterly
Pure versus creative capitalism : a false choice / Ed Glaeser
What are we talking about? / Steven Landsburg
In defense of a good reputation / Michael Kremer
What are we talking about? Part two / Steven Landsburg
Creative capitalism has its first tool / Loretta Michaels
Why isn`t regular capitalism good enough? / Steven Landsburg
You can make profits and save the poor / Michael Kremer
Creative capitalism is not philanthropy / Thierry Lefebvre
Just do the right kind of lobbying / John Williamson
My version of the right kind / Nancy Birdsall
Just tax the rich / John Roemer
A capitalist knows who to call / Abhijit Banerjee
Does foreign aid create weak states? / Michael Kremer
Yes, but weak states can be coaxed creatively / Eric Werker
How the aid industry got creative / Nancy Birdsall
Even government can be creative / Michael Kremer
Don`t change capitalism, expand it / Kyle Chauvin
The lesson of history / Gregory Clark
Gates : the right place at the right time / Nancy Koehn
What makes capitalism work? / Jagdish Bhagwati
You want creative capitalism? Try this / Lawrence Summers
A reply to Summers : yes, it`s a fair warning / Vernon Smith
Maximizing whose profit? / Justin Fox
A brief detour on efficient markets / Michael Kinsley and Lawrence Summers
What makes creative capitalism hard? / Esther Duflo
Does being recognized as a good citizen make a difference? / Tim Hartford
Foundations could use the kick of creative capitalism / Alexander Friedman
A reply to Alexander Friedman : there`s no such thing as a free lunch / Steven Landsburg
Prove that it works, and it will catch on / Clive Crook
Gates Foundation to the rescue! / Tracy Williams, Michael Deich, and Josh Daniel
A reply to the Foundation : you`re out of touch / Gregory Clark
Another reply to the Foundation : what are you saying? / Steven Landsburg
Let us explain ourselves / Tracy Williams, Michael Deich, and Josh Daniel
The Sears solution / David Vogel
Reply to DavidVogel : the demand for virtue is rising / Conor Clarke
A reply to Conor Clarke : let`s not be too cynical / David Vogel
The real blind spots of today`s capitalists / Matt Miller
The bad side effects of forcing good behavior / Edmund S. Phelps
Altruists are like sadomasochists / Richard Posner
What Gates really means / Martin Wolf
What would Adam Smith do? / Clive Crook
Putting creativity back into creative capitalism / John Quiggin
Appendix: The social responsibility of business / Milton Friedman
What`s so bad about poverty? / Richard Posner
Companies as citizens / Michael Kinsley
Good company / Clive Crook

Nonfiction, 141659941X
79806901 Creative Capitalism: A Conversation with Bill Gates, Wa

LimundoGrad koristi kolačiće u statističke i marketinške svrhe. Nastavkom korišćenja sajta smatramo da ste pristali na upotrebu kolačića. Više informacija.