
Personal Leadership: Making a World of Difference

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1.040 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
CC paket (Pošta)
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Niš-Medijana,

VladimirKrstic (358)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 589

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Godina izdanja: 0000
ISBN: 0000
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Menadžment
Autor: Strani

Odlično očuvano.
Na engleskom.

The principles and practices of Personal Leadership help people access the inherently creative possibilities that exist when they come together from different backgrounds or with different perspectives. Instead of turning away from difference in fear or mistrust, Personal Leadership helps people engage with difference from a place of inspiration, curiosity, and full intelligence, and in alignment with their highest and best. The three authors have extensive personal experience working and living across cultures and in situations of difference, in both domestic and global contexts. The fifty stories used throughout the book to illustrate the core themes are drawn from their own lives and from those of the many Personal Leadership practitioners in global business, international education, diversity initiatives, team building, community building, international cooperation, and leadership development. Together they show how we can use Personal Leadership when we find ourselves in unfamiliar environments, in contexts that are rapidly changing, or in the midst of personal or professional transition. The book is well-written, easy to read, and intends to help us all `make a world of difference.`

Troškove slanja snosi kupac. Dodatan popust na kupovinu više oglasa. Ne šaljem van Srbije.Kupovinom više predmeta štedite na proviziji.Naknadne reklamacije ne uvazavam.Ako imate pitanja u vezi sa predmetom pitajte pre kupovine.Lično preuzimanje je moguce u Nisu,po dogovoru naravno. Ako me kupac u roku od dva dana ne obavesti o drugom imenu ili adresi za slanje,kupljeni predmet šaljem na ime i adresu dobijene od Kupinda. Saljem preporucenom tiskovinom.

od 101 g do 250 g 138 din
od 251 g do 500 g 169 din
od 501 g do 1.000 g 180 din
od 1.001 g do 2.000 g 211 din

Predmet: 78587101
Odlično očuvano.
Na engleskom.

The principles and practices of Personal Leadership help people access the inherently creative possibilities that exist when they come together from different backgrounds or with different perspectives. Instead of turning away from difference in fear or mistrust, Personal Leadership helps people engage with difference from a place of inspiration, curiosity, and full intelligence, and in alignment with their highest and best. The three authors have extensive personal experience working and living across cultures and in situations of difference, in both domestic and global contexts. The fifty stories used throughout the book to illustrate the core themes are drawn from their own lives and from those of the many Personal Leadership practitioners in global business, international education, diversity initiatives, team building, community building, international cooperation, and leadership development. Together they show how we can use Personal Leadership when we find ourselves in unfamiliar environments, in contexts that are rapidly changing, or in the midst of personal or professional transition. The book is well-written, easy to read, and intends to help us all `make a world of difference.`
78587101 Personal Leadership: Making a World of Difference

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