Cena: |
Želi ovaj predmet: | 1 |
Stanje: | Polovan sa vidljivim znacima korišćenja |
Garancija: | Ne |
Isporuka: | Pošta Post Express Lično preuzimanje |
Plaćanje: | Tekući račun (pre slanja) Lično |
Grad: |
Beograd-Krnjača, Beograd-Palilula |
ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1900 - 1949.
Tematika: Fizika
Jezik: Nemački
Kulturno dobro: Predmet koji prodajem nije kulturno dobro ili ovlašćena institucija odbija pravo preče kupovine
Autor: Strani
Autor: Erwin Madelung
Izdavač: Springer Verlag (Berlin)
Godina: 1922 (I izdanje)
Broj strana: 247
Povez: tvrd (koža)
Visina: 23 cm
Stanje: ★★★★☆ (4-)
Knjiga je imala pečat koji je prežvrljan (vidi sliku)
„THIS book falls into two distinct parts: mathematics and physics. The third edition differs from the second (published about twelve years ago) in respect of a more systematic handling of the subjects, the introduction of much new matter, including a chapter on group theory, and a complete rewriting of the chapter on quantum theory. The author`s object is to provide for physicists a précis of those parts of mathematics which shall be of direct use, and which could only be otherwise obtained by consulting a large variety of text-books. In the second part of the book the equations of mathematical physics are formulated.”