
P.N.Krasnov: SLOM CARSTVA (1922)

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1900 - 1949.
Tematika: Književnost
Kulturno dobro: Predmet koji prodajem nije kulturno dobro ili ovlašćena institucija odbija pravo preče kupovine
Jezik: Srpski
Autor: Strani

Пјотр Николајевич Краснов: СЛОМ ЦАРСТВА
(пета књига романа `Од двоглава орла до црвена барјака`)
Издавач: КРАЉЕВСКА ЗЕМАЉСКА ТИСКАРА, Загреб, 1922.год.
Меки повез, 178 страна, латиница.
Очувано као на фотографијама.
Пјотр Николајевич Краснов је био руски краљевски официр, заповедник анти-бољшевичких снага током руског грађанског рата, касније атаман Донских Козака. Борећи се за повратак монархије у Русији, сарађивао с Немцима током Другог светског рата.
`In exile, Krasnov wrote memoirs and several novels. His famous trilogy Ot Dvuglavogo Orla k krasnomu znameni (From Double Eagle To the Red Flag), in addition to the main plot, with its hero, General Sablin, has several sub-plots which encompass many places, events, and personages from the time of the Revolution of 1905 to the Russian Civil War. It presents a vast panorama of the Revolution and the Civil War throughout the country. Events are revealed through the fates of many characters, who, in turn, give their own interpretations of the events. Even the revolutionaries have an opportunity to express their views, although, in general, their political expositions seem to be the weakest parts of the novel. The ideology of the book is thus presented polyphonically. The author, although he tends to align himself with his conservative characters, offers no personal opinion of his own. All major themes, such as authority vs. anarchy, respect for human dignity vs. violence, creative work vs. destruction, as well as cruelty and terror, are treated in this polyphonic manner. Krasnov had begun writing From Double Eagle to the Red Flag when he was in prison in 1917, but the novel was first published in Russian in Berlin in 1921. The American historian Brent Muggenberg wrote that Krasnov had `an impressive grasp of the motivations and mentalities` on both sides in the Russian Civil War. The German historian Daniel Siemens described From Double Eagle to the Red Flag as a deeply anti-Semitic book that accepted The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as genuine and accused `international Jewry` of inventing Communism`

Уплату треба обавити на Пошти, на мој број телефона (ПостНет), који ће купац добити након извршене куповине. Уплаћује се цена књиге + трошкови поштарине (најчешће шаљем као `препоручену тисковину`, јер пошиљка стигне за исто време као и код `брзе поште`, а јефтиније је. Наравно,поштоваћу жељу купца који инсистира на неком другом виду слања.)
Пошиљку шаљем, након проверене уплате, у најкраћем року.
Лично преузимање се односи на реон Грбавице, код Лиманске пијаце. Ако сам у могућности, прихватићу и другу локацију.

Predmet: 66264917
Пјотр Николајевич Краснов: СЛОМ ЦАРСТВА
(пета књига романа `Од двоглава орла до црвена барјака`)
Издавач: КРАЉЕВСКА ЗЕМАЉСКА ТИСКАРА, Загреб, 1922.год.
Меки повез, 178 страна, латиница.
Очувано као на фотографијама.
Пјотр Николајевич Краснов је био руски краљевски официр, заповедник анти-бољшевичких снага током руског грађанског рата, касније атаман Донских Козака. Борећи се за повратак монархије у Русији, сарађивао с Немцима током Другог светског рата.
`In exile, Krasnov wrote memoirs and several novels. His famous trilogy Ot Dvuglavogo Orla k krasnomu znameni (From Double Eagle To the Red Flag), in addition to the main plot, with its hero, General Sablin, has several sub-plots which encompass many places, events, and personages from the time of the Revolution of 1905 to the Russian Civil War. It presents a vast panorama of the Revolution and the Civil War throughout the country. Events are revealed through the fates of many characters, who, in turn, give their own interpretations of the events. Even the revolutionaries have an opportunity to express their views, although, in general, their political expositions seem to be the weakest parts of the novel. The ideology of the book is thus presented polyphonically. The author, although he tends to align himself with his conservative characters, offers no personal opinion of his own. All major themes, such as authority vs. anarchy, respect for human dignity vs. violence, creative work vs. destruction, as well as cruelty and terror, are treated in this polyphonic manner. Krasnov had begun writing From Double Eagle to the Red Flag when he was in prison in 1917, but the novel was first published in Russian in Berlin in 1921. The American historian Brent Muggenberg wrote that Krasnov had `an impressive grasp of the motivations and mentalities` on both sides in the Russian Civil War. The German historian Daniel Siemens described From Double Eagle to the Red Flag as a deeply anti-Semitic book that accepted The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as genuine and accused `international Jewry` of inventing Communism`
66264917 P.N.Krasnov: SLOM CARSTVA (1922)

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