
Newport Folk Festival: Best Of The Blues 1959-68 3CD

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Post Express
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Plaćanje: Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

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Izdavač: Ostalo
Žanr: Bluz
Poreklo: Strani izvođač


Disc One: Delta Blues 61:09
1-1 –Mississippi John Hurt Sliding Delta
1-2 –Mississippi John Hurt Candy Man
1-3 –Mississippi John Hurt Coffee Blues
1-4 –Mississippi John Hurt Stagolee
1-5 –Mississippi John Hurt Here I Am Lord Send Me
1-6 –Mississippi John Hurt Pallet On Your Floor
1-7 –Skip James Devil Got My Woman
1-8 –Skip James Hard Time Killing Floor
1-9 –Son House Preaching Blues
1-10 –Son House Death Letter Blues
1-11 –Son House Empire State Express
1-12 –Son House Son Blues
1-13 –Bukka White Aberdeen Mississippi Blues
1-14 –Mississippi Fred McDowell* Louise
1-15 –Mississippi Fred McDowell* If The River Was Whiskey
1-16 –Muddy Waters Walkin` Blues
1-17 –Muddy Waters I Can`t Be Satisfied
Disc Two: Country Blues 54:47
2-1 –Robert Pete Williams Levee Camp Blues
2-2 –Robert Pete Williams Midnight Boogie
2-3 –Robert Pete Williams On My Way From Texas
2-4 –Mance Lipscomb Freddie
2-5 –Mance Lipscomb So Different Blues
2-6 –Mance Lipscomb God Moves On The Water (The Sinking Of The Titanic)
2-7 –Jesse Fuller San Francisco Bay Blues
2-8 –Jesse Fuller I Double Double Do Love You
2-9 –Reverend Gary Davis* Samson & Delilah
2-10 –Reverend Gary Davis* I Won`t Be Back No More
2-11 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry Intro / The Train Is Leaving
2-12 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry Drink Muddy Water
2-13 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry Long Gone
2-14 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry Key To The Highway
2-15 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry My Baby Done Changed The Lock On The Door
2-16 –Sleepy John Estes Clean Up At Home
Disc Three: Urban Blues 57:00
3-1 –Lightnin` Hopkins The Woman I`m Loving, She`s Taken My Appetite
3-2 –Lightnin` Hopkins Baby Please Don`t Go
3-3 –Lightnin` Hopkins with Samuel Lay* Shake That Thing
3-4 –John Lee Hooker with Bill Lee (2) Tupelo
3-5 –John Lee Hooker with Bill Lee (2) Bus Station Blues
3-6 –John Lee Hooker Let`s Make It
3-7 –John Lee Hooker Great Fire Of Natchez
3-8 –John Lee Hooker Boom Boom
3-9 –John Lee Hooker I Can`t Quit You Baby / Stop Now Baby
3-10 –Memphis Slim How Long
3-11 –Memphis Slim Black Cat Crossed My Path
3-12 –Memphis Slim Harlem Bound
3-13 –Memphis Slim Piano Instrumental
3-14 –Muddy Waters & Otis Spann Blow Wind Blow
3-15 –Muddy Waters & Otis Spann Flood
3-16 –The Chambers Brothers See See Rider
3-17 –Paul Butterfield Blues Band* Blues With A Feeling
3-18 –Paul Butterfield Blues Band* Born In Chicago

The Newport Festival was a buzz with blasts from the past in the early-60s. In his book `Baby Let Me Follow You Down` Eric Von Schmidt recalled his memories of the festival: `I was listening to Mississippi John Hurt sing Spike Driver Blues. It was unreal, John Hurt was dead. Had to be. All the guys on that Harry Smith Anthology were dead. But there was no denying that the man singing so sweet and playing so beautifully was the John Hurt. He had a face - and what a face. He had a hat that he wore like a halo.`

John Hurt was tracked down in Avalon, Mississippi-.-Bukka White in Aberdeen, Mississippi-.-Skip James was found in Mississippi`s Tunica Hospital while Son House was residing in Rochester, New York. Dick Waterman recalled the scene when Skip James took to the stage in his book `Baby Let Me Follow You Down`: `Skip sat down, and put his guitar on his leg. He set himself down, doing a little finger manipulation with his left hand, then he set his fingers by the sound hole. Sighed and hit the first note of I`d Rather Be the Devil Than Be That Woman`s Man. He took that first note up in falsetto all the way, and the hairs on the neck went up, and all up and down my arms, the hairs just went right up. It`s such an eerie note. It`s almost a wail. It`s a cry. There was an audible gasp from the audience.`

Other bluesmen weren`t so much rediscovered as simply exposed. Mance Lipscomb was a gifted songster and slide guitarist who had never recorded, but who`d also never stopped playing at local functions around Navasota, Texas. Lightin` Hopkins, another Texan had been recording for years when he arrived at Newport. And successful urban bluesmen like Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker, faced with a diminishing market for blues in the black market, saw the festival as a way to attract a whole new audience.

Performers were paid just $50 to appear at Newport, but careers were made on this main stage. Dick Waterman who became a booking agent and business advisor to many of the rediscovered bluesmen recalled: `It`s important to remember that the record companies were well represented at the festival. You only had about fifteen minutes to play, but if you performed really well in those few minutes, as you turned from the microphone and left the stage, you just might be greeted by John Hammond of Columbia, or Maynard Solomon of Vanguard, or Jac Holzman of Elektra. There were no lawyers or middlemen involved. The guy who made the decision at the record company was there to make a deal.`

Newport provided a profoundly moving look at some of the artists who first taught the world the meaning of the blues. Neither the blues nor popular music would ever again be quite the same.

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
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Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

U periodu od 30.8 do 15 .9 sam na putovanju i necu biti u mogucnosti da saljem posiljke. Bicu dostupan za svaku vrstu komunikacije.

Predmet: 37766239

Disc One: Delta Blues 61:09
1-1 –Mississippi John Hurt Sliding Delta
1-2 –Mississippi John Hurt Candy Man
1-3 –Mississippi John Hurt Coffee Blues
1-4 –Mississippi John Hurt Stagolee
1-5 –Mississippi John Hurt Here I Am Lord Send Me
1-6 –Mississippi John Hurt Pallet On Your Floor
1-7 –Skip James Devil Got My Woman
1-8 –Skip James Hard Time Killing Floor
1-9 –Son House Preaching Blues
1-10 –Son House Death Letter Blues
1-11 –Son House Empire State Express
1-12 –Son House Son Blues
1-13 –Bukka White Aberdeen Mississippi Blues
1-14 –Mississippi Fred McDowell* Louise
1-15 –Mississippi Fred McDowell* If The River Was Whiskey
1-16 –Muddy Waters Walkin` Blues
1-17 –Muddy Waters I Can`t Be Satisfied
Disc Two: Country Blues 54:47
2-1 –Robert Pete Williams Levee Camp Blues
2-2 –Robert Pete Williams Midnight Boogie
2-3 –Robert Pete Williams On My Way From Texas
2-4 –Mance Lipscomb Freddie
2-5 –Mance Lipscomb So Different Blues
2-6 –Mance Lipscomb God Moves On The Water (The Sinking Of The Titanic)
2-7 –Jesse Fuller San Francisco Bay Blues
2-8 –Jesse Fuller I Double Double Do Love You
2-9 –Reverend Gary Davis* Samson & Delilah
2-10 –Reverend Gary Davis* I Won`t Be Back No More
2-11 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry Intro / The Train Is Leaving
2-12 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry Drink Muddy Water
2-13 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry Long Gone
2-14 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry Key To The Highway
2-15 –Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry My Baby Done Changed The Lock On The Door
2-16 –Sleepy John Estes Clean Up At Home
Disc Three: Urban Blues 57:00
3-1 –Lightnin` Hopkins The Woman I`m Loving, She`s Taken My Appetite
3-2 –Lightnin` Hopkins Baby Please Don`t Go
3-3 –Lightnin` Hopkins with Samuel Lay* Shake That Thing
3-4 –John Lee Hooker with Bill Lee (2) Tupelo
3-5 –John Lee Hooker with Bill Lee (2) Bus Station Blues
3-6 –John Lee Hooker Let`s Make It
3-7 –John Lee Hooker Great Fire Of Natchez
3-8 –John Lee Hooker Boom Boom
3-9 –John Lee Hooker I Can`t Quit You Baby / Stop Now Baby
3-10 –Memphis Slim How Long
3-11 –Memphis Slim Black Cat Crossed My Path
3-12 –Memphis Slim Harlem Bound
3-13 –Memphis Slim Piano Instrumental
3-14 –Muddy Waters & Otis Spann Blow Wind Blow
3-15 –Muddy Waters & Otis Spann Flood
3-16 –The Chambers Brothers See See Rider
3-17 –Paul Butterfield Blues Band* Blues With A Feeling
3-18 –Paul Butterfield Blues Band* Born In Chicago

The Newport Festival was a buzz with blasts from the past in the early-60s. In his book `Baby Let Me Follow You Down` Eric Von Schmidt recalled his memories of the festival: `I was listening to Mississippi John Hurt sing Spike Driver Blues. It was unreal, John Hurt was dead. Had to be. All the guys on that Harry Smith Anthology were dead. But there was no denying that the man singing so sweet and playing so beautifully was the John Hurt. He had a face - and what a face. He had a hat that he wore like a halo.`

John Hurt was tracked down in Avalon, Mississippi-.-Bukka White in Aberdeen, Mississippi-.-Skip James was found in Mississippi`s Tunica Hospital while Son House was residing in Rochester, New York. Dick Waterman recalled the scene when Skip James took to the stage in his book `Baby Let Me Follow You Down`: `Skip sat down, and put his guitar on his leg. He set himself down, doing a little finger manipulation with his left hand, then he set his fingers by the sound hole. Sighed and hit the first note of I`d Rather Be the Devil Than Be That Woman`s Man. He took that first note up in falsetto all the way, and the hairs on the neck went up, and all up and down my arms, the hairs just went right up. It`s such an eerie note. It`s almost a wail. It`s a cry. There was an audible gasp from the audience.`

Other bluesmen weren`t so much rediscovered as simply exposed. Mance Lipscomb was a gifted songster and slide guitarist who had never recorded, but who`d also never stopped playing at local functions around Navasota, Texas. Lightin` Hopkins, another Texan had been recording for years when he arrived at Newport. And successful urban bluesmen like Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker, faced with a diminishing market for blues in the black market, saw the festival as a way to attract a whole new audience.

Performers were paid just $50 to appear at Newport, but careers were made on this main stage. Dick Waterman who became a booking agent and business advisor to many of the rediscovered bluesmen recalled: `It`s important to remember that the record companies were well represented at the festival. You only had about fifteen minutes to play, but if you performed really well in those few minutes, as you turned from the microphone and left the stage, you just might be greeted by John Hammond of Columbia, or Maynard Solomon of Vanguard, or Jac Holzman of Elektra. There were no lawyers or middlemen involved. The guy who made the decision at the record company was there to make a deal.`

Newport provided a profoundly moving look at some of the artists who first taught the world the meaning of the blues. Neither the blues nor popular music would ever again be quite the same.
37766239 Newport Folk Festival: Best Of The Blues 1959-68 3CD

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