
Blame It On The Dogg:The Swamp Dogg Anthology 1968-1978

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Izdavač: Ostalo
Žanr: Fank i Soul
Poreklo: Strani izvođač


Various Artists (Swamp Dogg)
1 –C & The Shells On Your Way Home
2 –Gene Pitney She`s A Hearthbreaker
3 –Jerry Williams* Shipwrecked
4 –Patti La Belle & The Blue Belles* He`s Gone
5 –Tommy Hunt I Need A Woman Of My Own
6 –Inez & Charlie Fox* (1-2-3-4-5-6-7)
7 –The Drifters Your Best Friend
8 –Jerry Williams* Your Man
9 –Gary US Bonds* I`m Glad Your Back
10 –Little Charles & The Sidewinders* Please Open Up The Door
11 –Jerry Williams* Run Run Roadrunner
12 –Kenny Carter What`s So With You Loving Me
13 –Slick `N` The Family Brick Don`t Trust A Woman
14 –Swamp Dogg Straigth From The Hearth
15 –ZZ Hill* Touch `Em With Love
16 –Obe Jessie & The Seeds Of Freedom* Who`s The Blame
17 –Swamp Dogg Don`t Throw Your Love To The Wind
18 –Eleanor Grant Plea #3 (Is It True Boy?)
19 –Arthur Conley Complication #4
20 –Helen Curry Shu-Doo-Pa-Poo-Poop (Love Being Your Fool)
21 –Eleanor Grant The Other Woman
22 –Ruth Brown Stop Knocking
23 –Wolfmoon God Bless
24 –Eleanor Grant Rockin`Your Baby Now

Over the years, soul music has thrown up its share of characters and one such, definitely larger than life and indeed than his physical stature, is Jerry Williams Jr, better known as Swamp Dogg. Outrageous, outspoken, opinionated and one of the nicest guys you could meet, Swamp loves his music doubtless more than he loves the music business, an institution to which he has contributed more than his fair share of classics, many of which have gone unrecognised beyond a select - but ever-growing - coterie of fans. As an artist, songwriter and producer, Swamp’s mark on soul music has been indelible and, in “Blame It On The Dogg” we get two dozen tracks that show him in his multiple guises.

By the 1968 date that launches this CD, Jerry Williams Jr was 25 and already a veteran of the business as an artist, label owner, producer and writer. The earliest example here of his work is the Dynamo release of Inez & Charlie Foxx’s Count The Days, cut while the man himself was pacted to the parent Musicor label. A relatively short-lived stay, he moved on to Botanic and Atlantic - with further examples of his work featured here - as he told In The Basement magazine in 1998. [At Musicor] “I co-produced the Toys, Exciters, Tommy Hunt, Inez & Charlie Fox... then I got fired for taking Gene Pitney out of his bag. So I met up with Don Gardner who was setting up Botanic Records and was given the A&R position that night. Three weeks’ later I was Vice President and a stockholder. I signed Gary US Bonds immediately and Little Charles & the Sidewinders. Botanic expanded very rapidly and went out of business the same way. I called Henry Allen at Atlantic and made an artist/producer pact, cutting the Commodores, Patti LaBelle & the Bluebelles, C & the Shells and the Drifters. I signed Gary Bonds to Atco. I attained chart positions on C & the Shells but the other acts did not see the light of day as far as the charts were concerned. Nevertheless, I’m as proud of the productions I did for Atlantic as I will always be of my family. However, at Atlantic, I was the square peg struggling to fit in the round hole.”

Williams became Swamp Dogg on joining Canyon Records, home to such classic Dogg productions as Doris Duke’s “I’m A Loser” and Sandra Philips’ “Too Many People In One Bed” albums (both available on Kent) after which he flirted with the Swamp Dogg Presents label, original home of four tracks here, including those by Kenny Carter and Slick ‘n’ the Family Brick, the latter being an outfit featuring the man himself. He also began a label venture with TK’s Henry Stone, Stone Dogg, from whence comes the Obe Jessie & the Seeds Of Freedom track.

Swamp Dogg’s tale continued... “Following this came a much needed hiatus because I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I developed acute anxiety, paranoia, hypertension - my doctor believed I’d suffered a heart attack and refused to change his diagnosis even when found to be erroneous. It took a top-notch shrink and about four years altogether to overcome it.” Well, it was a heck of a brief ‘hiatus’! He certainly never stopped working - his “Have You Heard This Story” album reflecting on his situation was delivered to Island Records during the period - and the tracks here from Wolfmoon, Arthur Conley, Ruth Brown, Eleanor Grant and Helen Curry all spring from this ‘nerves-span’. Tyrone Thomas had recorded in the mid-60s as Little Tommy and, under this name, Swamp produced him circa 1970 for Capitol’s then-reactivated Tower label but the project went unreleased. Dubbed Wolfmoon, the track ‘God Bless’ comes from his eponymous Fungus album.

Some of Swamp’s greatest achievements have been with female vocalists, with whom he has seemed to have a particular affinity - although it has been suggested that his working relationship with Ruth Brown (represented here with Stop Knocking) was something of a love/hate one, with emphasis on the latter. Iin 1998 he commented that he and songwriting partners, Charlie Whitehead and Gary U.S. Bonds, were all raised by strong women, which assisted in getting into a female mindset. “When I write about women I’m writing with my aunts, my mother, my grandmother and everybody. How they felt, how they acted...” The strong distaff tracks by Eleanor Grant are seeing the light of day for the first time and ex-Independent Helen Curry’s take on Shu-Doo-Pa-Poo-Poop was cut for Swamp’s Sweetheart label, just one of two outings from the venture. The title of the CD here uses the word “Blame” but it could as easily have been substituted by “Praise”. More please!

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
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Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

U periodu od 30.8 do 15 .9 sam na putovanju i necu biti u mogucnosti da saljem posiljke. Bicu dostupan za svaku vrstu komunikacije.

Predmet: 37655971

Various Artists (Swamp Dogg)
1 –C & The Shells On Your Way Home
2 –Gene Pitney She`s A Hearthbreaker
3 –Jerry Williams* Shipwrecked
4 –Patti La Belle & The Blue Belles* He`s Gone
5 –Tommy Hunt I Need A Woman Of My Own
6 –Inez & Charlie Fox* (1-2-3-4-5-6-7)
7 –The Drifters Your Best Friend
8 –Jerry Williams* Your Man
9 –Gary US Bonds* I`m Glad Your Back
10 –Little Charles & The Sidewinders* Please Open Up The Door
11 –Jerry Williams* Run Run Roadrunner
12 –Kenny Carter What`s So With You Loving Me
13 –Slick `N` The Family Brick Don`t Trust A Woman
14 –Swamp Dogg Straigth From The Hearth
15 –ZZ Hill* Touch `Em With Love
16 –Obe Jessie & The Seeds Of Freedom* Who`s The Blame
17 –Swamp Dogg Don`t Throw Your Love To The Wind
18 –Eleanor Grant Plea #3 (Is It True Boy?)
19 –Arthur Conley Complication #4
20 –Helen Curry Shu-Doo-Pa-Poo-Poop (Love Being Your Fool)
21 –Eleanor Grant The Other Woman
22 –Ruth Brown Stop Knocking
23 –Wolfmoon God Bless
24 –Eleanor Grant Rockin`Your Baby Now

Over the years, soul music has thrown up its share of characters and one such, definitely larger than life and indeed than his physical stature, is Jerry Williams Jr, better known as Swamp Dogg. Outrageous, outspoken, opinionated and one of the nicest guys you could meet, Swamp loves his music doubtless more than he loves the music business, an institution to which he has contributed more than his fair share of classics, many of which have gone unrecognised beyond a select - but ever-growing - coterie of fans. As an artist, songwriter and producer, Swamp’s mark on soul music has been indelible and, in “Blame It On The Dogg” we get two dozen tracks that show him in his multiple guises.

By the 1968 date that launches this CD, Jerry Williams Jr was 25 and already a veteran of the business as an artist, label owner, producer and writer. The earliest example here of his work is the Dynamo release of Inez & Charlie Foxx’s Count The Days, cut while the man himself was pacted to the parent Musicor label. A relatively short-lived stay, he moved on to Botanic and Atlantic - with further examples of his work featured here - as he told In The Basement magazine in 1998. [At Musicor] “I co-produced the Toys, Exciters, Tommy Hunt, Inez & Charlie Fox... then I got fired for taking Gene Pitney out of his bag. So I met up with Don Gardner who was setting up Botanic Records and was given the A&R position that night. Three weeks’ later I was Vice President and a stockholder. I signed Gary US Bonds immediately and Little Charles & the Sidewinders. Botanic expanded very rapidly and went out of business the same way. I called Henry Allen at Atlantic and made an artist/producer pact, cutting the Commodores, Patti LaBelle & the Bluebelles, C & the Shells and the Drifters. I signed Gary Bonds to Atco. I attained chart positions on C & the Shells but the other acts did not see the light of day as far as the charts were concerned. Nevertheless, I’m as proud of the productions I did for Atlantic as I will always be of my family. However, at Atlantic, I was the square peg struggling to fit in the round hole.”

Williams became Swamp Dogg on joining Canyon Records, home to such classic Dogg productions as Doris Duke’s “I’m A Loser” and Sandra Philips’ “Too Many People In One Bed” albums (both available on Kent) after which he flirted with the Swamp Dogg Presents label, original home of four tracks here, including those by Kenny Carter and Slick ‘n’ the Family Brick, the latter being an outfit featuring the man himself. He also began a label venture with TK’s Henry Stone, Stone Dogg, from whence comes the Obe Jessie & the Seeds Of Freedom track.

Swamp Dogg’s tale continued... “Following this came a much needed hiatus because I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I developed acute anxiety, paranoia, hypertension - my doctor believed I’d suffered a heart attack and refused to change his diagnosis even when found to be erroneous. It took a top-notch shrink and about four years altogether to overcome it.” Well, it was a heck of a brief ‘hiatus’! He certainly never stopped working - his “Have You Heard This Story” album reflecting on his situation was delivered to Island Records during the period - and the tracks here from Wolfmoon, Arthur Conley, Ruth Brown, Eleanor Grant and Helen Curry all spring from this ‘nerves-span’. Tyrone Thomas had recorded in the mid-60s as Little Tommy and, under this name, Swamp produced him circa 1970 for Capitol’s then-reactivated Tower label but the project went unreleased. Dubbed Wolfmoon, the track ‘God Bless’ comes from his eponymous Fungus album.

Some of Swamp’s greatest achievements have been with female vocalists, with whom he has seemed to have a particular affinity - although it has been suggested that his working relationship with Ruth Brown (represented here with Stop Knocking) was something of a love/hate one, with emphasis on the latter. Iin 1998 he commented that he and songwriting partners, Charlie Whitehead and Gary U.S. Bonds, were all raised by strong women, which assisted in getting into a female mindset. “When I write about women I’m writing with my aunts, my mother, my grandmother and everybody. How they felt, how they acted...” The strong distaff tracks by Eleanor Grant are seeing the light of day for the first time and ex-Independent Helen Curry’s take on Shu-Doo-Pa-Poo-Poop was cut for Swamp’s Sweetheart label, just one of two outings from the venture. The title of the CD here uses the word “Blame” but it could as easily have been substituted by “Praise”. More please!
37655971 Blame It On The Dogg:The Swamp Dogg Anthology 1968-1978

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