
Moon Watcher`s Companion - Donna Henes

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Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
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ISBN: Ostalo
Oblast: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Godina izdanja: K12
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju! Na Eng. Jeziku!

The Moon Watcher`s Companion: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Moon, and More
by Donna Henes

From the very earliest time, people have watched the moon`s mysterious and fascinating nocturnal sky show with amazement and intrigue. Even in today`s modern, busy world there are many of us who have taken a step back, looked upward, and wondered: What is it made of? How was it formed? What does it look like up close? In The Moon Watcher`s Companion, urban shaman, writer, and teacher Donna Henes enlivens the imaginations of those who have contemplated the moon by providing poems, drawings, stories, ancient wisdom, and scientific findings from a diverse blend of people and cultures throughout the world. Bringing together a wide range of writings about the moon, from Mother Goose to Joseph Campbell, Galileo to Audre Lorde, Sappho to Black Elk, as well as providing a comprehensive encyclopedia of lunar terminology, a timeline of lunar explorations, and three sections that detail the moon`s faces, phases, and known facts, author Hene has created a fascinating compendium of lunar science, myth, folklore, poetry, curious facts, and old wives` wisdom culled from cultures throughout the ages

Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, ritual expert, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than 100 cities since 1972. She has published five books and is included in six anthologies, a CD, an acclaimed Ezine and writes for The Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI Religion and Spirituality Forum, and serves as a ritual consultant for the television and film industry. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipalities and corporations to create meaningful ceremonies for every imaginable occasion.


☑ Zamolio bih clanove koji zele licno preuzimanje, da ne postavljaju uslove kako, sta, gde... licno preuzimanje je na mojoj adresi na Telepu, ako Vam to ne odgovara kupujte od nekog drugog.

☑ Svi predmeti su fotografisani na prirodnom svetlu, nema nikakvih filtera, efekata ili neceg slicnog !


☑ Dobro pogledajte fotografije, da ne dodje do nekog nesporazuma!

☑ Tu sam za sva pitanja!

☑ Knjige saljem nakon uplate!

☑ POUZECEM SALJEM SAMO CLANOVIMA BEZ NEGATIVNIH OCENA!!!! Takodje ne saljem clanovima koji su novi tj. bez ocena!!!

☑ Filmski plakati:

☑ Molim Vas da ne ocekujete od plakata da izgledaju kao da su sada izasli iz stamparije, ipak neki od plakata imaju godina... i mi se nakon 50 godina zguzvamo :) Trudim se da ih sto bolje fotografisem kako bi ste imali uvid u stanje.

☑ Sto se tice cena plakata, uzmite samo u obzir da su ovo originalni plakati iz perioda filma, i da kada bi ste hteli da napravite (odstampate) bilo kakav filmski plakat sa intereneta kostalo bi Vas verovatno vise od hiljadu dinara...

☑ Antikvarne knjige:

☑ Sto se tice antikvarnih knjiga, molim Vas da ne ocekujete da knjige koje su stare neke i po 150 godina budu u savrsenom stanju, budite srecni sto su uopste pozivele toliko vremena i sto je informacija jos uvek u njima, a stanje kakvo je takvo je, uvek mogu da se odnesu da se prekorice i malo sreda, pa da opet dobiju malo svezine, naravno ko to zeli.

Predmet: 62133093
U dobrom stanju! Na Eng. Jeziku!

The Moon Watcher`s Companion: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Moon, and More
by Donna Henes

From the very earliest time, people have watched the moon`s mysterious and fascinating nocturnal sky show with amazement and intrigue. Even in today`s modern, busy world there are many of us who have taken a step back, looked upward, and wondered: What is it made of? How was it formed? What does it look like up close? In The Moon Watcher`s Companion, urban shaman, writer, and teacher Donna Henes enlivens the imaginations of those who have contemplated the moon by providing poems, drawings, stories, ancient wisdom, and scientific findings from a diverse blend of people and cultures throughout the world. Bringing together a wide range of writings about the moon, from Mother Goose to Joseph Campbell, Galileo to Audre Lorde, Sappho to Black Elk, as well as providing a comprehensive encyclopedia of lunar terminology, a timeline of lunar explorations, and three sections that detail the moon`s faces, phases, and known facts, author Hene has created a fascinating compendium of lunar science, myth, folklore, poetry, curious facts, and old wives` wisdom culled from cultures throughout the ages

Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, ritual expert, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than 100 cities since 1972. She has published five books and is included in six anthologies, a CD, an acclaimed Ezine and writes for The Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI Religion and Spirituality Forum, and serves as a ritual consultant for the television and film industry. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipalities and corporations to create meaningful ceremonies for every imaginable occasion.
62133093 Moon Watcher`s Companion - Donna Henes

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