
Plisane Lutke Za Prste Ginjol Zivotinje Model 1

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Kupindo zaštita

Tip: Igracka Za Prste
Proizvođač: Kina
Boja: Šarena

Plisane Lutke Za Prste Ginjol Zivotinje Model 1

Item Specifications:
Name: Finger Puppet
Model: Animal
Gender: Unisex
Size: High About 7 cm Wide About 3 cm
Material: Cotton
Weight: All 10 pcs 40 - 45 g
Age Range: 1 - 3 Years Old

Product Description:
Compact design, you can wear them on your hand and move fingers.
You can use 5 fingers to control every part of the hand Puppet, and do a lot of cute actions.
Bright color attractive to kids, it is very easy to catch kids attention.
You can use it at anytime you want especially when you tell a story or sing a song for the kids.
This is the most effective tool for early education.
Enhance the expression and parent child interaction.
This product is also very easy and safe for kids to play it by themselves.

Opis Proizvoda:
Plisane lutke za prste idealno za vase malo dete koje jos uci kroz igru.
Lako se montira i lako se skida sa prstiju.
Da deca nauce brze zivotinjski svet uz igru.
U paketu se dobija 10 komada.

Paket Sadrzi:
Plisane Lutke 10 Komada

Postovani Kupci!!!
Molimo Vas da pre nego sto `KUPITE` zeljeni artikal prethodno proverite njegovo stanje (boja, velicina) kako biste bili sigurni da je proizvod koji zelite da porucite, trenutno dostupan.
Kupindo je aktivan 24h, nismo u mogucnosti da lager konstantno odrzimo azurnim zbog prodaje i na drugim mestima.
Na poruke odgovaramo u najkracem mogucem roku, kao i da azuriramo stanje koliko god nam to tehnicke i fizicke mogucnosti dozvole.
Hvala Vam unapred na strpljenju i razumevanju!
Pakete saljemo samo na teritoriji Srbije.

Predmet: 57602067
Plisane Lutke Za Prste Ginjol Zivotinje Model 1

Item Specifications:
Name: Finger Puppet
Model: Animal
Gender: Unisex
Size: High About 7 cm Wide About 3 cm
Material: Cotton
Weight: All 10 pcs 40 - 45 g
Age Range: 1 - 3 Years Old

Product Description:
Compact design, you can wear them on your hand and move fingers.
You can use 5 fingers to control every part of the hand Puppet, and do a lot of cute actions.
Bright color attractive to kids, it is very easy to catch kids attention.
You can use it at anytime you want especially when you tell a story or sing a song for the kids.
This is the most effective tool for early education.
Enhance the expression and parent child interaction.
This product is also very easy and safe for kids to play it by themselves.

Opis Proizvoda:
Plisane lutke za prste idealno za vase malo dete koje jos uci kroz igru.
Lako se montira i lako se skida sa prstiju.
Da deca nauce brze zivotinjski svet uz igru.
U paketu se dobija 10 komada.

Paket Sadrzi:
Plisane Lutke 10 Komada
57602067 Plisane Lutke Za Prste Ginjol Zivotinje Model 1

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