
Fundamental Testaments of the American Revolution

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ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Tematika: Istorija
Godina izdanja: Posle 1950.
Kulturno dobro: Predmet koji prodajem nije kulturno dobro ili ovlašćena institucija odbija pravo preče kupovine
Autor: Strani

Fundamental Testaments of the American Revolution
Papers presented at the Second Symposium, May 10 and 11, 1973. Hardcover – 1973
by Bernard, KENYON, Cecilia M., JENSEN, Merrill et. al. BAILYN (Author)
Publisher: Library of Congress; First edition (1973)
When the fundamental testaments under discussion are Thomas Paine¿s Common Sense, `the most brilliant pamphlet written during the American Revolution, and one of the most brilliant pamphlets ever written in the English language,` produced by a bankrupt corsetmaker, `sometime teacher, preacher, and grocer, and twice-dismissed excise officer`; the Declaration of Independence, which Jefferson said `was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion`; the Articles of Confederation, `a way station on the road to another constitution,` written by men who had `declared an independence they had not yet achieved`; and the Paris Peace Treaty, an extraordinary document by any standards, `whether measured by such criteria as the revolutionary objectives of the American negotiators, the very peculiar and complex nature of the bargaining, the relevance of the negotiations to today¿s diplomacy... or the durable character of the treaty itself`; When the speakers are Bernard Bailyn, Winthrop Professor of History, Harvard University; Cecelia M. Kenyon, Charles N. Clark Professor of Government, Smith College; Merrill Jensen, Vilas Research Professor of History, University of Wisconsin; Richard B. Morris, Gouverneur Morris Professor of History, Emeritus, Columbia University; and J. Russell Wiggins, editor, publisher, and former U.N. ambassador; and the moderator is Julian P. Boyd, editor of The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton University; When all these ingredients are present, one can be assured of a lively session. And the second in the series of Library of Congress Symposia on the American Revolution, held May 10 and 11, 1973, was certainly that. The papers, presented in this volume, make no less interesting reading.

U inostransvo šaljem ako se dogovorimo oko načina uplate
Zbog mojih hroničnih zdravstvenih problema i poodmaklih godina, kao i još nekih razloga O B A V E Z N O me kontaktirajte P R E zvanične kupovine mojih predmeta...

LICNO PREUZIMANJE I S K L J U C I V O na mojoj adresi (blok 23 Nbgd) sa kupinda ...U PRINCIPU SVAKOG DANA od 16h do 21h..ALI
PRE dolaska OBAVEZNO me kontaktirajte telefonom...


Besplatna dostava se odnosi samo na teritoriju Srbije
Besplatna dostava znači da mi novac uplaćujete unapred, a ja, po uplati šaljem predmet kao običnu pošiljku (bez broja za praćenje)...
posle nekog broja izgubljenih posiljki bio sam primoran da UKINEM ovaj nacin slanja, a kupac, tamo gde pise besplatna dostava placa POLOVINU cene preporucene posiljke ili cene kurirske dostave preko cc paket kurirske sluzbe Poste Srbije..

Predmet: 48436433
Fundamental Testaments of the American Revolution
Papers presented at the Second Symposium, May 10 and 11, 1973. Hardcover – 1973
by Bernard, KENYON, Cecilia M., JENSEN, Merrill et. al. BAILYN (Author)
Publisher: Library of Congress; First edition (1973)
When the fundamental testaments under discussion are Thomas Paine¿s Common Sense, `the most brilliant pamphlet written during the American Revolution, and one of the most brilliant pamphlets ever written in the English language,` produced by a bankrupt corsetmaker, `sometime teacher, preacher, and grocer, and twice-dismissed excise officer`; the Declaration of Independence, which Jefferson said `was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion`; the Articles of Confederation, `a way station on the road to another constitution,` written by men who had `declared an independence they had not yet achieved`; and the Paris Peace Treaty, an extraordinary document by any standards, `whether measured by such criteria as the revolutionary objectives of the American negotiators, the very peculiar and complex nature of the bargaining, the relevance of the negotiations to today¿s diplomacy... or the durable character of the treaty itself`; When the speakers are Bernard Bailyn, Winthrop Professor of History, Harvard University; Cecelia M. Kenyon, Charles N. Clark Professor of Government, Smith College; Merrill Jensen, Vilas Research Professor of History, University of Wisconsin; Richard B. Morris, Gouverneur Morris Professor of History, Emeritus, Columbia University; and J. Russell Wiggins, editor, publisher, and former U.N. ambassador; and the moderator is Julian P. Boyd, editor of The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton University; When all these ingredients are present, one can be assured of a lively session. And the second in the series of Library of Congress Symposia on the American Revolution, held May 10 and 11, 1973, was certainly that. The papers, presented in this volume, make no less interesting reading.
48436433 Fundamental Testaments of the American Revolution

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