
The Pink Fairy Book - Andrew Lang (1922)

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1900 - 1949.
Jezik: Engleski
Tematika: Književnost
Kulturno dobro: Predmet koji prodajem nije kulturno dobro ili ovlašćena institucija odbija pravo preče kupovine
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju
Nedostaci: Hrbat izbledei, mali potpis na predlistu, zacepljeno desetak stranica u sredini knjige kod gornje margine, ne dopire do teksta (vidi sliku).

Povez čvrst i kompaktan, stranice čiste i bez diskoloracija. Bogato ilustrovano. Retko drugo izdanje poznate serije.

In overall good condition, some 10 pages torn on the upper edges, the tear is 10mm in diameter and does not affect the text. Small inscription on title page. Binding tight, pages clean without foxing.

Longmans, Green, and Co, London, 1922. Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. New Impression (first published 1897). Hardback copy in pink blind stamped boards with lettering and illustration to spine, no dustjacket. 360pp. B/w frontispiece with tissue guard, b/w illustration to title page, b/w illustrations throughout (both full page and within text).

The Langs` Fairy Books are a series of 25 collections of true and fictional stories for children published between 1889 and 1913 by Andrew Lang and his wife, Leonora Blanche Alleyne. The best known books of the series are the 12 collections of fairy tales also known as Andrew Lang`s `Coloured` Fairy Books or Andrew Lang`s Fairy Books of Many Colors. In all, the volumes feature 798 stories, besides the 153 poems in The Blue Poetry Book.

Andrew Lang (1844–1912) was a Scots poet, novelist, and literary critic. He initially edited the series and wrote prefaces for its entire run, while his wife, the translator and author Leonora Blanche Alleyne (1851 – 10 July 1933), known to friends and family as Nora, assumed editorial control of the series in the 1890s. She and other translators did a large portion of the translating and retelling of the actual stories, as acknowledged in the prefaces. Four of the volumes from 1908 to 1912 were published by `Mrs. Lang`.

According to Anita Silvey, `The irony of Lang`s life and work is that although he wrote for a profession—literary criticism; fiction; poems; books and articles on anthropology, mythology, history, and travel ... he is best recognized for the works he did not write.`

The 12 Coloured Fairy Books were illustrated by Henry Justice Ford, with credit for the first two volumes shared by G. P. Jacomb-Hood and Lancelot Speed, respectively. A. Wallis Mills also contributed some illustrations.

The Pink Fairy Book (1897)
Forty-one Japanese, Scandinavian, and Sicilian tales.

`The Cat`s Elopement`
`How the Dragon Was Tricked`
`The Goblin and the Grocer`
`The House in the Wood`
`Urashimataro and the Turtle`
`The Slaying of the Tanuki`
`The Flying Trunk`
`The Snow Man`
`The Shirt-Collar`
`The Princess in the Chest`
`The Three Brothers`
`The Snow-queen`
`The Fir-Tree`
`Hans, the Mermaid`s Son`
`Peter Bull`
`The Bird `Grip"
`I Know What I Have Learned`
`The Cunning Shoemaker`
`The King Who Would Have a Beautiful Wife`
`Catherine and Her Destiny`
`How the Hermit Helped to Win the King`s Daughter`
`The Water of Life`
`The Wounded Lion`
`The Man Without a Heart`
`The Two Brothers`
`Master and Pupil`
`The Golden Lion`
`The Sprig of Rosemary`
`The White Dove`
`The Troll`s Daughter`
`Esben and the Witch`
`Princess Minon-Minette`
`Maiden Bright-eye`
`The Merry Wives`
`King Lindworm`
`The Jackal, the Dove, and the Panther`
`The Little Hare`
`The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue`
`The Story of Ciccu`
`Don Giovanni de la Fortuna`

Za kupovine ukupne vrednosti preko 2.000 dinara moguće lično preuzimanje u Cara Dušana u Novom Sadu. Ako je za pojedinačnu knjigu navedena samo opcija Pošta, lično preuzimanje samo te knjige nije moguće. U Novom Sadu moguća je lična dostava i plaćanje preko službe Eko-kurir (cena je 250-300 din).

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Predmet: 76759313
U dobrom stanju
Nedostaci: Hrbat izbledei, mali potpis na predlistu, zacepljeno desetak stranica u sredini knjige kod gornje margine, ne dopire do teksta (vidi sliku).

Povez čvrst i kompaktan, stranice čiste i bez diskoloracija. Bogato ilustrovano. Retko drugo izdanje poznate serije.

In overall good condition, some 10 pages torn on the upper edges, the tear is 10mm in diameter and does not affect the text. Small inscription on title page. Binding tight, pages clean without foxing.

Longmans, Green, and Co, London, 1922. Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. New Impression (first published 1897). Hardback copy in pink blind stamped boards with lettering and illustration to spine, no dustjacket. 360pp. B/w frontispiece with tissue guard, b/w illustration to title page, b/w illustrations throughout (both full page and within text).

The Langs` Fairy Books are a series of 25 collections of true and fictional stories for children published between 1889 and 1913 by Andrew Lang and his wife, Leonora Blanche Alleyne. The best known books of the series are the 12 collections of fairy tales also known as Andrew Lang`s `Coloured` Fairy Books or Andrew Lang`s Fairy Books of Many Colors. In all, the volumes feature 798 stories, besides the 153 poems in The Blue Poetry Book.

Andrew Lang (1844–1912) was a Scots poet, novelist, and literary critic. He initially edited the series and wrote prefaces for its entire run, while his wife, the translator and author Leonora Blanche Alleyne (1851 – 10 July 1933), known to friends and family as Nora, assumed editorial control of the series in the 1890s. She and other translators did a large portion of the translating and retelling of the actual stories, as acknowledged in the prefaces. Four of the volumes from 1908 to 1912 were published by `Mrs. Lang`.

According to Anita Silvey, `The irony of Lang`s life and work is that although he wrote for a profession—literary criticism; fiction; poems; books and articles on anthropology, mythology, history, and travel ... he is best recognized for the works he did not write.`

The 12 Coloured Fairy Books were illustrated by Henry Justice Ford, with credit for the first two volumes shared by G. P. Jacomb-Hood and Lancelot Speed, respectively. A. Wallis Mills also contributed some illustrations.

The Pink Fairy Book (1897)
Forty-one Japanese, Scandinavian, and Sicilian tales.

`The Cat`s Elopement`
`How the Dragon Was Tricked`
`The Goblin and the Grocer`
`The House in the Wood`
`Urashimataro and the Turtle`
`The Slaying of the Tanuki`
`The Flying Trunk`
`The Snow Man`
`The Shirt-Collar`
`The Princess in the Chest`
`The Three Brothers`
`The Snow-queen`
`The Fir-Tree`
`Hans, the Mermaid`s Son`
`Peter Bull`
`The Bird `Grip"
`I Know What I Have Learned`
`The Cunning Shoemaker`
`The King Who Would Have a Beautiful Wife`
`Catherine and Her Destiny`
`How the Hermit Helped to Win the King`s Daughter`
`The Water of Life`
`The Wounded Lion`
`The Man Without a Heart`
`The Two Brothers`
`Master and Pupil`
`The Golden Lion`
`The Sprig of Rosemary`
`The White Dove`
`The Troll`s Daughter`
`Esben and the Witch`
`Princess Minon-Minette`
`Maiden Bright-eye`
`The Merry Wives`
`King Lindworm`
`The Jackal, the Dove, and the Panther`
`The Little Hare`
`The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue`
`The Story of Ciccu`
`Don Giovanni de la Fortuna`
76759313 The Pink Fairy Book - Andrew Lang (1922)

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