
Sinclair Lewis DR ARROWSMITH / omot Pavle Bihalji

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1900 - 1949.
Tematika: Književnost
Kulturno dobro: Predmet koji prodajem nije kulturno dobro ili ovlašćena institucija odbija pravo preče kupovine
Jezik: Srpski
Autor: Strani

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Pavle Bihaly dizajn omotnice

Синклер Луис (енгл. Sinclair Lewis; 7. фебруар 1885 — 10. јануар 1951), био је амерички књижевник и Нобеловац.

Рођен је 1885, имао је живот испуњен разноврсним искуствима, корисним за стварање широке визије америчког друштва, чију ће снажну слику дати у својим романима. Тако је он, рецимо, прекинуо студије на универзитету Јејл, и отишао да ради на Панамском каналу. А онда се вратио на Јејл и дипломирао, 1908. Наредних година је пуно путовао по Америци, радећи као извештач многих листова и агенција. У почетку, док још није нашао свој прави пут, писао је булеварску прозу, приче и романе, све док 1920. није објавио роман „Главна улица” и постигао огроман успех. За кратко време било је распродато пола милиона примерака, а роман је преведен на безмало све европске језике.

Уследили су потом романи:„Краљевска крв”,„Бебит”, „Елмер Гантри”, „Човек који је познавао Кулиџа”, „Додсворт”, „Мартин Ароусмит”, „Ана Викерс”, „Уметничко дело”, „То је овде немогуће”.[1][2] Њима је Луис избио у ред великих реалистичких писаца савремене Америке, с подједнаким познавањем описујући живот различитих слојева и врло различитих јунака.[3] Снажна сатиричка, критичка нота изазивала је често противречне реакције јавности. Од похвала критике и слободоумних интелектуалаца – до позива на бојкот, линч, хапшење! Синклер Луис је један од најславнијих писаца такозване изгубљене генерације. Нобелову награду за књижевност добио је 1930. године.[4] Преминуо је 1951.[5]

Радови[уреди | уреди извор]

Луис 1944.
Новеле[уреди | уреди извор]
1912: Hike and the Aeroplane
1914: Our Mr. Wrenn: The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man
1915: The Trail of the Hawk: A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life
1917: The Job
1917: The Innocents: A Story for Lovers
1919: Free Air
Serialized in The Saturday Evening Post, May 31, June 7, June 14 and 21, 1919
1920: Main Street
1922: Babbitt
Excerpted in Hearst`s International, October 1922
1925: Arrowsmith
1926: Mantrap
Serialized in Collier`s, February 20, March 20 and April 24, 1926
1927: Elmer Gantry
1928: The Man Who Knew Coolidge: Being the Soul of Lowell Schmaltz, Constructive and Nordic Citizen
1929: Dodsworth
1933: Ann Vickers
Serialized in Redbook, August, November and December 1932
1934: Work of Art
1935: It Can`t Happen Here
1938: The Prodigal Parents
1940: Bethel Merriday
1943: Gideon Planish
1945: Cass Timberlane: A Novel of Husbands and Wives
Appeared in Cosmopolitan, July 1945.
1947: Kingsblood Royal
1949: The God-Seeker
1951: World So Wide (posthumous)
Babbitt, Mantrap and Cass Timberline were published as Armed Services Editions during WWII.
Кратке приче[уреди | уреди извор]
1907: `That Passage in Isaiah`, The Blue Mule, May 1907
1907: `Art and the Woman`, The Gray Goose, June 1907
1911: `The Way to Rome`, The Bellman, May 13, 1911
1915: `Commutation: $9.17`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 30, 1915
1915: `The Other Side of the House`, The Saturday Evening Post, November 27, 1915
1916: `If I Were Boss`, The Saturday Evening Post, January 1 and 8, 1916
1916: `I`m a Stranger Here Myself`, The Smart Set, August 1916
1916: `He Loved His Country`, Everybody`s Magazine, October 1916
1916: `Honestly If Possible`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 14, 191
1917: `Twenty-Four Hours in June`, The Saturday Evening Post, February 17, 1917
1917: `The Innocents`, Woman`s Home Companion, March 1917
1917: `A Story with a Happy Ending`, The Saturday Evening Post, March 17, 1917
1917: `Hobohemia`, The Saturday Evening Post, April 7, 1917
1917: `The Ghost Patrol`, The Red Book Magazine, June 1917
Adapted for the silent film The Ghost Patrol (1923)
1917: `Young Man Axelbrod`, The Century, June 1917
1917: `A Woman by Candlelight`, The Saturday Evening Post, July 28, 1917
1917: `The Whisperer`, The Saturday Evening Post, August 11, 1917
1917: `The Hidden People`, Good Housekeeping, September 1917
1917: `Joy-Joy`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 20, 1917
1918: `A Rose for Little Eva`, McClure`s, February 1918
1918: `Slip It to `Em`, Metropolitan Magazine, March 1918
1918: `An Invitation to Tea`, Every Week, June 1, 1918
1918: `The Shadowy Glass`, The Saturday Evening Post, June 22, 1918
1918: `The Willow Walk`, The Saturday Evening Post, August 10, 1918
1918: `Getting His Bit`, Metropolitan Magazine, September 1918
1918: `The Swept Hearth`, The Saturday Evening Post, September 21, 1918
1918: `Jazz`, Metropolitan Magazine, October 1918
1918: `Gladvertising`, The Popular Magazine, October 7, 1918
1919: `Moths in the Arc Light`, The Saturday Evening Post, January 11, 1919
1919: `The Shrinking Violet`, The Saturday Evening Post, February 15, 1919
1919: `Things`, The Saturday Evening Post, February 22, 1919
1919: `The Cat of the Stars`, The Saturday Evening Post, April 19, 1919
1919: `The Watcher Across the Road`, The Saturday Evening Post, May 24, 1919
1919: `Speed`, The Red Book Magazine, June 1919
1919: `The Shrimp-Colored Blouse`, The Red Book Magazine, August 1919
1919: `The Enchanted Hour`, The Saturday Evening Post, August 9, 1919
1919: `Danger—Run Slow`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 18 and 25, 1919
1919: `Bronze Bars`, The Saturday Evening Post, December 13, 1919
1920: `Habaes Corpus`, The Saturday Evening Post, January 24, 1920
1920: `Way I See It`, The Saturday Evening Post, May 29, 1920
1920: `The Good Sport`, The Saturday Evening Post, December 11, 1920
1921: `A Matter of Business`, Harper`s, March 1921
1921: `Number Seven to Sagapoose`, The American Magazine, May 1921
1921: `The Post-Mortem Murder`, The Century, May 1921
1923: `The Hack Driver`, The Nation, August 29, 1923[6]
1929: `He Had a Brother`, Cosmopolitan, May 1929
1929: `There Was a Prince`, Cosmopolitan, June 1929
1929: `Elizabeth, Kitty and Jane`, Cosmopolitan, July 1929
1929: `Dear Editor`, Cosmopolitan, August 1929
1929: `What a Man!`, Cosmopolitan, September 1929
1929: `Keep Out of the Kitchen`, Cosmopolitan, October 1929
1929: `A Letter from the Queen`, Cosmopolitan, December 1929
1930: `Youth`, Cosmopolitan, February 1930
1930: `Noble Experiment`, Cosmopolitan, August 1930
1930: `Little Bear Bongo`, Cosmopolitan, September 1930
Adapted for the animated feature film Fun and Fancy Free (1947)
1930: `Go East, Young Man`, Cosmopolitan, December 1930
1931: `Let`s Play King`, Cosmopolitan, January, February and March 1931
1931: `Pajamas`, Redbook, April 1931
1931: `Ring Around a Rosy`, The Saturday Evening Post, June 6, 1931
1931: `City of Mercy`, Cosmopolitan, July 1931
1931: `Land`, The Saturday Evening Post, September 12, 1931
1931: `Dollar Chasers`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 17 and 24, 1931
1935: `The Hippocratic Oath`, Cosmopolitan, June 1935
1935: `Proper Gander`, The Saturday Evening Post, July 13, 1935
1935: `Onward, Sons of Ingersoll!`, Scribner`s, August 1935
1936: `From the Queen`, Argosy, February 1936
1941: `The Man Who Cheated Time`, Good Housekeeping, March 1941
1941: `Manhattan Madness`, The American Magazine, September 1941
1941: `They Had Magic Then!`, Liberty, September 6, 1941
1943: `All Wives Are Angels`, Cosmopolitan, February 1943
1943: `Nobody to Write About`, Cosmopolitan, July 1943
1943: `Green Eyes—A Handbook of Jealousy`, Cosmopolitan, September and October 1943
1943: Harri
Serialized in Good Housekeeping, August, September 1943 ISBN 978-1523653508(novella)
Кратке приче (1904–1949)[уреди | уреди извор]
Самуел Ј. Рогал је уредио Кратке приче Синклера Луиса (1904–1949), седмотомни сет који је 2007. објавио Едвин Мелен прес. Први покушај да се прикупе све Луисове кратке приче.[7]
Volume 1 (June 1904 – January 1916) ISBN 9780773454873
Volume 2 (August 1916 – October 1917) ISBN 9780773454897
Volume 3 (January 1918 – February 1919) ISBN 9780773454910
Volume 4 (February 1919 – May 1921) ISBN 9780773454194
Volume 5 (August 1923 – April 1931) ISBN 9780773453562
Volume 6 (June 1931 – March 1941) ISBN 9780773453067
Volume 7 (September 1941 – May 1949) ISBN 9780773452763
Чланци[уреди | уреди извор]
1915: `Nature, Inc.`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 2, 1915
1917: `For the Zelda Bunch`, McClure`s, October 1917
1918: `Spiritualist Vaudeville`, Metropolitan Magazine, February 1918
1919: `Adventures in Autobumming: Gasoline Gypsies`, The Saturday Evening Post, December 20, 1919
1919: `Adventures in Autobumming: Want a Lift?`, The Saturday Evening Post, December 27, 1919
1920: `Adventures in Autobumming: The Great American Frying Pan`, The Saturday Evening Post, January 3, 1920
Драме[уреди | уреди извор]
1919: Hobohemia
1934: Jayhawker: A Play in Three Acts (with Lloyd Lewis)
1936: It Can`t Happen Here (with John C. Moffitt)
1938: Angela Is Twenty-Two (with Fay Wray)
Adapted for the feature film This Is the Life (1944)
Сценарио[уреди | уреди извор]
1943: Storm In the West (with Dore Schary – unproduced)[8]
Поеме[уреди | уреди извор]
1907: `The Ultra-Modern`, The Smart Set, July 1907
1907: `Dim Hours of Dusk`, The Smart Set, August 1907
1907: `Disillusion`, The Smart Set, December 1907
1909: `Summer in Winter`, People`s Magazine, February 1909
1912: `A Canticle of Great Lovers`, Ainslee`s Magazine, July 1912
Предговори[уреди | уреди извор]
1942: Henry Ward Beecher: An American Portrait (by Paxton Hibben; publisher: The Press of the Readers Club, NY NY)
Књиге[уреди | уреди извор]
1915: Tennis As I Play It (ghostwritten for Maurice McLoughlin)[9]
1926: John Dos Passos` Manhattan Transfer
1929: Cheap and Contented Labor: The Picture of a Southern Mill Town in 1929
1935: Selected Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis
1952: From Main Street to Stockholm: Letters of Sinclair Lewis, 1919–1930 (edited by Alfred Harcourt and Oliver Harrison)
1953: A Sinclair Lewis Reader: Selected Essays and Other Writings, 1904–1950 (edited by Harry E. Maule and Melville Cane)
1962: I`m a Stranger Here Myself and Other Stories (edited by Mark Schorer)
1962: Sinclair Lewis: A Collection of Critical Essays (edited by Mark Schorer)
1985: Selected Letters of Sinclair Lewis (edited by John J. Koblas and Dave Page)
1997: If I Were Boss: The Early Business Stories of Sinclair Lewis (edited by Anthony Di Renzo)
2000: Minnesota Diary, 1942–46 (edited by George Killough)
2005: Go East, Young Man: Sinclair Lewis on Class in America (edited by Sally E. Parry)
2005: The Minnesota Stories of Sinclair Lewis (edited by Sally E. Parry)
Референце[уреди | уреди извор]
^ Панчић, Теофил. „ROMAN – TO JE OVDE NEMOGUĆE > »Mali čovek« i veliko zlo”. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ Tasić, Jelena. „Knjiga koja je predvidela današnju Ameriku”. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ „Синклер Луис, први Американац који је добио Нобелову награду за књижевност”. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ STANKOVIĆ, Dušan. „Genije sa vizijom”. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ ТСАНКОВА, ГЕРГАНА. „Синклер Луис - бекства црвенокосог побуњеника”. Архивирано из оригинала 16. 01. 2021. г. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ „The Hack Driver” (PDF). Footprints Without Fleet: Supplementary Reader in English for Class X. New Delhi: NCERT. 2018. стр. 46—52. ISBN 978-81-7450-709-9. OCLC 1144708212.
^ „The Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis (1904–1949)”. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. Приступљено 31. 12. 2013.
^ Lewis, Sinclair; Schary, Dore (1963). Storm In the West. New York: Stein and Day.
^ Pastore, 323–5
Литература[уреди | уреди извор]
Lingeman, Richard R. (2002) Sinclair Lewis: Rebel From Main Street. New York: Borealis Books. ISBN 0873515412. online
Pastore, Stephen R. (1997) Sinclair Lewis: A Descriptive Bibliography. New Haven, YALE UP. ISBN 0965627500.
Schorer, Mark. (1961) Sinclair Lewis: An American Life. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961. online
Augspurger, Michael. `Sinclair Lewis` Primers for the Professional Managerial Class: Babbitt, Arrowsmith, and Dodsworth.` Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 34.2 (2001): 73–97. online
Babcock, C. Merton, and Sinclair Lewis. `Americanisms in the Novels of Sinclair Lewis.` American Speech 35.2 (1960): 110–116. online
Blair, Amy. `Main Street Reading Main Street.` New directions in American reception study (2008): 139–58.
Bucco, Martin. Main Street: The Revolt of Carol Kennicott, 1993.
Dooley, D. J. The Art of Sinclair Lewis, 1967.
Eisenman, David J. `Rereading Arrowsmith in the COVID-19 Pandemic.` JAMA 324.4 (2020): 319–320. online
Fleming, Robert E. Sinclair Lewis, a reference guide (1980) online
Hutchisson, James M. `Sinclair Lewis, Paul De Kruif, and the Composition of` Arrowsmith`.` Studies in the Novel 24.1 (1992): 48–66. online
Hutchisson, James M. `All of Us Americans at 46: The Making of Sinclair Lewis` Babbitt.` Journal of Modern Literature 18.1 (1992): 95–114. online
Hutchisson, James M. Rise of Sinclair Lewis, 1920–1930 (Penn State Press, 2010). online

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Retko sa omotom

Pavle Bihaly dizajn omotnice

Синклер Луис (енгл. Sinclair Lewis; 7. фебруар 1885 — 10. јануар 1951), био је амерички књижевник и Нобеловац.

Рођен је 1885, имао је живот испуњен разноврсним искуствима, корисним за стварање широке визије америчког друштва, чију ће снажну слику дати у својим романима. Тако је он, рецимо, прекинуо студије на универзитету Јејл, и отишао да ради на Панамском каналу. А онда се вратио на Јејл и дипломирао, 1908. Наредних година је пуно путовао по Америци, радећи као извештач многих листова и агенција. У почетку, док још није нашао свој прави пут, писао је булеварску прозу, приче и романе, све док 1920. није објавио роман „Главна улица” и постигао огроман успех. За кратко време било је распродато пола милиона примерака, а роман је преведен на безмало све европске језике.

Уследили су потом романи:„Краљевска крв”,„Бебит”, „Елмер Гантри”, „Човек који је познавао Кулиџа”, „Додсворт”, „Мартин Ароусмит”, „Ана Викерс”, „Уметничко дело”, „То је овде немогуће”.[1][2] Њима је Луис избио у ред великих реалистичких писаца савремене Америке, с подједнаким познавањем описујући живот различитих слојева и врло различитих јунака.[3] Снажна сатиричка, критичка нота изазивала је често противречне реакције јавности. Од похвала критике и слободоумних интелектуалаца – до позива на бојкот, линч, хапшење! Синклер Луис је један од најславнијих писаца такозване изгубљене генерације. Нобелову награду за књижевност добио је 1930. године.[4] Преминуо је 1951.[5]

Радови[уреди | уреди извор]

Луис 1944.
Новеле[уреди | уреди извор]
1912: Hike and the Aeroplane
1914: Our Mr. Wrenn: The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man
1915: The Trail of the Hawk: A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life
1917: The Job
1917: The Innocents: A Story for Lovers
1919: Free Air
Serialized in The Saturday Evening Post, May 31, June 7, June 14 and 21, 1919
1920: Main Street
1922: Babbitt
Excerpted in Hearst`s International, October 1922
1925: Arrowsmith
1926: Mantrap
Serialized in Collier`s, February 20, March 20 and April 24, 1926
1927: Elmer Gantry
1928: The Man Who Knew Coolidge: Being the Soul of Lowell Schmaltz, Constructive and Nordic Citizen
1929: Dodsworth
1933: Ann Vickers
Serialized in Redbook, August, November and December 1932
1934: Work of Art
1935: It Can`t Happen Here
1938: The Prodigal Parents
1940: Bethel Merriday
1943: Gideon Planish
1945: Cass Timberlane: A Novel of Husbands and Wives
Appeared in Cosmopolitan, July 1945.
1947: Kingsblood Royal
1949: The God-Seeker
1951: World So Wide (posthumous)
Babbitt, Mantrap and Cass Timberline were published as Armed Services Editions during WWII.
Кратке приче[уреди | уреди извор]
1907: `That Passage in Isaiah`, The Blue Mule, May 1907
1907: `Art and the Woman`, The Gray Goose, June 1907
1911: `The Way to Rome`, The Bellman, May 13, 1911
1915: `Commutation: $9.17`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 30, 1915
1915: `The Other Side of the House`, The Saturday Evening Post, November 27, 1915
1916: `If I Were Boss`, The Saturday Evening Post, January 1 and 8, 1916
1916: `I`m a Stranger Here Myself`, The Smart Set, August 1916
1916: `He Loved His Country`, Everybody`s Magazine, October 1916
1916: `Honestly If Possible`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 14, 191
1917: `Twenty-Four Hours in June`, The Saturday Evening Post, February 17, 1917
1917: `The Innocents`, Woman`s Home Companion, March 1917
1917: `A Story with a Happy Ending`, The Saturday Evening Post, March 17, 1917
1917: `Hobohemia`, The Saturday Evening Post, April 7, 1917
1917: `The Ghost Patrol`, The Red Book Magazine, June 1917
Adapted for the silent film The Ghost Patrol (1923)
1917: `Young Man Axelbrod`, The Century, June 1917
1917: `A Woman by Candlelight`, The Saturday Evening Post, July 28, 1917
1917: `The Whisperer`, The Saturday Evening Post, August 11, 1917
1917: `The Hidden People`, Good Housekeeping, September 1917
1917: `Joy-Joy`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 20, 1917
1918: `A Rose for Little Eva`, McClure`s, February 1918
1918: `Slip It to `Em`, Metropolitan Magazine, March 1918
1918: `An Invitation to Tea`, Every Week, June 1, 1918
1918: `The Shadowy Glass`, The Saturday Evening Post, June 22, 1918
1918: `The Willow Walk`, The Saturday Evening Post, August 10, 1918
1918: `Getting His Bit`, Metropolitan Magazine, September 1918
1918: `The Swept Hearth`, The Saturday Evening Post, September 21, 1918
1918: `Jazz`, Metropolitan Magazine, October 1918
1918: `Gladvertising`, The Popular Magazine, October 7, 1918
1919: `Moths in the Arc Light`, The Saturday Evening Post, January 11, 1919
1919: `The Shrinking Violet`, The Saturday Evening Post, February 15, 1919
1919: `Things`, The Saturday Evening Post, February 22, 1919
1919: `The Cat of the Stars`, The Saturday Evening Post, April 19, 1919
1919: `The Watcher Across the Road`, The Saturday Evening Post, May 24, 1919
1919: `Speed`, The Red Book Magazine, June 1919
1919: `The Shrimp-Colored Blouse`, The Red Book Magazine, August 1919
1919: `The Enchanted Hour`, The Saturday Evening Post, August 9, 1919
1919: `Danger—Run Slow`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 18 and 25, 1919
1919: `Bronze Bars`, The Saturday Evening Post, December 13, 1919
1920: `Habaes Corpus`, The Saturday Evening Post, January 24, 1920
1920: `Way I See It`, The Saturday Evening Post, May 29, 1920
1920: `The Good Sport`, The Saturday Evening Post, December 11, 1920
1921: `A Matter of Business`, Harper`s, March 1921
1921: `Number Seven to Sagapoose`, The American Magazine, May 1921
1921: `The Post-Mortem Murder`, The Century, May 1921
1923: `The Hack Driver`, The Nation, August 29, 1923[6]
1929: `He Had a Brother`, Cosmopolitan, May 1929
1929: `There Was a Prince`, Cosmopolitan, June 1929
1929: `Elizabeth, Kitty and Jane`, Cosmopolitan, July 1929
1929: `Dear Editor`, Cosmopolitan, August 1929
1929: `What a Man!`, Cosmopolitan, September 1929
1929: `Keep Out of the Kitchen`, Cosmopolitan, October 1929
1929: `A Letter from the Queen`, Cosmopolitan, December 1929
1930: `Youth`, Cosmopolitan, February 1930
1930: `Noble Experiment`, Cosmopolitan, August 1930
1930: `Little Bear Bongo`, Cosmopolitan, September 1930
Adapted for the animated feature film Fun and Fancy Free (1947)
1930: `Go East, Young Man`, Cosmopolitan, December 1930
1931: `Let`s Play King`, Cosmopolitan, January, February and March 1931
1931: `Pajamas`, Redbook, April 1931
1931: `Ring Around a Rosy`, The Saturday Evening Post, June 6, 1931
1931: `City of Mercy`, Cosmopolitan, July 1931
1931: `Land`, The Saturday Evening Post, September 12, 1931
1931: `Dollar Chasers`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 17 and 24, 1931
1935: `The Hippocratic Oath`, Cosmopolitan, June 1935
1935: `Proper Gander`, The Saturday Evening Post, July 13, 1935
1935: `Onward, Sons of Ingersoll!`, Scribner`s, August 1935
1936: `From the Queen`, Argosy, February 1936
1941: `The Man Who Cheated Time`, Good Housekeeping, March 1941
1941: `Manhattan Madness`, The American Magazine, September 1941
1941: `They Had Magic Then!`, Liberty, September 6, 1941
1943: `All Wives Are Angels`, Cosmopolitan, February 1943
1943: `Nobody to Write About`, Cosmopolitan, July 1943
1943: `Green Eyes—A Handbook of Jealousy`, Cosmopolitan, September and October 1943
1943: Harri
Serialized in Good Housekeeping, August, September 1943 ISBN 978-1523653508(novella)
Кратке приче (1904–1949)[уреди | уреди извор]
Самуел Ј. Рогал је уредио Кратке приче Синклера Луиса (1904–1949), седмотомни сет који је 2007. објавио Едвин Мелен прес. Први покушај да се прикупе све Луисове кратке приче.[7]
Volume 1 (June 1904 – January 1916) ISBN 9780773454873
Volume 2 (August 1916 – October 1917) ISBN 9780773454897
Volume 3 (January 1918 – February 1919) ISBN 9780773454910
Volume 4 (February 1919 – May 1921) ISBN 9780773454194
Volume 5 (August 1923 – April 1931) ISBN 9780773453562
Volume 6 (June 1931 – March 1941) ISBN 9780773453067
Volume 7 (September 1941 – May 1949) ISBN 9780773452763
Чланци[уреди | уреди извор]
1915: `Nature, Inc.`, The Saturday Evening Post, October 2, 1915
1917: `For the Zelda Bunch`, McClure`s, October 1917
1918: `Spiritualist Vaudeville`, Metropolitan Magazine, February 1918
1919: `Adventures in Autobumming: Gasoline Gypsies`, The Saturday Evening Post, December 20, 1919
1919: `Adventures in Autobumming: Want a Lift?`, The Saturday Evening Post, December 27, 1919
1920: `Adventures in Autobumming: The Great American Frying Pan`, The Saturday Evening Post, January 3, 1920
Драме[уреди | уреди извор]
1919: Hobohemia
1934: Jayhawker: A Play in Three Acts (with Lloyd Lewis)
1936: It Can`t Happen Here (with John C. Moffitt)
1938: Angela Is Twenty-Two (with Fay Wray)
Adapted for the feature film This Is the Life (1944)
Сценарио[уреди | уреди извор]
1943: Storm In the West (with Dore Schary – unproduced)[8]
Поеме[уреди | уреди извор]
1907: `The Ultra-Modern`, The Smart Set, July 1907
1907: `Dim Hours of Dusk`, The Smart Set, August 1907
1907: `Disillusion`, The Smart Set, December 1907
1909: `Summer in Winter`, People`s Magazine, February 1909
1912: `A Canticle of Great Lovers`, Ainslee`s Magazine, July 1912
Предговори[уреди | уреди извор]
1942: Henry Ward Beecher: An American Portrait (by Paxton Hibben; publisher: The Press of the Readers Club, NY NY)
Књиге[уреди | уреди извор]
1915: Tennis As I Play It (ghostwritten for Maurice McLoughlin)[9]
1926: John Dos Passos` Manhattan Transfer
1929: Cheap and Contented Labor: The Picture of a Southern Mill Town in 1929
1935: Selected Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis
1952: From Main Street to Stockholm: Letters of Sinclair Lewis, 1919–1930 (edited by Alfred Harcourt and Oliver Harrison)
1953: A Sinclair Lewis Reader: Selected Essays and Other Writings, 1904–1950 (edited by Harry E. Maule and Melville Cane)
1962: I`m a Stranger Here Myself and Other Stories (edited by Mark Schorer)
1962: Sinclair Lewis: A Collection of Critical Essays (edited by Mark Schorer)
1985: Selected Letters of Sinclair Lewis (edited by John J. Koblas and Dave Page)
1997: If I Were Boss: The Early Business Stories of Sinclair Lewis (edited by Anthony Di Renzo)
2000: Minnesota Diary, 1942–46 (edited by George Killough)
2005: Go East, Young Man: Sinclair Lewis on Class in America (edited by Sally E. Parry)
2005: The Minnesota Stories of Sinclair Lewis (edited by Sally E. Parry)
Референце[уреди | уреди извор]
^ Панчић, Теофил. „ROMAN – TO JE OVDE NEMOGUĆE > »Mali čovek« i veliko zlo”. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ Tasić, Jelena. „Knjiga koja je predvidela današnju Ameriku”. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ „Синклер Луис, први Американац који је добио Нобелову награду за књижевност”. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ STANKOVIĆ, Dušan. „Genije sa vizijom”. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ ТСАНКОВА, ГЕРГАНА. „Синклер Луис - бекства црвенокосог побуњеника”. Архивирано из оригинала 16. 01. 2021. г. Приступљено 23. 1. 2021.
^ „The Hack Driver” (PDF). Footprints Without Fleet: Supplementary Reader in English for Class X. New Delhi: NCERT. 2018. стр. 46—52. ISBN 978-81-7450-709-9. OCLC 1144708212.
^ „The Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis (1904–1949)”. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. Приступљено 31. 12. 2013.
^ Lewis, Sinclair; Schary, Dore (1963). Storm In the West. New York: Stein and Day.
^ Pastore, 323–5
Литература[уреди | уреди извор]
Lingeman, Richard R. (2002) Sinclair Lewis: Rebel From Main Street. New York: Borealis Books. ISBN 0873515412. online
Pastore, Stephen R. (1997) Sinclair Lewis: A Descriptive Bibliography. New Haven, YALE UP. ISBN 0965627500.
Schorer, Mark. (1961) Sinclair Lewis: An American Life. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961. online
Augspurger, Michael. `Sinclair Lewis` Primers for the Professional Managerial Class: Babbitt, Arrowsmith, and Dodsworth.` Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 34.2 (2001): 73–97. online
Babcock, C. Merton, and Sinclair Lewis. `Americanisms in the Novels of Sinclair Lewis.` American Speech 35.2 (1960): 110–116. online
Blair, Amy. `Main Street Reading Main Street.` New directions in American reception study (2008): 139–58.
Bucco, Martin. Main Street: The Revolt of Carol Kennicott, 1993.
Dooley, D. J. The Art of Sinclair Lewis, 1967.
Eisenman, David J. `Rereading Arrowsmith in the COVID-19 Pandemic.` JAMA 324.4 (2020): 319–320. online
Fleming, Robert E. Sinclair Lewis, a reference guide (1980) online
Hutchisson, James M. `Sinclair Lewis, Paul De Kruif, and the Composition of` Arrowsmith`.` Studies in the Novel 24.1 (1992): 48–66. online
Hutchisson, James M. `All of Us Americans at 46: The Making of Sinclair Lewis` Babbitt.` Journal of Modern Literature 18.1 (1992): 95–114. online
Hutchisson, James M. Rise of Sinclair Lewis, 1920–1930 (Penn State Press, 2010). online

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