

990 din
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PostNet (pre slanja)
Grad: Smederevska Palanka,
Smederevska Palanka

StefanijaK (15021)

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Pozitivne: 26476

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Kupindo zaštita

ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2012.
Oblast: Okultizam
Jezik: Srpski
Autor: Strani

Udžbenički format, 141 strana.

Lepo očuvana knjiga.

Angels Over Light; Spiritual Food For Thought is a book of teachings and guidance from Angels. The Angels speak through Robert W. Johnson, the respected and loved Trance Medium, working in the Cayce tradition for over 30 years. This book contains excerpts from the thousands of readings Robert has done and answers our most heartfelt questions about life, God, Love, Healing and relationships. There is a chapter that gives us instructions on how and why to meditate and other chapters include discussions about reincarnation and manifestation. Each page contains the loving guidance of Angels with the hope of sparking the light within us all.

Anđeli, medijum...

Lično preuzimanje je u Smederevskoj Palanci.

Sva komunikacija se obavlja putem Kupindo poruka.

Pod `organizovanim transportom` smatram preporučenu tiskovinu ili paket (kada su kompleti i teže knjige).

Običnu tiskovinu ne šaljem jer nemam dokaz o slanju.

Novi cenovnik Pošte za preporučenu tiskovinu:

- 100g - 250g - 190 dinara
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Molim kupce iz inostranstva da me pre kupovine kontaktiraju porukom kako bismo se dogovorili oko uslova uplaćivanja i slanja.

Besplatna poštarina se ne odnosi na slanje u inostranstvo.

Pogledajte i ponudu na:

Ukoliko i tamo nešto pronađete, platićete preko istog računa i uštedeti na poštarini.

Predmet: 65778833
Udžbenički format, 141 strana.

Lepo očuvana knjiga.

Angels Over Light; Spiritual Food For Thought is a book of teachings and guidance from Angels. The Angels speak through Robert W. Johnson, the respected and loved Trance Medium, working in the Cayce tradition for over 30 years. This book contains excerpts from the thousands of readings Robert has done and answers our most heartfelt questions about life, God, Love, Healing and relationships. There is a chapter that gives us instructions on how and why to meditate and other chapters include discussions about reincarnation and manifestation. Each page contains the loving guidance of Angels with the hope of sparking the light within us all.

Anđeli, medijum...
65778833 Robert Johnson ANGELS OVER LIGHT

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