
Kenny Loggins ‎– Outside From The Redwoods (Live)

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Plaćanje: Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

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Izdavač: Ostalo
Žanr: Pop, Rok
Poreklo: Strani izvođač

Original, made in Austria
Knjizica od 12 str.

Odlicno ocuvano

Outside: From the Redwoods is the second live album released by soft rock singer Kenny Loggins. Released August 1993, it is the recording of his June 1993 concert held `outside` at a venue located within a stand of giant redwood trees. The album features reworked versions of many of Loggins` songs, both from his solo work and his earlier work in Loggins and Messina. Michael McDonald gives a guest performance on a reworked version of their classic co-written, `What a Fool Believes`, and R&B singer Shanice gives guest performances on `I Would Do Anything` and `Love Will Follow`

1 –Kenny Loggins Conviction Of The Heart 5:36
2 –Kenny Loggins Duet With Michael McDonald What A Fool Believes 4:12
3 –Kenny Loggins You Mama Don`t Dance 4:13
4 –Kenny Loggins Duet With Shanice I Would Do Anything 7:37
5 –Kenny Loggins Now And Then 3:31
6 –Kenny Loggins Angry Eyes 4:49
7 –Kenny Loggins If You Believe 6:04
8 –Kenny Loggins Celebrate Me Home 8:03
9 –Kenny Loggins Duet With Shanice Love Will Follow 5:53
10 –Kenny Loggins Leap Of Faith 6:54
11 –Kenny Loggins This Is It 4:19
12 –Kenny Loggins Footloose 4:04
13 –Kenny Loggins I`m Alright 8:51
Companies, etc.
Phonographic Copyright (p) – Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Copyright (c) – Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Manufactured By – Columbia Records
Accordion – Steve Conn (tracks: 5, 13)
Backing Vocals – Chris Rodriguez (tracks: 8), Lynne Fiddmont-Linsey* (tracks: 1, 8 to 9, 12 to 13)
Bass – Freddie Washington (tracks: 1, to 4, 7 to 13)
Bass Drum – Ed Mann (tracks: 13), Marc Russo (tracks: 13)
Bells – Lynne Fiddmont-Linsey* (tracks: 12 to 13)
Berimbau [Birimbau] – Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 10)
Chorus – Lynne Fiddmont-Linsey* (tracks: 7)
Congas – Kevin Ricard (tracks: 11)
Djembe – Kevin Ricard (tracks: 1)
Drums – Alvino Bennett (tracks: 2, 7, 9 to 13), Herman Matthews (tracks: 1, 3 to 4, 8), Steve Croes* (tracks: 12)
Gong – Ed Mann (tracks: 1)
Guitar – Chris Rodriguez (tracks: 1 to 4, 6, to 7, 9 to 13), Kenny Loggins (tracks: 1 to 3, 5 to 6, 10 to 13)
Harmonica – Howard Levy (tracks: 3, 8, 11, 12, 14)
Jew`s Harp – Howard Levy (tracks: 13)
Lyrics By – Dean Pitchford (tracks: 12), Jeff Bouchard (tracks: 5), Kenny Loggins
Management – Denzyl Feigelson
Mandolin – Howard Levy (tracks: 11)
Organ [Pump Organ] – Marc Russo (tracks: 1, 7, 11), Steve George (tracks: 12)
Percussion – Ed Mann (tracks: 10), Kevin Ricard (tracks: 1 to 2, 4, 7, 9 to 10, 13), Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 4, 13)
Percussion [Batas] – Kevin Ricard (tracks: 10)
Percussion [Chestboard] – Kevin Ricard (tracks: 13)
Piano – Steve Conn (tracks: 12), Steve George (tracks: 1 to 2, 4, 7 to 8, 11, 13)
Producer – Kenny Loggins, Terry Nelson
Saxophone – Marc Russo (tracks: 2, 4, 7 to 9, 13)
Shaker – Lynne Fiddmont-Linsey* (tracks: 2), Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 9 to 10)
Shekere – Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 1)
Slide Guitar – Sonny Landreth (tracks: 6, 11, 13)
Snare [Field Snare] – Steve Croes* (tracks: 1)
Surdo – Ed Mann (tracks: 1), Steve Croes* (tracks: 1)
Synth [Synth Organ] – Steve George (tracks: 9, 10)
Tambourine – Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 7)
Tom Tom – Steve Croes* (tracks: 13)
Vibraphone [Vibes] – Ed Mann (tracks: 2, 4, 10)
Vocals [Additional] – Chris Rodriguez (tracks: 1 to 3, 6 to 7, 9 to 13), Freddie Washington (tracks: 1, 3, 4, 7 to 13), Kevin Ricard (tracks: 1, 7), Steve George (tracks: 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13)
Written-By – Bob James (tracks: 8), David Foster (tracks: 4), Guy Thomas (tracks: 1, 10), Jim Messina (tracks: 3, 6), Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald (tracks: 2, 11), Steve Wood (2) (tracks: 7), Tom Snow (tracks: 9)
Management: Next Step/Denzyl Feigelson.

Shanice appears courtesy of Motown Records Company, L.P.
Michael McDonald appears courtesy of Reprise Records.

Crosby, Cody, Isabella, and Lukas; Don Ienner for your creativity and support, Jerry Lembo (The AC Captain), Bobby Colomby, Peter Fletcher, Fred Ehrlich, Debbie Newman, Jerry Durkin, Robin Cecola, Sandra Hey, Alan Kozlowski, Stanley Dorfman, Nancy Lyons, Judy B. Swartz, Carl Studna, Oakley, Becky Wilhelm, Annaluna Karkar, Natural Nectar, Peter Pomeranze, Pam Murphy, Jim and Barbara Thomas, Apple Computers, Visualize, John Paul DeJoria, Brooks Parsons, Guess? Clothing, Shep And Alive Enterprises, Kimberly White, Lee Phillips, Roz Jones, Larry Burke, Outside Magazine, Joseph Smith, Travelmart, Dave Reitzas, Ted Hall, Steve Montgomery, National Guitars, AKG Acoustics - Joey Wolpert, Shure Microphones - Robert Grubb, Innovative Audio, Pendulum Audio, Rane, David Vincent at Takamine, TJ Baden at Taylor, Gibson, Paiste, Drum Workshop, Vic Firth, Remo, ProMark, Gibraltar, Westwood Music, ABC Music.
....And of course Julia, There is no way to express my appreciation for your loving support and understanding.
Pretty wild ride, isn`t it?

Na kutiji su vidljivi tragovi koriscenja

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
Predmet šaljem nakon uplate na moj tekući račun ili po dogovoru.
Lično preuzimanje je uvek moguce u Novom Sadu po dogovoru,ili na mojoj adresi .
Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

U periodu od 30.8 do 15 .9 sam na putovanju i necu biti u mogucnosti da saljem posiljke. Bicu dostupan za svaku vrstu komunikacije.

Predmet: 50390609
Original, made in Austria
Knjizica od 12 str.

Odlicno ocuvano

Outside: From the Redwoods is the second live album released by soft rock singer Kenny Loggins. Released August 1993, it is the recording of his June 1993 concert held `outside` at a venue located within a stand of giant redwood trees. The album features reworked versions of many of Loggins` songs, both from his solo work and his earlier work in Loggins and Messina. Michael McDonald gives a guest performance on a reworked version of their classic co-written, `What a Fool Believes`, and R&B singer Shanice gives guest performances on `I Would Do Anything` and `Love Will Follow`

1 –Kenny Loggins Conviction Of The Heart 5:36
2 –Kenny Loggins Duet With Michael McDonald What A Fool Believes 4:12
3 –Kenny Loggins You Mama Don`t Dance 4:13
4 –Kenny Loggins Duet With Shanice I Would Do Anything 7:37
5 –Kenny Loggins Now And Then 3:31
6 –Kenny Loggins Angry Eyes 4:49
7 –Kenny Loggins If You Believe 6:04
8 –Kenny Loggins Celebrate Me Home 8:03
9 –Kenny Loggins Duet With Shanice Love Will Follow 5:53
10 –Kenny Loggins Leap Of Faith 6:54
11 –Kenny Loggins This Is It 4:19
12 –Kenny Loggins Footloose 4:04
13 –Kenny Loggins I`m Alright 8:51
Companies, etc.
Phonographic Copyright (p) – Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Copyright (c) – Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Manufactured By – Columbia Records
Accordion – Steve Conn (tracks: 5, 13)
Backing Vocals – Chris Rodriguez (tracks: 8), Lynne Fiddmont-Linsey* (tracks: 1, 8 to 9, 12 to 13)
Bass – Freddie Washington (tracks: 1, to 4, 7 to 13)
Bass Drum – Ed Mann (tracks: 13), Marc Russo (tracks: 13)
Bells – Lynne Fiddmont-Linsey* (tracks: 12 to 13)
Berimbau [Birimbau] – Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 10)
Chorus – Lynne Fiddmont-Linsey* (tracks: 7)
Congas – Kevin Ricard (tracks: 11)
Djembe – Kevin Ricard (tracks: 1)
Drums – Alvino Bennett (tracks: 2, 7, 9 to 13), Herman Matthews (tracks: 1, 3 to 4, 8), Steve Croes* (tracks: 12)
Gong – Ed Mann (tracks: 1)
Guitar – Chris Rodriguez (tracks: 1 to 4, 6, to 7, 9 to 13), Kenny Loggins (tracks: 1 to 3, 5 to 6, 10 to 13)
Harmonica – Howard Levy (tracks: 3, 8, 11, 12, 14)
Jew`s Harp – Howard Levy (tracks: 13)
Lyrics By – Dean Pitchford (tracks: 12), Jeff Bouchard (tracks: 5), Kenny Loggins
Management – Denzyl Feigelson
Mandolin – Howard Levy (tracks: 11)
Organ [Pump Organ] – Marc Russo (tracks: 1, 7, 11), Steve George (tracks: 12)
Percussion – Ed Mann (tracks: 10), Kevin Ricard (tracks: 1 to 2, 4, 7, 9 to 10, 13), Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 4, 13)
Percussion [Batas] – Kevin Ricard (tracks: 10)
Percussion [Chestboard] – Kevin Ricard (tracks: 13)
Piano – Steve Conn (tracks: 12), Steve George (tracks: 1 to 2, 4, 7 to 8, 11, 13)
Producer – Kenny Loggins, Terry Nelson
Saxophone – Marc Russo (tracks: 2, 4, 7 to 9, 13)
Shaker – Lynne Fiddmont-Linsey* (tracks: 2), Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 9 to 10)
Shekere – Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 1)
Slide Guitar – Sonny Landreth (tracks: 6, 11, 13)
Snare [Field Snare] – Steve Croes* (tracks: 1)
Surdo – Ed Mann (tracks: 1), Steve Croes* (tracks: 1)
Synth [Synth Organ] – Steve George (tracks: 9, 10)
Tambourine – Munyungo Jackson (tracks: 7)
Tom Tom – Steve Croes* (tracks: 13)
Vibraphone [Vibes] – Ed Mann (tracks: 2, 4, 10)
Vocals [Additional] – Chris Rodriguez (tracks: 1 to 3, 6 to 7, 9 to 13), Freddie Washington (tracks: 1, 3, 4, 7 to 13), Kevin Ricard (tracks: 1, 7), Steve George (tracks: 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13)
Written-By – Bob James (tracks: 8), David Foster (tracks: 4), Guy Thomas (tracks: 1, 10), Jim Messina (tracks: 3, 6), Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald (tracks: 2, 11), Steve Wood (2) (tracks: 7), Tom Snow (tracks: 9)
Management: Next Step/Denzyl Feigelson.

Shanice appears courtesy of Motown Records Company, L.P.
Michael McDonald appears courtesy of Reprise Records.

Crosby, Cody, Isabella, and Lukas; Don Ienner for your creativity and support, Jerry Lembo (The AC Captain), Bobby Colomby, Peter Fletcher, Fred Ehrlich, Debbie Newman, Jerry Durkin, Robin Cecola, Sandra Hey, Alan Kozlowski, Stanley Dorfman, Nancy Lyons, Judy B. Swartz, Carl Studna, Oakley, Becky Wilhelm, Annaluna Karkar, Natural Nectar, Peter Pomeranze, Pam Murphy, Jim and Barbara Thomas, Apple Computers, Visualize, John Paul DeJoria, Brooks Parsons, Guess? Clothing, Shep And Alive Enterprises, Kimberly White, Lee Phillips, Roz Jones, Larry Burke, Outside Magazine, Joseph Smith, Travelmart, Dave Reitzas, Ted Hall, Steve Montgomery, National Guitars, AKG Acoustics - Joey Wolpert, Shure Microphones - Robert Grubb, Innovative Audio, Pendulum Audio, Rane, David Vincent at Takamine, TJ Baden at Taylor, Gibson, Paiste, Drum Workshop, Vic Firth, Remo, ProMark, Gibraltar, Westwood Music, ABC Music.
....And of course Julia, There is no way to express my appreciation for your loving support and understanding.
Pretty wild ride, isn`t it?

Na kutiji su vidljivi tragovi koriscenja

50390609 Kenny Loggins ‎– Outside From The Redwoods (Live)

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