
Lou Reed - Original Album Series 5CD NOVO

1.850 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 1
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: CC paket (Pošta)
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

coask89 (1299)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 2842

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Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

Izdavač: Ostalo
Žanr: Alternativni Rok, Rok
Poreklo: Strani izvođač

Original, made in EU
Novo, u celofanu

New York
Lou Reed– Romeo Had Juliette 3:10
Lou Reed– Halloween Parade 3:33
Lou Reed– Dirty Blvd. 3:29
Lou Reed– Endless Cycle 4:03
Lou Reed– There Is No Time 3:46
Lou Reed– Last Great American Whale 3:42
Lou Reed– Beginning Of A Great Adventure 4:57
Lou Reed– Busload Of Faith 4:50
Lou Reed– Sick Of You 3:26
Lou Reed– Hold On 3:25
Lou Reed– Good Evening Mr. Waldheim 4:37
Lou Reed– Xmas In February 2:57
Lou Reed– Strawman 5:54
Lou Reed– Dime Store Mystery 5:04
Songs For Drella
Lou Reed / John Cale– Smalltown 2:04
Lou Reed / John Cale– Open House 4:17
Lou Reed / John Cale– Style It Takes 2:54
Lou Reed / John Cale– Work 2:37
Lou Reed / John Cale– Trouble With Classicists 3:41
Lou Reed / John Cale– Starlight 3:28
Lou Reed / John Cale– Faces And Names 4:12
Lou Reed / John Cale– Images 3:30
Lou Reed / John Cale– Slip Away (A Warning) 3:05
Lou Reed / John Cale– It Wasn`t Me 3:30
Lou Reed / John Cale– I Believe 3:18
Lou Reed / John Cale– Nobody But You 3:46
Lou Reed / John Cale– A Dream 6:33
Lou Reed / John Cale– Forever Changed 4:52
Lou Reed / John Cale– Hello It`s Me 3:04
Magic And Loss
Lou Reed– Dorita (The Spirit) 1:07
Lou Reed– What`s Good (The Thesis) 3:22
Lou Reed– Power And Glory (The Situation) 4:24
Lou Reed– Magician (Internally) 6:23
Lou Reed– Sword Of Damocles (Externally) 3:42
Lou Reed– Goodby Mass (In A Chapel Bodily Termination) 4:26
Lou Reed– Cremation (Ashes To Ashes) 2:54
Lou Reed– Dreamin` (Escape) 5:10
Lou Reed– No Chance (Regret) 3:15
Lou Reed– Warrior King (Revenge) 4:27
Lou Reed– Harry`s Circumcision (Reverie Gone Astray) 5:29
Lou Reed– Gassed And Stoked (Loss) 4:19
Lou Reed– Power And Glory Part II (Magic - Transformation) 2:57
Lou Reed– Magic And Loss (The Summation) 6:40
Set The Twilight Reeling
Lou Reed– Egg Cream 5:18
Lou Reed– NYC Man 4:56
Lou Reed– Finish Line 3:24
Lou Reed– Trade In 4:59
Lou Reed– Hang On To Your Emotions 3:46
Lou Reed– Sex With Your Parents (Motherfucker) Part II 3:38
Lou Reed– HookyWooky 4:19
Lou Reed– The Proposition 3:27
Lou Reed– Adventurer 4:18
Lou Reed– Riptide 7:47
Lou Reed– Set The Twilight Reeling 5:04
Lou Reed– Paranoia Key Of E 4:28
Lou Reed– Mystic Child 5:02
Lou Reed– Mad 4:29
Lou Reed– Ecstasy 4:25
Lou Reed– Modern Dance 4:10
Lou Reed– Tatters 5:56
Lou Reed– Future Farmers Of America 3:02
Lou Reed– Turning Time Around 4:22
Lou Reed– White Prism 4:00
Lou Reed– Rock Minuet 6:57
Lou Reed– Baton Rouge 4:55
Lou Reed– Like A Possum 18:03
Lou Reed– Rouge 1:01
Lou Reed– Big Sky 6:33

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
Predmet šaljem nakon uplate na moj tekući račun ili po dogovoru.
Lično preuzimanje je uvek moguce u Novom Sadu po dogovoru,ili na mojoj adresi .
Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

U periodu od 30.8 do 15 .9 sam na putovanju i necu biti u mogucnosti da saljem posiljke. Bicu dostupan za svaku vrstu komunikacije.

Predmet: 77474809
Original, made in EU
Novo, u celofanu

New York
Lou Reed– Romeo Had Juliette 3:10
Lou Reed– Halloween Parade 3:33
Lou Reed– Dirty Blvd. 3:29
Lou Reed– Endless Cycle 4:03
Lou Reed– There Is No Time 3:46
Lou Reed– Last Great American Whale 3:42
Lou Reed– Beginning Of A Great Adventure 4:57
Lou Reed– Busload Of Faith 4:50
Lou Reed– Sick Of You 3:26
Lou Reed– Hold On 3:25
Lou Reed– Good Evening Mr. Waldheim 4:37
Lou Reed– Xmas In February 2:57
Lou Reed– Strawman 5:54
Lou Reed– Dime Store Mystery 5:04
Songs For Drella
Lou Reed / John Cale– Smalltown 2:04
Lou Reed / John Cale– Open House 4:17
Lou Reed / John Cale– Style It Takes 2:54
Lou Reed / John Cale– Work 2:37
Lou Reed / John Cale– Trouble With Classicists 3:41
Lou Reed / John Cale– Starlight 3:28
Lou Reed / John Cale– Faces And Names 4:12
Lou Reed / John Cale– Images 3:30
Lou Reed / John Cale– Slip Away (A Warning) 3:05
Lou Reed / John Cale– It Wasn`t Me 3:30
Lou Reed / John Cale– I Believe 3:18
Lou Reed / John Cale– Nobody But You 3:46
Lou Reed / John Cale– A Dream 6:33
Lou Reed / John Cale– Forever Changed 4:52
Lou Reed / John Cale– Hello It`s Me 3:04
Magic And Loss
Lou Reed– Dorita (The Spirit) 1:07
Lou Reed– What`s Good (The Thesis) 3:22
Lou Reed– Power And Glory (The Situation) 4:24
Lou Reed– Magician (Internally) 6:23
Lou Reed– Sword Of Damocles (Externally) 3:42
Lou Reed– Goodby Mass (In A Chapel Bodily Termination) 4:26
Lou Reed– Cremation (Ashes To Ashes) 2:54
Lou Reed– Dreamin` (Escape) 5:10
Lou Reed– No Chance (Regret) 3:15
Lou Reed– Warrior King (Revenge) 4:27
Lou Reed– Harry`s Circumcision (Reverie Gone Astray) 5:29
Lou Reed– Gassed And Stoked (Loss) 4:19
Lou Reed– Power And Glory Part II (Magic - Transformation) 2:57
Lou Reed– Magic And Loss (The Summation) 6:40
Set The Twilight Reeling
Lou Reed– Egg Cream 5:18
Lou Reed– NYC Man 4:56
Lou Reed– Finish Line 3:24
Lou Reed– Trade In 4:59
Lou Reed– Hang On To Your Emotions 3:46
Lou Reed– Sex With Your Parents (Motherfucker) Part II 3:38
Lou Reed– HookyWooky 4:19
Lou Reed– The Proposition 3:27
Lou Reed– Adventurer 4:18
Lou Reed– Riptide 7:47
Lou Reed– Set The Twilight Reeling 5:04
Lou Reed– Paranoia Key Of E 4:28
Lou Reed– Mystic Child 5:02
Lou Reed– Mad 4:29
Lou Reed– Ecstasy 4:25
Lou Reed– Modern Dance 4:10
Lou Reed– Tatters 5:56
Lou Reed– Future Farmers Of America 3:02
Lou Reed– Turning Time Around 4:22
Lou Reed– White Prism 4:00
Lou Reed– Rock Minuet 6:57
Lou Reed– Baton Rouge 4:55
Lou Reed– Like A Possum 18:03
Lou Reed– Rouge 1:01
Lou Reed– Big Sky 6:33
77474809 Lou Reed - Original Album Series  5CD NOVO

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