
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - HOWL

750 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: CC paket (Pošta)
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

coask89 (1296)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 2828

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Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

Izdavač: Ostalo
Žanr: Alternativni Rok, Bluz, Rok
Poreklo: Strani izvođač

Original, made in EU
Knjizica od 12 str.

knjizica 5 Cd 4+

Studio album by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Released August 22, 2005
Recorded 2005
Sandbox (Los Angeles, CA)
The Cobb (Philadelphia, PA)
Folk rockblues rockAmericanaindie rockcountry bluesgospel
Length 54:47
Producer Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club chronology
Take Them On, On Your Own
(2003) Howl
(2005) Baby 81

Howl is the third studio album by American rock band Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. It was released on August 22, 2005 in the UK, August 23 in the US, and September 21 in Japan. The record was released in the UK and Europe by The Echo Label and by RCA in the US, Australia, Japan, and the rest of the world.

Track listing
All tracks are written by Peter Hayes and Robert Levon Been

No. Title Lead vocals Length
1. `Shuffle Your Feet` Hayes 2:53
2. `Howl` Been 4:20
3. `Devil`s Waitin" Hayes 3:50
4. `Ain`t No Easy Way` Hayes 2:36
5. `Still Suspicion Holds You Tight` Hayes 4:24
6. `Fault Line` Hayes 2:57
7. `Promise` Been 4:46
8. `Weight of the World` Been 3:41
9. `Restless Sinner` Hayes 3:11
10. `Gospel Song` Been 4:31
11. `Complicated Situation` Hayes 2:37
12. `Sympathetic Noose` Been 4:17
13. `The Line` (contains hidden track `Open Invitation` at 5:09) Been/Hayes 8:14

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
Predmet šaljem nakon uplate na moj tekući račun ili po dogovoru.
Lično preuzimanje je uvek moguce u Novom Sadu po dogovoru,ili na mojoj adresi .
Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

U periodu od 30.8 do 15 .9 sam na putovanju i necu biti u mogucnosti da saljem posiljke. Bicu dostupan za svaku vrstu komunikacije.

Predmet: 77878069
Original, made in EU
Knjizica od 12 str.

knjizica 5 Cd 4+

Studio album by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Released August 22, 2005
Recorded 2005
Sandbox (Los Angeles, CA)
The Cobb (Philadelphia, PA)
Folk rockblues rockAmericanaindie rockcountry bluesgospel
Length 54:47
Producer Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club chronology
Take Them On, On Your Own
(2003) Howl
(2005) Baby 81

Howl is the third studio album by American rock band Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. It was released on August 22, 2005 in the UK, August 23 in the US, and September 21 in Japan. The record was released in the UK and Europe by The Echo Label and by RCA in the US, Australia, Japan, and the rest of the world.

Track listing
All tracks are written by Peter Hayes and Robert Levon Been

No. Title Lead vocals Length
1. `Shuffle Your Feet` Hayes 2:53
2. `Howl` Been 4:20
3. `Devil`s Waitin" Hayes 3:50
4. `Ain`t No Easy Way` Hayes 2:36
5. `Still Suspicion Holds You Tight` Hayes 4:24
6. `Fault Line` Hayes 2:57
7. `Promise` Been 4:46
8. `Weight of the World` Been 3:41
9. `Restless Sinner` Hayes 3:11
10. `Gospel Song` Been 4:31
11. `Complicated Situation` Hayes 2:37
12. `Sympathetic Noose` Been 4:17
13. `The Line` (contains hidden track `Open Invitation` at 5:09) Been/Hayes 8:14

77878069 Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - HOWL

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